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知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)

日期:2022-12-05 00:00:00


  Have you ever seen the magnificent sea? Do you know that it is gathered by innumerable tributaries?

  Have you ever eaten an intoxicating flower? Did you know that it was the little bee that collected all the flowers?

  In the same way, knowledge is not acquired through the study of one or two days, but by the accumulation of people through long hours of hard work. Throughout the world, all knowledge is accumulated. French popular science scholar Jules verne wrote one hundred and four science fiction novels, the name of the world. But few noticed that he had taken hundreds of notes, hundreds of thousands of words. In order to accumulate the material, he tried to talk, and began to write his diary from a young age. Imagine, assuming verne didn't accumulate so much information, why did his science fiction come out? Let's say that tian xiaofei doesn't keep writing diaries. Why does she write a poem about teenage hobbies? Thus, knowledge accumulates.

  Now, we are in the year of knowledge explosion, we learn knowledge, not only not diligent in accumulation, but also good at accumulation. He who has read all his life, and who has read all his life, has died with nothing. His study was cluttered with thousands of books. Although erudite, the volume remains ink, and the notes are overlapping, but because of the knowledge scattered, do not know the great detail, do not think to use, and do not add a bit of their own equipment to the increasingly brilliant human culture.

  The Great Wall of the world is made up of countless stone rules. If you are not willing to be the knowledge of the old flower and willing to be the knowledge of the millionaire, then, please from diligence to accumulate, good at accumulation begin to do!


  "Reading makes progress; reading makes men wise." Today I read "the spirit of little water droplet", and I really benefited a lot.

  Spirit of droplets this article mainly through the "I" see a myriad of small water droplets can be merged into a basin of water and think of premier zhou's story, tell us with accumulation of knowledge, if there is a small water droplets of spiritual knowledge will be more reasonable.

  "Everybody opened the book to eat a surprise, every page in the book is full of words, it is his reading notes and copy down good words." This is a sentence in the article, which was written by premier zhou after reading the book. Seeing this, I can't help thinking of myself. When the teacher assigned us to write a book, I was not so serious, just casually copying a few words and a few sentences carelessly. If the teacher did not arrange, I even did not want to write, a book, an article after reading, disappeared in my mind. The same is to write book notes, premier zhou is how aware, earnest, and I am how passive, careless. Is it possible for me to write good compositions and enrich my knowledge without accumulating knowledge by drop? How ashamed I am!

  "I thought, if we had the spirit of a little drop of water, our knowledge would be richer." This is the last sentence of the article. Indeed, if we have the spirit of accumulate over a long period, many a mickle makes a muckle, our knowledge is not richer, more comprehensive, we wouldn't be a talented person in the future?


  Knowledge is the wing that makes the ideal. Man has knowledge, and now he has everything. Knowledge is the most indispensable thing in the human brain. Watt's steam engine, bell's telephone, Edison's white lantern, Einstein's theory of relativity... All this is paved with a lot of knowledge. Knowledge is the bridge to all success.

  Where does knowledge come from? Knowledge is not about can, want to rely on the accumulation of a lot of, reading, time to have the knowledge, the main way for our students acquire knowledge is to read as much as reference books, I ain't a comic here said the reference books, but is good for our primary school students, such as literature, biographical, essays and so on. Read more books and read good books. Reading alone is not enough. We need to combine theory with practice. Practice is the ladder to achieve the ideal. To tell us that knowledge can only be used properly if the theory is combined with practice, and it is not possible to ap* the theory of rote books. Now, we have to accumulate knowledge, some knowledge, can be more chance of success, and everyone is known as zhuge liang, resourceful, know many aspects knowledge, geographical astronomical without impassability, dismiss cultural situation, the accumulation of various aspects of knowledge with him more very much. There is no harm in accumulating knowledge. I am eager for knowledge and knowledge to open the door of wisdom.

  Students, let us work together!

知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——史上最全的英语语法知识 (菁华3篇)


  that 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语

  which 指物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语(作宾语时可以省略)

  who 指人在从句中作主语,宾语或表语

  whom 指人在从句中作宾语

  whose 指人或物在从句中作定语

  as 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语

  but 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语

  注意:指物时,whose+名词=the+名词+of which或 of which+the+名词

  as 的用法

  常用于下列结构:such…as; so…as;the same…as; as…as

  注意:the same…as 表示同一类,不同一个

  the same…that 表示同一个


  1. 位置不同


  2. as起连接作用,表达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内容的根据或出处,意为“正如,正像”。

  Which相当于并列句,可以用and this来代替,意为“这一点,这件事’”。

  注意:as常用于下列结构:as we know/ as is known to all, as we all can see, as has been said before/above,

  as might be excepted, as is often the case, 一般不能用which代替as。

  3. 在从句中作主语时,which既可作系动词be的主语也可作实义动词的主语,而as只可作系动词be的主语。


  1. 当介词放在关系代词之前时。

  2. 在非限制性定语从句中。

  3. 当关系代词指整个主句的概念时。


  1. 关系代词作从句的主语时,从句中谓语动词的人称和数要与先行词保持一致,先行词是句子时,从句的谓语动词用单数形式。

  2. “one of+复数名词”位于关系代词前作先行词时,关系代词在从句中作主语,从句的动词通常用复数,但当one前有the,the only,the very等修饰时,从句的谓语动词要用单数。

知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)

——我们需要广博的知识高中英语作文 (菁华3篇)


  Our modern civilization is mainly attributed to the achievements of science and technolagy. With the broadening of human knowledge, We know more and more about the world we are living in. Human beings use their knowledge to change the environment, utilize the natural resources and create a fine world which is suitable for mankind. Thus comes the modern civilization of industry, agriculture and science.

  Social science constructs the spiritual nature of human beings. Man achieves social science through colourful social life. The natural science, no matter how advanred, cannot develop further without the direction of social science. in modern society, the relationship between natural science and social science has become closer. A great many new subjects, which are actually derivedfromboth natural and social science, have come into existence and greatly enriched the sea of human knowledge.

  As college students, we should learn as many kinds of knowledge as possihle.We are required to do as much as we can to improve human life and society as well. Without sufficient knowledge, we can't meet the future needs and can't be what we are expected to be. So we must learn as many kinds of knowledge as we can during our stay at the uni verity.





  After reading a book about Zheng He's voyage to the west, I learned from his voyage experience that knowledge is power.

  Zheng He in order to identify the direction, and has begun to astronomical navigation positioning and navigation pass bination, improve the accuracy of the determination of position and direction, if he has no knowledge of sailing in the sea, how to identify the direction?

  Zheng He's voyage to the west is very large, and how does the ship connect with the ship? They use flags, lanterns, brass gongs, and horns as a contact tool, which shows that the wisdom of Zheng He's mand is great and really admirable.

  As a child, Zheng He liked to listen to his grandfather or father for the mountains and features of the western countries and their customs, which were used in navigation. If he did not understand the folklore of the western countries, he would be inpatible with those countries, and how could it be friendly with those countries?

  Western the navigation technology Zheng He, is based on scientific knowledge and marine navigation as basis, using the log, depth sounder and other navigation equipment, according to the charts, the needle to ensure the navigation of the ship road entry route. If Zheng will not use this technique of navigation, the fleet will not go to the destination, and do not know where to go.

  Only by mastering a variety of knowledge, to bee a generation of children. I ate the fish once, and I was fast eating because the fish was very good, and I accidentally stuck a small piece of fish sore into my throat. I'm in a hurry. At this time, my brother, Xuan Xuan said to me: "you should drink some vinegar, you can put fish out." I hastened a lot of vinegar, and sure enough, it was pulled out of the fish. Later, I read the book to know that the vinegar has the effect of softening the fish. I can't help but admire the proud.

  It is true that knowledge is power. There is knowledge everywhere in life. As long as we watch it, we can find it. We should not only find knowledge in our life, but also learn the cultural knowledge of every door in school so as to be a great man like Zheng He. We must remember a word, "the only person who wins the knowledge can win the future."


  Generally, knowledge gained from books is theoretical, that gained from experience is practical. It is difficult to answer which is more important to we people. It depends on the phases and events of our learning.

  Knowledge learned from books is (instructive教育性的,) which perhaps cannot learn directly from experience. We often hear thunders and see lightning in the sky, and we can easily find that lightning will be seen sooner than sound will be heard. According to our experience alone, we cannot tell why it had happened. But when we learn some physics in textbooks, we will find the answer clearly that because light travels faster than sound does, it takes less time for light to travel the same distance than for sound. Therefore, book knowledge can inform us some useful theories that can give us general ideas and help us understand the real phenomenon better.

  In turn, practice knowledge check out the theories gained from books. There is an old Chinese saying that practice is the only criterion of inspecting the truth. So not all knowledge from books is credible, even false. When Aristotle wrote in his transcripts that the earth is the center of our planets, no one doubts this for centuries. However, when Galileo read about it, he did not suspect it at first, but when he made some observation and research, he found it is not the truth. Then comes the new theory—Sun center theory.





知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)

——知识就是力量英语作文 (菁华3篇)


  I dont know why. Recently, I always hated learning very much. As long as I mentioned something related to learning, I would be particularly annoying and even quarreled with my parents.

  Today, my father talked to me about a heart. Dad asked me why I didnt want to learn. I told my father, because I feel good in performance, which is useless, because no one will give me a math problem or a Chinese topic in the future. When Dad listened, he laughed and asked me if I knew what one plus one was equal to. I disdain to say, equal to two, this is not simple. Dad asked again, if I asked you the question when you were very young, could you answer it? Obviously not. Because you have so much knowledge, you can easily answer these questions now. In the future you work the same way, although the content you learn now will not be used directly, but these things are your foundation! Only a good study, in the future can be able to handle their own work, to remember, knowledge is power!

  I listen to my fathers words, heart inside feel bright, knowledge is power, right, I must study well, because knowledge is power!


  Everyone wants to get ahead. If we want to get ahead, we need to be capable and competent. We must have culture. Friends often ask me, Wen mountain elder brother, how can have the ability to deal with their side of what happened? How can you make yourself mature? Actually, to tell you the truth, we can only give you a symbolic answer to all these questions, but we cant give you the real answer. Even if I tell you how you should do it, you probably cant do it. So lets talk to you about this topic today.

  Is actually very simple, want to let yourself not to be eliminated by the society, not being a joke, not by others as a child, you have to have some attractions. So Wenshan still recommends that if you have time, you can read more books or buy a few books on the Internet, or download it to your mobile phone. A beautiful woman in the book, the book house of gold, so I want to get knowledge, reading is a good way. Choose the book you should see according to your needs. Some friends always say, mountain brother, I did not learn how to learn, there is no culture, do not understand. Or Im sleepy when I read a book. How can I remember it? In fact, these are all excuses, why dont you say money is not your print, you dont spend money? So dont make excuses for your laziness. You are lazy and lazy, so please pay more attention to it.

  So here to introduce some of the books that Wenshan has read, do not know whether you can help friends, there is a like to see a look.

  Thirty-six, the Analects of Confucius, historical records, Huangdi Neijing, shuijingzhu, concentration and crystallization of these books are China 5000 years of splendid culture, we can take a long look at knowledge.

  In addition, Sherlock Holmes, ghost blows 1, 2, how the steel was tempered, one thousand and one nights, Ukiyo-e, history of European architecture, the secret of life, these books is a personal hobby, and broaden their horizons, to accommodate some books of eastern and Western culture.

  There are other, the history of the development of capitalism, the theory of marketing management, psychology, communication and exchange, on the opposite side of the people, and knowledge, these books are more complex, but includes many aspects, so long to knowledge friends must see more complex, more knowledge, and you can see the knowledge in mind and in life, let you see the book becomes a part of your life, the light of hope for you!


  Knowledge is power.

  Knowledge is the source of all power, is the capital of the literati poet expresses lofty sentiments and aspirations; is the prosperity of the country, the power source of the scientific development is the cornerstone of the independent; people in the forest of the world culture. For knowledge is power.

  "There are talented people in the Jiangshan generation, and they have been coquettish for hundreds of years." Are men of literature and writing of the desire for knowledge, to express the literati talent, is eager to aspiring people. "Pavilion of Prince Teng" in order to let Wang Bo fame, express the profound and forceful feeling. Ten years of studying only for once he succeeded, he is now the ambition to express the moment, but he died young, ill fated, let a person feel sorry. But Hou Meng was different. A "Linjiang immortal" made him full of hope for the future, and returned to the people who laughed at him. After his promotion of prime minister. It is knowledge that gives him the opportunity, and knowledge enriches himself. For knowledge is power.

  "Science is the first productive force, and knowledge is the source of scientific development." It is the states attention to knowledge, because the development of the country is inseparable from knowledge. It is the foundation of the countrys prosperity and independence from the forest of the world. Tso of Guan Yus attention on people like hunger and thirst to, behaved most incisive. Wen Jiuzhan osuga, win glory in battle, there is public recognition of Cao Guan Yu to have a gorge Cao Cao Huarong road. Also reflects the feelings for Duke spit feeding. Because the development of the country needs talent and the state of managing the country with talent.

  And knowledge is also the cornerstone of the forest that is independent of the worlds culture. The Nobel prize is a compliment to the people who have knowledge. Lu Xun, contradiction, Mo Yan is not the owner of knowledge, knowledge brings them power, and brings the breath of life value. Because they believe that knowledge is power.

  It may be confusing: how can a person with a lot of knowledge become a bookworm? Some people do not read much in their careers but succeed? In my opinion, people who become nerds are because they do not know how to use knowledge. But the success of less reading is that they are good at making hard work and hard work.

  Knowledge is power, and you are full of hope for life.

知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)




  1, I have a car ----we have cars

  2, He is an American boy. ----They are American boys

  3, It is a car ----They are cars

  4,This is an eraser ----These are erasers

  5,That is a backpack -----Those are backpacks

  6,I'm an English teacher ------We are English teachers

  7,It's a new shirt---- They are new shirts

  8,He's a boy ----They are boys

  9,She's a singer ------They are singers

  10,What's this in English?---- What are these in English?

  1、变法:在人名后面加's 记住:'s要译成"的" E.g.: Lucy(名词所有格) Lucy's


  E.g.: Lily and Lucy (名词所有格)Lily and Lucy's

  Lily Lucy and Julia (名词所有格)Lily Lucy and Julia's

  3、以s结尾的名词复数所有格在后面加',E.g.: students'




  3、特殊疑问词通常有:what/ where/ who /whose/ how/how old/ what colour/ what class /what grade/what row/what school

知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)




  ① -er,例如:painter(画家);writer(作家)。

  ② -or,例如:actor(演员);sailor(水手)。

  ③ -ant,例如:attendant(侍者);dependant (受赡养者)。

  ④ -ent,例如:resident(居民);propellent(推进物)。

  ⑤ -ist,例如:typist(打字员);copyist(誊写员)。

  ⑥ -ment,例如:excitement(紧张);amazement(惊奇)。

  ⑦ -t,例如restraint(控制);complaint(投诉)。

  ⑧ -ture,例如:fixture(固定状态);mixture(混合物)。

  ⑨ -ion/-tion,例如:celebration(庆祝);intention(意向)。

  ⑩ -al,例如:renewal(更新);approval(赞许)。


  ① -ness,例如:goodness, happiness.

  ② -y/ty/ity,例如:difficulty, certainty, majority.

  ③ -th,例如:truth, warmth.

  ④ -ce/cy,例如:patience, urgency.


  -ial, -n, -al, -ese, -ary, -ful, -ly, -y, -ous, -ish, -ic, -less 等。例如:industrial(工业的);Asian(亚洲的); emotional(情绪的);Chinese(华人的);disciplinary(纪律的);careful(小心的);friendly(友善的);stormy(有风浪的);dangerous(危险的);childish(幼稚的);economic(经济上的);useless(无用的)。


  这里的形容词后缀有“-ent/-ant, -able/-ible, -ive/-tive” 等。例如:dependent, observant; agreeable, sensible; attractive, attentive.


  常用的动词性后缀是:“-en, -ise/-ize, -fy, -ate”等。例如:frighten, threaten; apologise, standardise; classify, beautify; originate, motivate.


  这里的后缀有两个,即:-ise/-ize和-en,例如:modernise, realise; brighten, weaken.


  如:successfully, carefully, angrily, quickly; daily, monthly, yearly.

  主动语态比被动语态直接而有力,多用主动语态,可以使文章充满朝气,呈现活力。在下列两组句子中, (b)比(a)有力:

  (1) a.My first visit to New Zealand will always be remembered by me.

  b. I will always remember my first visit to New Zealand.

  (2) a.The crowing of cocks could be heard at dawn.

  b. The cocks' crow came with dawn.

  虽然如此,在某些情况下,非用被动语态不可。前此已提过这事,这里不再重述。这里只有指出其中一点,就是有些动词,如 "base, schedule, expect, suppose" 等,通常以被动语态形式出现。


  (1)This survey was based on facts.

  (2)The last train is scheduled to leave at 9pm.

  (3)You are expected to come on time.

  (4)All are supposed to work hard.



  (1)Helen's left lung is infected.

  (2)He is confined to the house by illness.

  (3)The old man was seized with sudden chest pains.


  (4) I am completely exhausted after the game.

  (5)Tom was done up after the race.


  (6)The children were fascinated by the toys.

  (7)We were delighted to hear the good news.

  (8) I am very pleased to see you here.


  (9)The workers were held up by the heavy rain.

  (10)The road was blocked by ice.

  (11)The train was delayed by 30 minutes.


  (12)Tom is addicted to smoking.

  (13)Foreign workers are quite used to hard work.


  (14)Who was upset by John?

  (15)Mother was annoyed to know this.


  (16) I was surprised to see him here.

  (17)All were shocked to hear the bad news.


知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)


  1.作主语。 如:

  To learn English is very important.

  但实际上不定式作主语常用 it来作形式主语,而将不定式移至谓语动词后作真正的主语。


  It's very important to learn English.

  2.作表语。 如:

  My idea is to ring him up at once.

  3.作宾语。 如:

  I have decided to go to Binjiang Primary School.


  a. ask, want, teach, tell, know, would like, allow等动词后面接动词不定式作宾语补足语。

  如: The policemen asked him to get off the bus.

  b. hear, see, look at, feel, watch, notice, listen to等动词后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。

  如: We often see Miss Li clean the classroom.

  c. let, make, have这些使役动词后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。但在被动语态中这些不带to的都须带上to。

  如: In those days the bosses often made the workers work day and night.


  如: Can you help me (to) carry the heavy bag?


  a.与被修饰词有动宾关系。如:I have something important to tell you.但如果不定式动词为不及物动词,后面的介词千万不要省略。

  如: Maybe they have three rooms to live in.


  如: Mr Liang is always the first to come and the last to leave.


  如: I have no time to play cards.


  如: I'll go to meet my friend at the railway station.

  7.不定式复合结构"for sb. to do sth" 作主语时,常用"It is +adj+ for

  of sb. to do sth"的'句式。形容词good, bad, polite, unkind, kind, ice, clever,

  right, wrong, careful等用"It is +adj +of sb. to do sth."

  其他形容词用 for。


  It's dangerous for you to ride so fast.

  It's very kind of you to help me.

  8.动词不定式与疑问句who, what, which, when, how, where, whether等连用。

  如: I don't know when to start.

  He didn't tell me where to go.


  I don't know when we'll start.

  He didn't tell me where he would go.



  如: enjoy, finish, keep, mind, miss(错过),be busy, go on, keep on, be worth, practise等。

  如: The peasants are busy picking apples.

  Would you mind my opening the door?


  如: Lu Jian forgot to post the letter.(该寄但还没做)

  Lu Jian forgot posting the letter.(已经寄过信了)

  They stopped to sing a song.(停止在做的工作而去做另一件工作)

  They stopped singing.(停止正在做的工作)




  行为动词可分为及物动词 (vt)和不及物动词(vi),及物动词表示动作或状态,有完整的词义,能单独作谓语,后跟宾语;不及物动词表示动作或状态,有完整的词义,能单独作谓语,但后面不能直接跟宾语,如要带宾语则与介词或副词构成短语。


  More and more people study English.(vt)

  The students are listening to the teacher carefully.(vi)


  连系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须与表语一起构成谓语。常用的连系动词有 be, get, turn, become, look, feel, grow, seem, sound, taste, smell等。


  Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.

  It feels damp.


  助动词本身无词义,不能单独作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表示否定,疑问及动词的时态、语态、人称和数等语法特征,助动词有 be,do,have,shall,will等。


  How do you usually come to school?

  The children are playing yo-yo now.


  情态动词本身有一定的意义,但不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词原形一起构成谓语,表示说话人的.语气和情态。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。情态动词有 can (could),may(might),must, need, ought to, dare等。


  Can I help you?

  - Must we go now? -No, you needn't .

  a. can与be able to的用法有所区别。can只用于一般现在时和过去时,指本身有能力的"能";be able to用于各种时态均可,指须经过努力而"能"。

  b. must与have/has to的用法。must表示说话人主观认为"必须",只用于一般现在时和一般将来时;have/has to表示客观需要,意为"不得不",它可用于各种时态。


  1.作主语。 如:

  To learn English is very important.

  但实际上不定式作主语常用 it来作形式主语,而将不定式移至谓语动词后作真正的主语。


  It's very important to learn English.

  2.作表语。 如:

  My idea is to ring him up at once.

  3.作宾语。 如:

  I have decided to go to Binjiang Primary School.


  a. ask, want, teach, tell, know, would like, allow等动词后面接动词不定式作宾语补足语。

  如: The policemen asked him to get off the bus.

  b. hear, see, look at, feel, watch, notice, listen to等动词后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。

  如: We often see Miss Li clean the classroom.

  c. let, make, have这些使役动词后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。但在被动语态中这些不带to的都须带上to。

  如: In those days the bosses often made the workers work day and night.


  如: Can you help me (to) carry the heavy bag?


  a.与被修饰词有动宾关系。如:I have something important to tell you.但如果不定式动词为不及物动词,后面的介词千万不要省略。

  如: Maybe they have three rooms to live in.


  如: Mr Liang is always the first to come and the last to leave.


  如: I have no time to play cards.


  如: I'll go to meet my friend at the railway station.

  7.不定式复合结构"for sb. to do sth" 作主语时,常用"It is +adj+ for

  of sb. to do sth"的句式。形容词good, bad, polite, unkind, kind, ice, clever,

  right, wrong, careful等用"It is +adj +of sb. to do sth."

  其他形容词用 for。


  It's dangerous for you to ride so fast.

  It's very kind of you to help me.

  8.动词不定式与疑问句who, what, which, when, how, where, whether等连用。

  如: I don't know when to start.

  He didn't tell me where to go.


  I don't know when we'll start.

  He didn't tell me where he would go.



  如: enjoy, finish, keep, mind, miss(错过),be busy, go on, keep on, be worth, practise等。

  如: The peasants are busy picking apples.

  Would you mind my opening the door?


  如: Lu Jian forgot to post the letter.(该寄但还没做)

知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)

——初二英语下册知识点 (菁华3篇)

  1.How often do you exercise?你(你们)多久锻炼一次身体?

  How often +助动词do(does或did) +主语+ do sth.?疑问词how often是问频率(多久一次),(在这里助动词do(does或did)是起帮助构成疑问的作用)与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,回答一般是用表示频率的副词,如:once, twice, three times…, sometimes, often, quite, often, never, every day, once a week , twice a month , three times a month , three or four times a month等。

  2“What do you usually do on weekends?” “ I usually play soccer.”



  3. “What’s your favorite program?” “It’s Animal World.”


  4. As for homework , most students do homework every day .

  as for...意思是“至于;关于”,常用于句首作状语,其后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式(即动名词)。如:

  5. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her .

  want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”;

  want sb. to do sth.意思是“想要某人做某事”。如:


  ask sb. to do sth.叫某人做某事

  tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事

  help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事

  6. She says it’s good for my health.

  be good for...表示“对……有益(有好处)”;其反义为:be bad for...(这里for是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词)

  7. How many hours do you sleep every night?

  8. I exercise every day , usually when I come home from school .

  9. My eating habits are pretty good .这里pretty相当于very 。

  10.I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten to eleven times a week .

  try to do sth.表示“尽力做某事”,不包含是否成功的'意思

  11. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.

  help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事

  12. Good food and exercise help me to study better.


  13.Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?=Is her lifestyle the same as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from yours?

  be the same as … / be different from …

  14. What sports do you play ?

  15. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health .

  keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy

  17. That sounds interesting.


  1.How often do you exercise?你(你们)多久锻炼一次身体?

  How often +助动词do(does或did) +主语+ do sth.?疑问词how often是问频率(多久一次),(在这里助动词do(does或did)是起帮助构成疑问的作用)与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,回答一般是用表示频率的副词,如:once, twice, three times…, sometimes, often, quite, often, never, every day, once a week , twice a month , three times a month , three or four times a month等。

  2“What do you usually do on weekends?” “ I usually play soccer.”



  3. “What’s your favorite program?” “It’s Animal World.”


  4. As for homework , most students do homework every day .

  as for...意思是“至于;关于”,常用于句首作状语,其后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式(即动名词)。如:

  5. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her .

  want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”;

  want sb. to do sth.意思是“想要某人做某事”。如:


  ask sb. to do sth.叫某人做某事

  tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事

  help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事

  6. She says it’s good for my health.

  be good for...表示“对……有益(有好处)”;其反义为:be bad for...(这里for是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词)

  7. How many hours do you sleep every night?

  8. I exercise every day , usually when I come home from school .

  9. My eating habits are pretty good .这里pretty相当于very 。

  10.I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten to eleven times a week .

  try to do sth.表示“尽力做某事”,不包含是否成功的意思

  11. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.

  help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事

  12. Good food and exercise help me to study better.


  13.Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?=Is her lifestyle the same as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from yours?

  be the same as … / be different from …

  14. What sports do you play ?

  15. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health .

  keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy

  17. That sounds interesting.


  1.来参加我的晚会come to my party

  2.在周六下午on Saturday afternoon

  3.上钢琴课have a piano lesson

  4.去看医生go to the doctor

  5.太多家庭作业too much homework

  6.谢谢邀请Thanks for asking.

  7.玩得高兴have fun

  8.去商业街go to the mall

  9.棒球比赛baseball game

  10.后天the day after tomorrow

  11.为考试而学*study for a test

  12.多谢邀请Thanks a lot for the invitation.

  13.在度假期be on vacation

知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展8)

——**英语基本写作知识与技巧 (菁华3篇)














































知识的英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展9)

——知识就是力量的作文 (菁华3篇)


















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