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我最爱的季节英语作文 (菁华5篇)

日期:2022-10-30 00:00:00


  In my city, it's sohot in the summer even in the evenings that nobody would like to stay at home. People usually walk in the street or sit in the open air. They gather to chat and there topics are various, such as their dinners, their families,livesor some interesting news around them. There are some people dancing every night. They take it as a good chance to do exercise and make friends. For some elderly people, they would like to do Tai Chi that is more suitable to them. As to my family, we always go outside after dinner. Except the hot weather, we think that walking after dinner is good to health. We often stay outside for an hour and then come home. But my father doesn't like to go outside because he is tired after work. All in all, the lives in summer are colorful, because people would like to go out and have some fun.



  My favourite season is autumn. The weather in autumn is neither hot nor cold, it's so cool, that makes people feel very suitable. Also it is the season that people can get the harvest of the crops from the field. We can go to fly kites in autumn .



  Some people like the spring when everything recovers,some people like the summer when it's hot,and some people like the winter when it's snowy,while I like the autumn when it's fruitful.


  On a sunny day,every child runs out,feels the embrace of the earth,and lies on the ground as if on the golden carpet.We ran in the crowd,hiding behind the big trees.Grandpa Feng whistled past brother maple leaf,which made him fall down.Brother maple leaf ran across the road,across the lake,across the crowd,and never escaped my hand.


  When it rained,the children were "imprisoned" in the house.People were not walking on the street,but hiding at home and sleeping.The street where people came and went became very cold.And maple leaf brother was hit by raindrops,some were knocked down,some were swept away by sanitation workers in garbage trucks.


  In the cloudy day,Grandpa Feng ran and ran hard,and the God was calm,as if the end of the world had come.The grass bent,listless,and the flowers lowered their heads,but the naughty children had already come out to play,only the strong soldiers stood guard there.


  Autumn,is a beautiful season,autumn,is a harvest season,fruits,farmers are busy harvesting,sweating.But the joy of the harvest made them forget their tiredness.


  In autumn,it is gorgeous and colorful,with layers of trees dyed; in autumn,fruits and fruits are fragrant and grains are plentiful; in autumn,wild geese fly south and mountains and rivers are magnificent.Ah! Autumn,you are irreplaceable.


  My favorite season — — unwittingly, the winter doll a jump out of the spring girl with a light step to come.

  Spring girl trotted all the way to the field. She saw that the flowers and grass were not fooled by the winter dolls. They could not rush to their heads. But they were anxious. They took out the warm little trumpet &ldquo, and &rdquo. The flowers were all dressed in colorful skirts, the grass sprouts, ready to start a new stage of growth.

  Spring girl walked with a hurried pace came to the park, the arrival of spring girl, the river on the ice melts, the small fish in the water happily swim, wearing a light green spring willow, facing the spring breeze swaying, combing with its beautiful long hair … …

  The arrival of spring girls also added a lot of interesting activities to us. Spring outing with our classmates can not only increase the friendship between our classmates, but also play the places we haven't played before. It's the best of both worlds. There is an annual sports meeting in spring, which can increase the physical exercise of the students. On weekends, you can have a picnic with your family and friends. Imagine that you and your family are sitting on the grass, surrounded by colorful flowers and delicious lunches. How wonderful!

  In the early morning, when we wake up and listen to the singing of birds, when we do gymnastics, a spring breeze will be kissing you again, and then we will humming a small area again. What a pleasant thing it is!

  A spring, the recovery of all things, the joys of spring, vibrant season, spring scenery is really amazing, I love spring!


  My favourite season is spring. As an old saying goes, a year's plan starts with spring. Spring is the start of a year. In the spring, birds sing, flowers bloom, trees turn to green, and everything is going to show their energy again from a cold winter. People can take off their heavy clothes and have exercises in open air. People begin to become more busier and make plans for the whole year. A good plan will lead to a good result. Spring is the most important season in one year, so I like it most.

我最爱的季节英语作文 (菁华5篇)扩展阅读

我最爱的季节英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展1)



  Scorching summer,fruitful autumn,vanity of build by laying bricks or stones jade winter is cute,but I prefer that all things recovery,vibrant spring.

  Spring,flourishing in full bloom,flowers,and willow,willow branches under the spring breeze blowing gently shaking,the swallow flew back from the south.

  Spring is the season of flowers.You see,the clusters of flowers on the grass in full bloom,red,yellow,purple,white...Colorful,beautiful! They hide,like a shy little girl.You lifted up his eyes looking from a distance,the lawn is like a piece of silk,the flower is on satin dotted pattern of stars.

  In the spring,spring rain mingled with continuous underground,like voice spinning out of line.It touch the earth,as if is a kind mother,gently stroking the child's face.

  At this time,the farmers began sowing seeds,the birds began to sing,animals began to cheer,continuous rain,the seed moist,the fish in the water looked up breathing,animals in the rain shower,how wonderful!

  Ah! In the spring! You bring hope and life walking slowly,everywhere,which contains the thriving vitality.Spring is a colorful picture scroll,full of spring! I love you!


  Winter grandpa is coming, the weather turned cold, winter grandpa to blow a sigh of relief, the earth covered with a layer of white carpet, let the trees put on a white coat, let the house became the past beautiful snow, there are clouds in the sky white snow, people put on thick cotton-padded clothes cotton trousers...

  Saturday morning, of snow, the snow swirl coming from the sky to the earth mother's arms, the earth covered with a layer of white quilt. I woke up and had a stretch, down from the bed and put on the clothes, was attracted by the snow outside! I went to the window and saw a beautiful sight: there was a big, mischievous snowflake doll from heaven to the earth mother's embrace, let the earth covered a layer of white quilt, ah! High-rise buildings into past white castle, changed the silver tree, all the flowers, the grass is withered, only the plum flower is still there and enjoy.

  I saw such a beautiful scenery, hurriedly ran downstairs and rolling the first two snowball, stack them up, then took two small stones when the snowman's eyes, and then with a carrot as snowman's nose, get a few small stones when light snow man's mouth, and I took a small hat to wear of light snow person, and two root tree when the snowman's arm, I roll again two light snow ball when the hand of the light snow, I afraid of cold snowman, also specially to light snow for a long scarf.

  Ah! Winter is beautiful! I love winter!


  星期六的早晨,下了一场大雪,大雪纷纷扬扬地从天上飘到大地妈妈的怀抱里,给大地盖上了一层雪白的棉被。我醒了,伸了一个懒腰,从床上下来,穿好衣服,被外面的雪景吸引住了!我走到窗前,看见了一幅美丽的景色 :外面下着鹅毛大雪,调皮的雪花娃娃从天上飘到大地妈妈的怀抱里,让大地盖上了一层雪白的棉被,啊!高楼大厦都变成了一座座白色的城堡,大树换上了银装,所有的花儿,草儿都凋谢了,只有梅花还在那里美美地开着。




  My favourite season is spring.As an old saying goes,a year's plan starts with spring.Spring is the start of a year.In the spring,birds sing,flowers bloom,trees turn to green,and everything is going to show their energy again from a cold winter.People can take off their heavy clothes and have exercises in open air.People begin to become more busier and make plans for the whole year.A good plan will lead to a good result.Spring is the most important season in one year,so I like it most.


  My favorite season is winter. People view winter as harsh and cold and bitter. I do not see winter the same way they do. I feel winter is meaningful, because winter's cold reminds me of the warmth I have around me. I feel winter is fun, because I can play with snow. I feel winter is friendly because I do not have to endure the harsh rains and the possibility of being wet. Just the soft snow that falls gently upon my shoulders.


  I love winter with all my heart. However, I do realize that there is a cost to everything. In order to have my winter, I will have to endure the baking summer, the raining and annoying spring, the leafy and sad autumn, before I can see my winter again. Which makes me worship my winter even more. It helps me to understand that I can only get, after I give. I love winter, for now and ever.


  My favorite season — — unwittingly, the winter doll a jump out of the spring girl with a light step to come.

  Spring girl trotted all the way to the field. She saw that the flowers and grass were not fooled by the winter dolls. They could not rush to their heads. But they were anxious. They took out the warm little trumpet &ldquo, and &rdquo. The flowers were all dressed in colorful skirts, the grass sprouts, ready to start a new stage of growth.

  Spring girl walked with a hurried pace came to the park, the arrival of spring girl, the river on the ice melts, the small fish in the water happily swim, wearing a light green spring willow, facing the spring breeze swaying, combing with its beautiful long hair … …

  The arrival of spring girls also added a lot of interesting activities to us. Spring outing with our classmates can not only increase the friendship between our classmates, but also play the places we haven't played before. It's the best of both worlds. There is an annual sports meeting in spring, which can increase the physical exercise of the students. On weekends, you can have a picnic with your family and friends. Imagine that you and your family are sitting on the grass, surrounded by colorful flowers and delicious lunches. How wonderful!

  In the early morning, when we wake up and listen to the singing of birds, when we do gymnastics, a spring breeze will be kissing you again, and then we will humming a small area again. What a pleasant thing it is!

  A spring, the recovery of all things, the joys of spring, vibrant season, spring scenery is really amazing, I love spring!

我最爱的季节英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展2)

——季节的英语作文 (菁华5篇)

  Each of the four seasons is very beautiful. Spring, melting snow and ice, All flowers bloom together.; in summer, the scorching sun, cicadas contention; in autumn, fruits, the sky was clear; winter, snow, snow. But, I think the beauty season "million".

  Taste of autumn is full of happiness. When the school bell spread throughout the campus, the students just out of a bird, alive and kicking up immediately. The students play happily, let fall more and more concentrated flavor.

  Taste of autumn is rich multicolored decorations. The chrysanthemum flower beds with open up like a dragon, and some exploratory claw; some like a shy girl in the dress. Chrysanthemum green leaves and pale yellow petals silhouetted against each other, very harmonious, very perfect. The basin rose favorably, have revealed that handsome face, is so noble.

  Taste of autumn fruit overflowing. The market, on the street, in the supermarket, everywhere floating fruit aroma. Apple like a round face, red; Huang Cheng Yali; grapes, more crystal clear, like crystal carving out; jujube naughty from tree the embrace of her mother escaped; large persimmon like small lanterns, endure endure crowded crowded on the shelves. The autumn wind, a fresh face, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind.

  Autumn is a poem; autumn is a painting; autumn is a song; autumn is a beautiful dream.

  Ah! I love this beautiful autumn.

  The hot summer season, hot wind in the air blowing, blowing in the face, but still warm. People because of the hot weather, seems to be absent-minded, I sat,dizzy, as people like to be absent-minded to write composition, feel boring, helooked out of the window.

  The park trees, flowers and trees, because the weather is hot, like a child has been criticized as hung his head, become dejected and despondent. The lake is like a mirror, not a ripple. The order of the kinds of trees, perhaps because the weather is too hot, they will be in the blues, a few benches under the willow, willevery time someone come to visit, some people find a shady place, sleeping on the ground. The park of the cicada is particularly much, they kept crying, peoplelike to sing a lullaby, make people fall asleep, can do a good dream.

  On the road often sounded the horn, and the car sound, although the weather was very hot, but there are still many car shuttle back and forth on the road,there are many people in the zebra crossing walk. The car with air conditioning,let more hot outside, so that people feel very irritable, a lose one's vitality.

  The hot summer brings restlessness, be in the blues all day, really good.

  On my summer vacation, I went to the Shanghai Best International English Village.

  Maybe somebody will ask me, “Why did you go there?” I will tell them, “Because I think it is the best! And now, let me tell you something about the village.”

  In the English village, I saw so many foreign people. They were our teachers. We became good friends. Every day, we had different teachers to study with us. We often played games and all the games were interesting.

  My favorite teacher was an old woman. She always wore a pair of glasses. She was fat, but I thought she was so gentle. Her name was Carolyn. She came from the USA. She looked like my grandmother.

  From her, we learnt a lot. We learnt how to speak English well and how to have faith in ourselves. Every day, I said to myself, “I can! I believe I can speak English well. If you can, you can!”

  Now, I always say to myself, “I am the best! If I work hard, I’ll speak English well. ”







  Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and the flowers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere.

  Spring also arrives in our school. Come and see, behind our teaching building, there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it, there are some other flowers smiling at you, Some are yellow, some are red. In our school garden, more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen.

  Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the sun, Listen, a group of girls are singing "Where’s spring?" It sounds like the singing of lark birds. All these make me think that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is just in our school. Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.




  My favorite season is spring.Spring is warm, energy,and colorful.Every things wake up from the cold winter.And the people also take off the heavy clothes.So love spring very much.

  Spring is coming towards us with the bright colors.





我最爱的季节英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展3)

——我最喜欢的季节是春天英语作文 (菁华5篇)

  My favorite season —— unwittingly, the winter doll a jump out of the spring girl with a light step to come.

  Spring girl trotted all the way to the field. She saw that the flowers and grass were not fooled by the winter dolls. They could not rush to their heads. But they were anxious. They took out the warm little trumpet , and &rdquo. The flowers were all dressed in colorful skirts, the grass sprouts, ready to start a new stage of growth.

  Spring girl walked with a hurried pace came to the park, the arrival of spring girl, the river on the ice melts, the small fish in the water happily swim, wearing a light green spring willow, facing the spring breeze swaying, combing with its beautiful long hair ……

  The arrival of spring girls also added a lot of interesting activities to us. Spring outing with our classmates can not only increase the friendship between our classmates, but also play the places we haven't played before. It's the best of both worlds. There is an annual sports meeting in spring, which can increase the physical exercise of the students. On weekends, you can have a picnic with your family and friends. Imagine that you and your family are sitting on the grass, surrounded by colorful flowers and delicious lunches. How wonderful!

  In the early morning, when we wake up and listen to the singing of birds, when we do gymnastics, a spring breeze will be kissing you again, and then we will humming a small area again. What a pleasant thing it is!

  A spring, the recovery of all things, the joys of spring, vibrant season, spring scenery is really amazing, I love spring!

  Scorching summer, autumn fruits, cold winter. Every season has its own unique beauty, but what I like most is spring.

  Spring is a revival and vibrant season for all things. When you walk into the park, you smell a delicate fragrance of flowers. Into a look, I was shocked, as if into a picture, there are flowers riotous with colour brilliant purples and reds. Spilt spill spring is in full blossom, red flowers and elegant white flowers Gao Jie, warm and deep purple flowers. Green head, grass stuck around; peach pink face is exposed, and people say hello; the river thawed, the river ice collide, issued “ Ding Ding ” sounds like a wonderful music. The water of the river is clean and clear, like a blue scarf, and the water and grass at the bottom of the river are green and green. Sometimes a few small fish play in the water. Play the game of hide and seek, hide behind the water and grass. After a while, Miss butterfly wearing a beautiful dress in the flowers dancing, sometimes stopped to drink a few cups of honey. Soon, Mr. bee also came to dance with Miss butterfly, dancing the graceful waltz.

  “ where is spring, where is spring? Spring is in our eyes …… ” I can't help humming children's nursery rhymes. Yes! Where spring comes, there is a vibrant scene. In the pleasant spring season, the mountains towering trees, willow riparian tucui, countryside qunfangtu Yan, the resurrection scene intoxicated.

  Suddenly, winter winter, the weather began to gradually pick up, the climate became wetter, giving a moist warm feeling. Spring has come back at last, and its arrival gives nature a new sight. Everywhere is full of vitality, full of vitality.

  In the spring, it is the season of flying kites. I'm going to fly a kite with a couple of guys today. We were excited and shouting and shouting, running and jumping, happy like a happy little bird, and the playground suddenly became lively. When you see people running and putting lines on the other side, the colorful kites slowly rise, rise and rise, and show different forms in the blue sky. Some like the large aircraft, flying in the sky; some like goldfish, free to travel in the blue sea; some like butterflies, dancing in the pear; some like the eagle, in the blue sky fluttering strong wings and fly to the distant ahead & hellip; … ah, the blue sky a riot of colours, like a kaleidoscope, like a beautiful paradise.

  After the burst of spring rain, a clump of green grass stretches. A small blue flower, small white flowers and small red …… like a shy little girl. The willow wobble the newly grown twigs. The peach trees open the pink smiling face to greet the beautiful spring. Spring after a winter sleeping trees are covered with green gauze, green shoots and out of the branches, with the new desire and vision for the future, in the breeze!

  Ah! The spring, like a picture, paper, the pen, painted with a vigorous color, the green belt in the wilderness, mountains; the brilliant colors, with flowers, the blue; covered on the sea, the waters of the lake with the light green.

  I love spring, like a traveler, wandering the Quartet, sowing the seeds of spring spring, the spread of news, wake a hibernating animal, over the river ice and the morning, warm feeling, the earth melted snow.

  Scorching summer, autumn fruits, winter jade powder is certainly beautiful, but I love the spring recovery of all things full of vigour.

  Spring, blooming grass from the earth, a hundred flowers contend in beauty, drill out, willows have sprouted, willow in the spring breeze blowing gently swaying, the swallow flew back from the south.

  The spring breeze blows the clear river, and the little fish swim and play happily in the water. There are tiny ripples on the water surface, and a little gold is shining under the sunlight.

  The grass, the grass were stripped of the yellow old clothes, put on a green spring. The flowers argue with wearing a riotous with colour flower dress, the spring breeze blowing, flowers and grasses are danced a merry dance.

  The blink of an eye, under the rain, the fine drizzling rain, washed away by the heavy winter. Through the moisture of the rain, all kinds of flowers and trees decorate the nature of the new. Look at the spring sky again! Ah! Flying kites in the sky, in the blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites are particularly beautiful. At this time, how I would like to make a kite and fly under the blue sky, what a pleasant scene it is!

  Ah! Spring! You walk slowly with life and hope, and wherever you go, there is no more vigorous vitality. Spring is a picture of a riot of colours in the spring, a riot of colour! I love you!

  Spring has come, the swallows return from the south, it is a beautiful black feathers, a pair of beautiful wings of light, in the sky and pecked the branches for the home to build their nests. I seem to hear it say: “ I can move the new home again. I'm so happy! ”

  Willow spit out the green shoots I came to a small river, saw the embankment, full of vigor and vitality, in the summer, people can rely on the shade in its body, it is so happy! I heard the buzz buzz “ ” singing cheerful songs, I asked. “ stream, brook, where are you going? ” Brooks said: “ I will flow into the river, on the road I can moisten the fields, wet land … I can make a little contribution for people &rdquo I am very happy;

  I came to a garden of flowers, a riot of colour, powder like Xia, white as snow, red Sihuo, really beautiful ah! People praise the beautiful and bright flowers. The flower listened to the words of praise and was very happy.

  I come to the fields, the sky began to rain misty spring rain, the wet grass, make the grass more green, wet earth, making the earth more soft … the farmer uncle smiled a sweet smile, they planted a pumpkin, corn …… they also sow hope, hope for the coming year to have a good harvest in autumn. They seem to see the eggplant on the purple robe, the winter gourd on the white yarn, the sorghum raised the torch …… they have a happy smile.

  I came to the Daning river again. I saw my kids running on the beach. They were watching colorful smiles. They smiled happily.

  What a beautiful spring is, how sweet, and how gorgeous! I like spring because she makes everything so happy in the world!

我最爱的季节英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展4)












































































































我最爱的季节英语作文 (菁华5篇)(扩展5)



























































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