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国庆假期的小学英语作文 (菁选1篇)

日期:2022-09-25 00:00:00


  Etting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he"ll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father"s matureness.I"m happy for them.

  Yesterday,our research school"s soccer team had a match with the graduate studentsfr0mthe department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game.

  Half of the National Day holidays have passed by...life still goes with good and bad times.

国庆假期的小学英语作文 (菁选1篇)扩展阅读

国庆假期的小学英语作文 (菁选1篇)(扩展1)

——愉快的国庆假期小学作文 (菁选1篇)






国庆假期的小学英语作文 (菁选1篇)(扩展2)

——国庆假期结束的心情 (菁选1篇)





  我还常常对自己唱,对老公开玩笑的时候唱一句:生活的压力和生命的尊严哪一个重要? 答案是:哪一个都重要,但为什么在逃脱压力的时候会让尊严丢失一些.每个人都会遇到这种情况吧?除非她很强,不需要考虑这么多的问题.

  我很喜欢一句话:哭,并不代表我屈服,退一步,并不代表我认输,放手,并不代表我放弃. 我想我宽容的时候会退一步,我哭的时候大部分是因为别人蛮不讲理,让我无法理解,当然,除了看电视电影被感动的流泪.放手的时候?好象看准看对的时候多吧?放手也代表你想会有另一种选择更适合,更好.



国庆假期的小学英语作文 (菁选1篇)(扩展3)

——国庆假期主题班会 (菁选1篇)

  一. 校广播室进行国庆长假的安全教育宣传。

  二. 主持人宣布喜迎国庆主题班会开始。

  三. 举行庄严的升旗仪式,齐唱**。

  四. 欢迎两位学生代表发言。


  明天是祖*亲生日,我们伟大的祖国成立xx周年了,xx年前的十月一日,伟大的*在*城楼上庄严宣布:“中华人民共和国成立了!” 我们今天能有这样优越的学*条件和生活条件,是无数革命先烈用鲜血换来的。



  五. 节目表演:


  1. 独舞清唱, 《茉莉花》, 表演者:陈颖;

  2. 儿歌表演, 《小毛驴》, 表演者:郑逢峻;

  3. 电子琴独奏, 《我爱北京*》, 表演者:许俊;全班和声;

  4. 讲故事, 《三只小猪》, 表演者:华雯露;

  5. 独舞伴唱, 《我是小海军》 表演者:唐佳樱;

  6. 说说唱唱, 《三只小狗》 表演者:朱鹏飞;

  7. 合唱 《小篱笆》 领唱:郑逢峻,周文叶;

  8. 猜谜游戏 (题略) 组织者:沈老师和其他学生;

  9. 伴音打击乐合奏:《土耳其进行曲》 表演者:周扬骐,盛唯佳,陈颖。


  由于这首“压轴曲”同时也是 前些日子学校“十周年校庆活动”中的压轴大戏,学生们一定会心领神会地打起拍子,教室里也洋溢起一片爱校的热情 。


  六 .班主任致辞。





国庆假期的小学英语作文 (菁选1篇)(扩展4)

——国庆假期的ppt (菁选1篇)








  3.国庆期间,街上游人较多,尤其是有文艺演出活动时,同学们要注意远离人员密集的场所,避免拥挤和踩 踏事件的发生。







国庆假期的小学英语作文 (菁选1篇)(扩展5)

——国庆假期英语作文 (菁选6篇)

  W "sell corn! Home grown corn, green environmental protection, no organic pesticide, w 2 ~ 5 yuan" street, listen to me a people clucked, passing people stop to look at me strangely, even a child stood stupidly silly staring at me, strange city in our country during the kid doesnt play happily on the addiction? Others doing National Day? Play bai! Me? To enjoy your experience to make money.

  Dont, I wondered they big with the son to recruit, excited to pick the corn, Ive just sat in a chair and triumphantly, humming a ditty, didnt want to somebody else capable to 1: "1 yuan 2?" I received at that time, make what make, 1 yuan 2? Thanks to the reaction come over, I quickly replied: "no, no. 2. 5 yuan" This is put into the family received: "so expensive? Not? Its too expensive!" Then he bobbing away. You scratch my head, it is strange how they thought that corn is 1 yuan 2! Depressed ah... Cheaper to corn or corn? NONONO, became a little snack!

  I love jiangnan water township, born in the si, the longer than the si, long ago has been soaked by the jiangnans tenderness, the autumn in the south of the Yangtze river, the fragrance of elegant fragrance, flowers, rain fragrance. I love autumn, since ancient times, the idea of the scholar to autumn is mostly sad, because that "autumn wind sweeping the leaves" desolate. However, I only love the autumn in jiangnan, the wind is cool and not cold, the water is clear and not ice.

  Always love the place where there is water, always believe that no matter where, as long as there is water to have the spirit, one side of the soil and water to raise a person, the women in the south of the river is so gentle and beautiful.

  Sing in the rain lane, also can have naughty children playing in the rain, like ringing laughter to hang in the eaves of bells, melodious, the girl like clove, holding the oiled paper umbrella disappeared in the misty rain corner, leaving back to daydream, what is there is like a poem of graceful and restrained, a flower, wood is full of reiki, create a poetic atmosphere.

  The real autumn is natural, the full moon of autumn, more like an innocent girl, remove the mysterious veil, and swim in the clear and clear lake. Autumn, is a transparent season, autumn rain, most considerate, imitate a classic beautiful woman. Rain and became one of the most can represent the jiangnan its characteristic landscape, landscape in the autumn of meditation and peacefully communicate with rain, rain that leisurely and comfortable working with echo, between heaven and earth the most beautiful scene. The romantic and the beautiful picture, come into the eye, lenovo the sweet story of each day, about yesterday, today, tomorrow, you and mine, every day of surprise discovery.

  I finely murmured, in this autumns coming season, let the beauty of the natural warmth, deck precipitation has been a long time of flint, and it is always so concise, succinct is so the same glass of water, light and moist heart.

  However, the cold cicadas, the cold rain, the fall, the autumn season, also added a lot of cool. Outside the window, the sound of the rain, the voice stealthily, again and again.

  The sun was shining brightly on National Day, and I came to the countrys great aunt. I will have a working experience of peanuts.

  I usually eat peanuts for small food, and three meals a day cant be separated from the mellow peanut oil, but I still feel very new and really looking forward to the work of collecting peanuts. After lunch, my aunt and I came to the peanut fields in the mountains. The peanuts in the ground have been ploughed out by the uncle in the morning with his hand tractor. Our afternoon job is to harvest peanuts. Remove the peanuts from the soil, shake off the soil, separate the fruit from the vine, and carry it to the clearing by the trolley. These jobs are easier said than done. I go to pull the peanut first, pull a few hands to burn hot and spicy ache, I go to pick a peanut again, can a while the arm is painful not line of pain. The car must be simple and funny, but it is difficult and difficult to balance a small car full of peanuts on the soft ground. At that time I already feel exhausted, hungry and thirsty, I took out prepared water, drank in more than half, from time to time while blowing a little bit cool autumn wind, but I am still tired and hot, look at the big uncle, they labor while laughing, I also added a tribute to them.

  In the year of xx, it was also in this fragrant October, which was the 60th birthday of the motherland. Our whole family watched the National Day celebration, and when my mother saw it, she stroked my head with her hand and said, "yan yan, the change of our motherland is really changing with each passing day."

  Mother said, 20 years ago, our country also held a military parade, but, at the time of the parade with weapons are imports to other countries, this moment is not the same, weapons are our Chinese self design manufacture, we feel very proud. At this moment, the fireworks display is more and more gorgeous, like flowers blooming.

  Mother also told me that 20 years ago, I lived in that city, green also do enough perfect, the most around the city all kinds of poplar trees, can be said that the tree is the breed here. In the spring and summer though in the green, however, one to fall, and dry down from the tree, at this time, green dont know where to go, come of is all yellow leaves fall to the ground. The whole city was bare and lifeless and not at all angry. So when mom was very young, she wanted to get out of this place. But now! There are more evergreen trees and economic forests. Its like a green sea here, and people dont want to get out of there.

  Twenty years ago, housing was worse than the environment. When mom and dad first got married, they lived in a small flat in a four-room apartment with less than 70 square meters of living space. The house was not decorated, even the ground was hairy. Everyone looks at the TV together, and the TV is still 17 "little black and white TV!" At the moment everyone has their own house, and the home is built like a palace. However, during the festival, everyone gathers together, or visits each other. Although we do not live together at this moment, our hearts are still together.

  My mother spoke, tears welling up in her eyes, and I knew it was the tears of joy. My familys change is a microcosm of Chinas prosperity. A concerted effort by the family to revitalize the family is also a microcosm of the Chinese peoples unity to revitalize China.

  After listening to my mothers story, I made up my mind, I must study hard, for the prosperity of the family, and for the prosperity of the motherland!

  Time has passed away our great motherland has lit her 55th birthday candle. There are countless rivers that have passed through the 55 years of wind and rain. For 55 years we have been brilliant and disappointed, although the path of growth is tortuous and long, but we have the determination and the confidence. We must be able to grow up.

  "It can be seen from the past that copper is the guide to prosperity and decline." How many splendid cultures have been created by the polite history of huaxia 50XX. Make us one of the top nations in the world. But after 1450, China China has not had the history of this moment! In 1450, after 390 years in 1840, Chinas gate of China was finally fired by foreigners with one of the four inventions of gunpowder. It brought more than 100 years of blood and tears. Finally, in 1949, our great motherland changed its appearance. Its all over. We have a new beginning.

  As a result of the "warning", our party has a new unwritten rule: "dont look at things in a quiet light."

  Chinas science and technology has been growing by leaps and bounds under the leadership of the communist party. Chemistry: the chemist hou was invented the hou method. The alkali industry in our country has been lifted up a new step. Aerospace science and technology aspects: space industry in the early 60 s was built in the 90 s had self: aerospace series agriculture rice expert yuan longping found with the method of the hybrid increase rice production to make our countrys agricultural production has been greatly improved and many many...

  All this proves that our comprehensive national strength is increasing. But the scars of history are hard to erase. Among them are our treasure island, Taiwan. It always CARES about the hearts of millions of Chinese children. There was once a "my China heart" which embodies the common ideals and aspirations of the Chinese people. We are eager for Taiwan to return to our motherland as soon as possible to celebrate the 55th birthday of our motherland.

  When the five-star red flag is rising on the government building, our shoulders and shoulders are played by our hands in the new movement of our great motherland.

  We are so far apart, but our thoughts and feelings still blend together in our hearts.

  We are the human heart of the dragon.

  This day is your birthday, my China, I fly a group of white doves in the early morning, I hold a golden grain for you, the dove flies in the wind and rain... "The song was sung yesterday, but on this day, the song also applies. Because of that day, the republic is celebrating its 63rd birthday.

  Our great motherland has 5,000 years of cultural heritage, cultural relics and precious minerals. She has nurtured generations of Chinese with her big body and selfless love. They were kind, brave, and industrious, making the country more and more prosperous. I, a twenty-first century teenager, have an ambition to make a contribution to my country one day. Since I was young, I have been exposed to the family - when I was babbling, my parents would tell me stories about the country from suffering to suffering every day. From that time on, my heart dee* engraved the "motherland" two magnificent words - motherland!

  What a beautiful, sacred, solemn name! It is full of the language and feelings of our 1.3 billion Chinese people. It is a bit of a bit, the Chinese children are composed of the skeleton and flesh. Still clearly remember, when I was wearing a bright red red scarf with honor, the blood was surging up in the heart, at that time, my in the mind silently make voluntary: I must be hard from the moment, do a messenger of peace in the future. "Ready to fight for communism! Be ready!" This is a remarkable call made up of sixteen ordinary Chinese characters. Every time, when I swear in the most solemn and resonant voice, the reverence and understanding of the motherland raises another level.

  Zhou enlai once said, "reading for the rise of China... "They are not bending the back of the back of their motherland!" Thus, we no longer mourn, because the eastern "male teacher" who has slept for a hundred years finally stands tall in the world. A pool of clear water, a cup of loess, a faint, a green tree, a butterfly drenched with rain... Thats you, my country! A plate of clear moon, a sad fish, a frown, a shallow smile... Thats you, my country! Turn over five thousand years of history, I found your life essence: the Great Wall - that scar, recorded how many vicissitudes of life, and behave so tough, that is a kind of identity, is a kind of power, a kind of spirit, a kind of yearning! Changjiang - thats your pulse! Leaping with the throb of inexhaustible, splashing the endless love! And...... The Yellow River is your blood?

国庆假期的小学英语作文 (菁选1篇)(扩展6)

——学校国庆节假期的作文 (菁选1篇)








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