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名著读后感英文版 (菁华5篇)

日期:2022-10-03 00:00:00


  Kung fu panda is atongue-in-cheek fun movie, the inside of the hero named be.paul, isa childlike panda, panda bo is an ideal pandas, although it has aloving father and inheritance of the noodles goose ancestorsplaying mahjong winning family noodle mission.

  But it clear whatyou want, it is the berth filled up with great wushu masters ofdolls, it of kung fu hungry and yearning.The treasure have manyadvantages, XinKuan fat body, although it was always brother door,but make it up loss. And it do for each competing for masternoodles dumping. Not only that, the treasure and elusive point.

  It can to a biscuit leap in peacetime climb also couldnt climb thebeams, when his master understood the tortoise master deathbed thatsentence: you dont need me, you just need tobelieve.In the end,goose dad film impart sole noodle soup according to remind thepuzzled in be.paul, what also do not put, as long as you believeyou cook noodles is the most special, other what also dont need.

  Therefore in the book it saw it himself. Work hard to see the kungfu panda., understand kung fu panda, not because the panda and moreinteresting. It is not merely a cartoon, it makes me understandonly defeated own can conquer someone else, it let me know,so-called shenlong techniques so simple -- - to maintain goodgentle state of mind, had done oneself!


  I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I were standing on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war. Thanks to this British author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I found it easier to understand this story. Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I was dee* fascinated by it. The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I loved The Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of the war. Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam. He was not only a real hero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic by later historians. The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom he didn’t appreciate. However, since Hector was the commander of the Trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force. It was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles. It is natural to see death in a war. As a famous Chinese parable says, “A life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as Mount Tai.” Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom. Achilles was such a typical person. His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive. He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers and terrified the enemies. Actually, Achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind. That’s why his name was memorized long after his death. Besides the two great men, the wisdom of Odysseus also proved him to be a great hero. He didn’t want to attend the war because he was happily married and had a lovely son. However, since his country was allied to Mycenae, he had to take the command given by the king of Mycenae. I’m quite sure that the story of the wooden horse is widely known, however, few people know who thought of the brilliant idea, that’s why I admired Odysseus so much because he was the person who got the idea. Thanks to the horse, the ten-year war came to an end at last. If you want to know how the wooden horse worked, just read the book. The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses also played important roles in the origin, process and ending of the whole story. The story of the golden apple was such an example. When Eris, the goddess of argument and disagreement, threw out the golden apple to a wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus, a dis* happened. Hera, the queen of gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, were all involved in the argument for the apple. None of them was willing to give way, so they turned to Paris for a final judgment. Tempted by Aphrodite’s beauty and promise, Paris handed the apple to her. To keep her word, Aphrodite helped him to get Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as his wife. That was the cause of the war. Paris’s choice obviously annoyed the other two goddesses. So during the war, they helped the Greek alliance army while some other gods, such as Apollo and Aphrodite, guarded Troy. When Paris dueled with Helen’s former husband Menelaus, Aphrodite saved Paris when he was about to be finished off. After the duel between those two people, there was a truce between the Greek alliance and Troy. However, both Hera and Athena were not happy to see it. Hera pursued her husband ZEUS:“ Now, will you send Athena to make the Troyjans break the peace?”(Page 22) Then with Zeus’s permission, Athena went down to start the war again and finally she brought the Greeks to success. From the whole story, we can see that in ancient Greeks’ view, gods sometimes played a much more important role in their life. However, with the rapid development of science, we have learned that the Greek gods never existed. This is why a recent movie of Troy has not mentioned a single god. Everything happened due to men’s ambition, love, loyalty or jealousy. With those emotion and people’s effort, we human beings can accomplish wonders and be master of the world. God are of less importance than they used to be. Nonetheless, the gods and goddesses made The Story of Troy more mysterious and marvelous. I have learnt from the book more than the wonderful story of history, love and war. I believe that human can determine their destiny by their own. I highly recommend this book to my friends.


  《Jane Eyre》 Written by Charlotte Bronte 《Jane Eyre》is the greatest love story ever told and is a literary work which has a long history . 《Jane Eyre》explains such an attitude: human beings’ value equals to self-esteem plus love. The author of 《Jane Eyre》――Charlotte Bronte and the author of 《Wuthering Heights》――Emily Jane Bronte are sisters. Although they lived under the same circumstances, they owned totally different characters. Charlotte Bronte is gentler than Emily Jane Bronte. She was so poor when she was young and she nearly could not feel her parents’ love, in addition that she was not attractive and was very short, so all of these reflected her self-humiliation. She had a strong sense of self-esteem, and she often compensated the self-humiliation of her self-esteem. She described Jane Eyre, in fact, she wrote herself. Jane Eyre was as common as Charlotte Bronte, and she kept going after a kind of free, bright and beautiful life because of her self-esteem. However, the two sisters passed away in their golden times. It seems the God who doesn’t like them that he punished them and destroyed them. What a pity! The main idea of《Jane Eyre》is to build a strong and independent woman according to describe a complicated love story between Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester. Jane Eyre was born in a poor family and she lost her parents in her early age. Therefore, she had to depend on others for a living. She bore her aunt’s abandon, her sister’s disgust as well as her brother’s insult. However, she did not despair, and she did not self-destruction. On the contrary, she stuck to struggle with everything and achieved the success at last. It is a power of love. Unfortunately, in her daily life of the school, she was often insulted and scolded by the Providers and always bore the physical and spiritual torments. But she did not give up but made a great progress. Finally, she obtained her teachers and classmates’ understanding. Shortly, Jane Eyre came across another difficulty that was she fell in love with Rochester. Her strong personality made her maintain the personal dignity. When she faced her rival in love Yinggelamug, she was not inferior to the aggressive girl. Similarly, in the face of Rochester, she never felt shameful owe to she is a family teacher. The other way round, she considered they were equal and should be respected by others. It is because of her integrity, noble, pure and soul without secular social pollution. Rochester was moved by her greatest respect and dee* in love with her. He was sincere, so she accepted him. Later, Jane Eyre found Rochester had a wife, so she decided to leave him without any hesitation. It shows her self-esteem again. At last, when Jane knew that Rochester was disabled and blind in order to rescue his wife, she returned to his embrace again. From this book, it can be reflected in the emergent shape of a female image in the industrial revolution era. Novel design a very bright end. Although Rochester ruined the estate, he became a disability, but we see that Jane Eyre was no longer in contradiction between self-esteem and love. She satisfied herself and Rochester in the end. From all the things, I believe nothing’s gonna change the love for everyone, it is mere confidence. Novel tells us that the best life is human beings’ dignity and love, the outcome of the novel arranged *e a perfect life. Although I feel that this conclusion is too perfect, even this in itself marked a shallow, but I still respect the author for such a good life ideals — is the dignity and love, after all, in today’s society, people often require money to pay the help. Choose between poor and rich is the main factor to choose whether love or not. Few will abandon the wealth because of love like Jane Eyre. So it is like a cup of ice that cleans up every reader’s mind, while causing readers, especially female readers’ resonance.


  Recently, I read a book called "the wizard of Oz" book, feel good.

  This book is mainly about: a girl called Rosie was a tornado blew into a strange and wonderful country - the land of Oz, and lost on the way home, where she has met the Scarecrow did not mind, not the heart of iron and a cowardly lion, he in order to realize their wish, help each other, work together, encountered many hardships, strange and eccentric. Eventually, by virtue of their extraordinary intelligence and tenacity, they fulfilled their wishes.

  In this book, I love the most is Rosie, because she Buweijianxian, lead buddies defeat the wicked witch of the west, to rescue the Munchkins, she is a girl full of justice in the sun. Which I do not love is oz because he cheated the people up to ten years, he has no mana, yet pretend force is infinite, and no one can. Although he was dishonest, fortunately, he finally corrected himself and did his best to help Rosie and his friends wishes.

  By reading this book, I understand a truth that friendship is the most important, Rosie to save their dog, stand up and fight the lion, timid is self protection partner, and the ferocious tiger to bear on these examples, all praised the friendship, friendship will be given to you help, friendship will give you strength, from now on, to help others, make friends, let us feel the power of friendship!


  "A tale of two cities" is one of Dickenss most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed peoples great strength.

  The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister......The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.

  As an outstanding writer,in Dickenss work,the language skill is essential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the ***ogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak."A tale of two cities" has its difference with the general historical novel, its characte

名著读后感英文版 (菁华5篇)扩展阅读

名著读后感英文版 (菁华5篇)(扩展1)

——《简爱》读后感英文版 (菁华5篇)


  Today, I saw it in one breath. Because of the teacher's recommendation, Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte.

  The hero of the text, Jane's parents, because of wind and cold, both left the world. After Jane Eyre has been followed her aunt, and a wicked cousin John Reed often called Jane, always beat her covered all over with cuts and bruises.

  Think of me, mom and Dad took me as a pearl in the palm, I am afraid there is a collision point.

  Later, the hateful aunt sent Jane to a charity school. Inside the food is very poor, very little quantity, the clothes are very thin.

  From small to large, I did not once hungry, not once, clothing is bad, are brand-name. I'm really happy compared to Jane eyre.

  Jane graduated from school, but she worked as a teacher for two years at work, but she felt that it had been so empty that she longed for a free and carefree life,. So Jane found another job, a tutor. Met Rochester, that is, she was tutor, Schonfeld's master.

  The two fell in love, but when Jane was about to become a bride in Rochester, she knew that Rochester was married and that her wife was a woman maniac. Jane Aichen succumbed to blow away

  Finally, Jane Eyre and Rochester finally together.

  After reading the book. Jane Eyre for free life respected, her self-esteem, although beauty is not outstanding, but her heart is good is the most white. Of course, God does not live up to Jane eyre. It made Jane love a good love. With an unexpected fortune.

  Once again, I am too insignificant. I'm selfish. I remember once, my favorite clothes are small, and my mother said I could give it to my sister, but I would never die. So far that dress is still at home! I'm really hateful. I regret it


  This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.

  It seems to me that many readers' English reading experience starts with Jane Eyer. I am of no exception. As we refer to the movie “Jane Eyer”, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.

  Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag. Since Jane's education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn't get what she had been expecting——sim* being regarded as a mon person, just the same as any other girl around. The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden. There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden's owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside. Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following Rochester and led to his moodiness all the time ----Rochester

  was also a despairing person in need of salvation. Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn't want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer. The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned. After finding Rochester's misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.

  I don't know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film's end----especially when I heard Jane's words “Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.” For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get. But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong ing with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Jane's life that “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.” (By Forrest Gump's mother, in the film “Forrest Gump”)

  What's more, this film didn't end when Jane left Thornfield. For Jane Eyer herself,there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for Rochester, how he can get salvation? The film gives the answer tentatively: Jane eventually got back to Rochester. In fact, when Jane met Rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant Rochester would get retrieval because of Jane. We can consider Rochester's experiences as that of religion meaning. The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life. After it, Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved. Here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides. The value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.

  Life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain. Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the beacon over the capriccioso sea of life. In the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.

  In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life plexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance. We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness. It's our spirit that makes the life meaningful.

  Heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life. Indubitably, “Jane Eyer” is one of them.


  I first read "Jane Eyre" in eighth grade and have read it every few years since. It is one of my favorite novels, and so much more than a gothic romance to me, although that's how I probably would have defined it at age 13. I have always been struck, haunted in a way, by the characters - Jane and Mr. Rochester. They take on new depth every time I meet them...and their's is a love story for the ages.

  Charlotte Bronte's first published novel, and her most noted work, is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story. Jane is plain, poor, alone and unprotected, but due to her fierce independence and strong will she grows and is able to defy society's expectations of her. This is definitely feminist literature, published in 1847, way before the beginning of any feminist movement. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the novel has had such a wide following since it first came on the market. It is also one of the first gothic romances published and defines the genre.

  Jane Eyre, who is our narrator, was born into a poor family. Jane Eyre's parents died when she was a small child and the little girl was sent to live with her Uncle and Aunt Reed at Gateshead. Jane's Uncle truly cared for her and showed his affection openly, but Mrs. Reed seemed to hate the orphan, and neglected her while she pampered and spoiled her own children. This unfair treatment emphasized Jane's status as an unwanted outsider. She was often punished harshly. On one occasion her nasty cousin Jack picked a fight with her. Jane tried to defend herself and was locked in the terrifying "Red Room" as a result. Jane's Uncle Reed had died in this room a little while before, and Mrs. Reed knew how frightened she was of the chamber. Since Jane is the narrator, the reader is given a first-hand impression of the child's feelings, her heightened emotional state at being imprisoned. Indeed, she seems almost like an hysterical child, filled with terror and rage. She repeatedly calls her condition in life "unjust" and is filled with bitterness. Looking into the mirror Jane sees a distorted image of herself. She views her reflection and sees a "strange little figure," or "tiny phantom." Jane has not learned yet to subordinate her passions to her reason. Jane Eyre's passions still erupt unchecked. Jane Eyre's isolation in the Red Room is a presentiment of her later isolation from almost every society and community. This powerful, beautifully written scene never fails to move me.

  Mrs. Reed decided to send Jane away to the Lowood School, a poor institution run by Mr. Brocklehurst, who believed that suffering made grand people. All the children there were neglected, except to receive harsh punishment when any mistake was made. At Lowood, Jane met Helen Burns, a young woman a little older than Jane, who guided her with vision, light and love for the rest of her life. Jane's need for love was so great. It really becomes obvious in this first friendship. Helen later died from fever, in Jane's arms. Jane Eyre's illness and death could have been avoided if more attention had been paid to the youths. Jane stayed at Lowood for ten years, eight as a student and two as a teacher. Tired and depressed by her surroundings, Jane applied for the position of governess and found employment at Thornfield. The mansion is owned by a gentleman named Edward Fairfax Rochester. Jane Eyre's job there was to teach his ward, an adorable little French girl, Adele. Over a long period the moody, inscrutable Rochester confides in Jane and she in him. The two form an unlikely friendship and eventually fall in love. Again, Jane's need for love comes to the fore, as does her passionate nature. She blooms. A dark, gothic figure, Rochester also has a heart filled with the hope of true love and future happiness with Jane. Ironically, he has brought all his misery, past and future, on himself.

  All is not as it seems at Thornfield. There is a strange, ominous woman servant, Grace Poole, who lives and works in an attic room. She keeps to herself and is rarely seen. From the first, however, Jane has sensed bizarre happenings at night, when everyone is asleep .There are wild cries along with violent attempts on Rochester's life by a seemingly unknown person. Jane wonders why no one investigates Mrs. Poole. Then a strange man visits Thornfield and mysteriously disappears with Mr. Rochester. Late that night Jane is asked to sit with the man while the lord of the house seeks a doctor's help. The man has been seriously wounded and is weak from loss of blood. He leaves by coach, in a sorry state, first thing in the morning. Jane's questions are not answered directly. This visit will have dire consequences on all involved. An explosive secret revealed will destroy all the joyful plans that Jane and Rochester have made. Jane, once more will face poverty and isolation.

  Charlotte Bronte's *e Jane Eyre, may not have been graced with beauty or money, but she had a spirit of fire and was filled with integrity and a sense of independence - character traits that never waned in spite of all the oppression she encountered in life. Ms. Bronte brings to the fore in "Jane Eyre" such issues as: the relations between men and women in the mid-19 century, women's equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and hypocrisy (and the difference between the two), the realization of selfhood, and the nature of love and passion. This is a powerhouse of a novel filled with romance, mystery and passions. It is at once startlingly fresh and a portrait of the times. Ms. Bronte will make your heart beat faster, your pulse race and your eyes fill with tears.


  This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.

  Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag. Since Jane26’s education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn26’t get what she had been expecting26—26—sim* being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around. The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthleoppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden. There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden26’s owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside. Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following Rochester and led to his moodineall the time ----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation. Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn26’t want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer. The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned. After finding Rochester26’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.

  I don26’t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film26’s end----especially when I heard Jane26’s words 26“Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.26” For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get. But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Jane26’s life that 26“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.26” (By Forrest Gump26’s mother, in the film 26“Forrest Gump26”).


  Person's life to go through many muddy rain is rough?I have no idea.Person's life have many valiant record is brilliant?I have no idea.But I know: as long as strong in the face of life, like the wonderful; as long as the effort to do the ordinary life, like the brilliant.

  She is like an ugly duckling with only ugly duckling abandoned, her childhood humiliation, to never shed a tear.When aunt took her to the orphanage, she also did not give up their own, even if his only friend Helen has died, but she still brave and strong to live, and consciously.

  Life is wonderful track meet.

  She get a tutor to do to Thornfield Manor, accidentally met the owner Mr. Rochester, he is handsome and full of temperament, but the position of the gap is broad, she has no fear, resolutely and ran across the divide and.She is strong, brave pursuit of equality and freedom, can't harm her Rochester and dignity.

  A brave man must be harvested, brave people will be bitter, brave man, as a brave man, should be like her - like Jane love.

  Once I was innocent, I really be light of heart from care.One day I found out, I don't know since when

名著读后感英文版 (菁华5篇)(扩展2)


  名著读后感英文版 1

  Today, I read a book called "secret garden" in the book, is the United States benai close-up.

  Among them, the twenty-seventh chapter I felt most was "in the garden". The story is about the self closing Marie and self doubt Colin. They become lively and cheerful under the leadership of the garden, but when they are happy now, Colin's dad appears. His father lived a happy life with Colin and Mary.

  After reading this book, it makes me feel happy is the book of life. If people lose their happiness, they are like the walking corpse. Without happiness, there is no joy of success, no tears of failure, no treasure after losing, no feeling of all. The garden is born in happiness, in the tragedy of the dust, and in the joy of opening, this is a dramatic change! This whole process is like a fairy tale, a woman in the story, she since her husband died, she put all the relics of husband away, trying to forget him, but her son looks like her husband, so she took her son to others, then she wanted to shut myself you wronged the things at home, think she was angry, think she was angry, finally put himself to death.

  After reading the "secret garden", I learned: make myself happy! I can't change the world, but at least I can change myself. From now on, I'm going to get rid of my bad problems and make myself happy.

  名著读后感英文版 2

  Recently, I read a book called "the wizard of Oz" book, feel good.

  This book is mainly about: a girl called Rosie was a tornado blew into a strange and wonderful country - the land of Oz, and lost on the way home, where she has met the Scarecrow did not mind, not the heart of iron and a cowardly lion, he in order to realize their wish, help each other, work together, encountered many hardships, strange and eccentric. Eventually, by virtue of their extraordinary intelligence and tenacity, they fulfilled their wishes.

  In this book, I love the most is Rosie, because she Buweijianxian, lead buddies defeat the wicked witch of the west, to rescue the Munchkins, she is a girl full of justice in the sun. Which I do not love is oz because he cheated the people up to ten years, he has no mana, yet pretend force is infinite, and no one can. Although he was dishonest, fortunately, he finally corrected himself and did his best to help Rosie and his friends' wishes.

  By reading this book, I understand a truth that friendship is the most important, Rosie to save their dog, stand up and fight the lion, timid is self protection partner, and the ferocious tiger to bear on these examples, all praised the friendship, friendship will be given to you help, friendship will give you strength, from now on, to help others, make friends, let us feel the power of friendship!

  名著读后感英文版 3

  This summer holiday,I made a good friend --- Robinson though ‘ROBINSON CRUSOE’. ‘ROBINSON CRUSOE’is a classical masterpiece which attracted me very much,and brought me much enlightenmet.I really lerned a lot of things from the eternal opus.

  The ‘ROBINSON CRUSOE’have been authored by famouse English writer---Defoe. It’s about dramatis personae Robinson who met a frightful wind while he sailed on the sea. He was the only survinal, but he drifted to a uninhabited island. He bravely struggled, industriously worked and combated with barbarians. Robinson lived alone on the island for 28 years. He experienced many difficulties and dangers.

  Robinson was a great person, he conquered countleand unimaginable hardships. If I stayed on a lonely island, I absolutely couldn’t vanquish dangers. I maybe would lose confidence for life. I respect Robinson very much, he is a real hero in my heart.

  He lived on the island for about 30 years without any food, tool or habitation. He must depend by himself. Robinson wasn’t afraid of hardships, he had the fortitude spirit .He was brave in adventure and was good at labor. He used his head and hands to struggle all the time. I admire his courge very much, because these were not easy, work at all.

  In fact, we also need the spirit of being undefeatalle indefatigable.

  Like Robinson. If we believe in ourselves, never give up and do we best, we must be successful!

  Robinson was a great miracle, he achieved mumerous. ‘impossible things’. ‘Robinson Crusoe’ was an immortal novel, because it gave us a courageous, intrepidity, diligent, indefatigable and wise ordinany person, a vanquish nature, a hero who exploited nature. The book is a really excellent adventuresome novel,

  There is no perfect life in the world, but we can change our fate. If we have confidences and work hard, we absolute will be victorious, and the most important thing is ‘Never give up!

  名著读后感英文版 4

  I saw a book in the bookstore a few days ago. The title of the book was that the little prince just saw this book and I loved it dee***. My mother saw that I liked it so much that I bought it.

  The little prince was written by Anthony de Sanashbury in France. The little prince written by Anthony de Sanashbury was published in 1943. This story mainly talks about a little prince living on a distant planet. He lives together with the flowers. Love and tolerance undulate in his heart. So he left his planet with sadness and left his beloved rose.

  The little prince traveled to a lot of planets, where the king of control, the self righteous drunkard, the mercenary businessman, the man who was loyal to his duty, the dogmatism of the geographers... The little prince is more sad. He doesn't understand what they are pursuing. Right? Vanity? Interests? Fossilized knowledge? At last, the little prince came to the earth. The little prince understood his love -- owning his own rose and having his own world.

  In order to return to see the rose, the little prince abandoned his body and went back to his planet to protect his love -- rose.

  I like this book very much. After reading this book, I know a lot about the truth of life, and I know that adults also do wrong things. So we must always keep this pure heart in the process of growing up, so that we can find what we are really looking for.

  名著读后感英文版 5

  Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

  We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her dee*** in the past.

  We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodneon one side and must check the badneon the other side.

  We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

  We also remember her striving for life, her toughneand her confidence…

  When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire dee***, but a huge charm of her personality.

  Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.

名著读后感英文版 (菁华5篇)(扩展3)


  Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcott's own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth. Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr. Laurence's gift of a surprise Christmas feast. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her temper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husband's illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or lean invalid. The novel tells of their progreinto young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beth's terminal illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world. This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedneof family life. It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalised biography of Alcott and her sisters. It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following.

  Little woman" is an autobiography novel properties with the family, the author is American Alcott.

  This book was written in four different character marches through their own kind of girl, hardworking and found myself happy story. Novels have dropped the ups and downs of the rock, no fascinating plot of suspense, but the author use si-mp-le language describes marge's family love. Their kindness, love and affection loyalty to dee*** touched me. The author describes the details of life is very ordinary, but everywhere to love, reveal the longing for a better life.

  Marge's girl although home, but they are poor in anything positive and optimistic attitude. They stressed the novel character and dignity, also show their self constraint, and become more independent of the four girls are common characteristics. They are constantly to find their own shortcomings and to correct. It is also worth everybody study.

  I liked Meg, like her willingneto love, not for money poverty seduced by the character, like her fair maiden wind. I like Joe, like her, like her dream to strive for the firm determination. I like beth, like her quiet, do anything without complaining, like she always for others good moral character. I also like Amy, like her strong, the poor as Keats responsibility of poverty. They are not the same fate with the ideal, but they found a better ending.

  In their opinion, home is their land and sacred shelter. They will listen carefully to the mother's teachings, will use his hands, intelligent nimble invented the brain to another creative mind and beautification of the game. Four sisters growth course is a rich taste of education. The author used neither luxuriant also not boring language shows us a great affection, human friendship and love. In my opinion, it seems that the four sisters, forever and their love and love their lives together is the happiest thing.

  From them, I learned to strong, learn to understand content but cannot satisfy, I learned to hope for the future, and never to chasing the dream of optimism, I also learned mustdouble treasures have died, don't wait until they know lost. We should be careful that everyone has the advantages of not wear blinders only see the faults of others.

  Meg, Joe, beth, Amy, they four strong, optimistic spirit will be stored in my heart. They smile will remain in my mind, reminding me: be strong, have a pure heart.

  Little Women Before I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan.

  So I have a strong interest on it.

  It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season.

  The coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce.

  While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy.

  On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father.

  The all gather together around the fire to read the letter.

  Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed.

  Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

  Jo is longing to become a writer.

  So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas.

  As morning comes she is the last one awake.

  The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast.

  As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out Jos play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper.

  As they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

  The 2 oldest girls: Jo and Meg, get ready to attend the Christmas Ball.

  While Jo is curling Megs hair, there is a strange smell to the air.

  Amy screams, Megs hair is being singed.

  They continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

  One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls.

  During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally.

  One question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by Alcott.

  If they arent, what are Alcotts views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story? It is interesting to examine the last half of Chapter 20, Confidential.

  Jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with Marmee of the situation between Meg and Mr.Brooke.

  The possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl.

  Jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however.

  Jo cannot understand why Meg would want to stop behaving like a sensible creature (p.202), and refers to love as such nonsense.

  I spent about four dags to read this book “A FAREWELL TO ARMS”of Ernest Hemingway.

  This book described : a boy Henry came from America.He arrives at the Italian battlefield to enter a war.In Germany’s and Australian’s war, he gets to know a beautiful nurse come from England Catherine.Barkley. He wounded period,Catherine look after Henry is very carefully. He has fallen in love with her. Henry restores to health and come back to front. Italian’s army is failed,but when ong time retreats is taken for is the German spies unexpectedly but is shot nearly. His only good jumps into the river escapes,and decided that is separated from the war. In order to get rid of military police’s cupturing. He and Catherine brave the rain and wind in deep in the night,in the waterway feel from home switzerland. In that,they passed a section happy and the tranquil life. Catherine dies of the different labor, baby also suffocates perishes. Henry is lonely in the world, he is dee*** grieved,wants to cry but have no tears.

  This book pointed out profoundly their happiness and love were pushed to by the war the deconstruction the abyss.

  “A FAREWELL TO ARMS”is an American modern famous writer Hemingway’s devoting. The subject opposes the war. This work symbolizes that Hemingway creates the style uniquely the formation, holds the important position in the American history of literature and even the world history of literaure.

  Under the formidable war background, concerns national and collective destiny and the honor time, individual all are such not worthy of mentioning. Perhaps gradually will retreat its trace to a national war along with the years, but to an ordinary ordinary person, a bullet sufficiently will change his only life.

  I think perhaps the man most sorrowful is inside this actor's final feeling, originally is most own two people simultaneously leaves himself.

  " A FAREWELL TO ARMS " this novel quite successful, makes one feel clear credible, this is and the author has attended the First World War personally, and has been seriously injured, has stayed in the hospital, has the personal life to experience and directly felts the experience not to be able to separate. In performance method, what the author uses is the Chinese reader very familiar novel skill, namely lets character own words and deeds move the reader, but does not make any discussion, he is also good at causing the scenery and the plot, the character organically fuses in together, achieves serves the plot, character's positive effect. The novel is popular in the language aspect writing, uses some basic vocabularies, the sentence type to be simple mostly, mostly uses Jian Danju. Anglicizing, is very good, therefore is good for both young and old, appeals to both cultured and popular tastes, this is the artistic achievement which this novel obtains.

  " A FAREWELL TO ARMS "opposed that war’s distinct subject and the mature artistic skill have had the emormous influence,the greatest degree had reflected after First World War,a youth generation the mood which visits the fear and is at a loss,is all the rage the world very quickly.

  It is known to the entire world that Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is one of the representatives of feminist works. This paper ***yzes feminism embodied in Josephine’s view on love in Little Women. In the introduction of the paper, I will talk about the background, literature review and my writing perspective. As for the body part, in Chapter one I will ***yze Josephine’s character from many examples in the story; in Chapter two I will give a comprehensive ***ysis of Josephine’s view on love, which mainly covers the love choice she made and the reasons of the choice; in Chapter three, I will ***yze feminism reflected form Josephine, including the aspiration for freedom, the desire for independence, and the worship of true love. In Chapter four, I will discuss the enlightments and limitations of Josephine’s feminism in modern times. At last in the conclusion, I will give a brief summary of this paper.

  Even if having the small flaws, Little Women is still an undoubtedly great work. It put eyes on women’s growth, fights and efforts to realize the value of life in a patriarchal society. Even in today, it still has realistic values for modern girls to learn.

  Through the daily lives of March sisters, Louisa drew a vivid picture of the life of temporal American pioneers, especially Jo. She impressed us by her goodness, honesty, insistence…and her precipitancy, rebellion… She’s like a close friend to us, and as well an inner spirit of us.

  In order to get closer to this work, I’ve talked about the social background at that time, Louisa’s family history, literature review and the definition of feminism; and then to figure out the reasons of Jo’s choice, I’ve ***yzed Jo’s personality, the process of Jo’s choice and the reasons of it, so I not only had a clearer impression of Jo, but also got a deeper understanding of her choice; at last in order to learn the feminist spirits from Jo, I discussed some extraordinary feminist qualities of Jo and got some constructive tips and suggestions about feminism for all the girls.

  After finishing this work which is definitely a masterpiece in history, I’ve learned the importance of freedom, both physically and spiritually, without it, I think I even can’t live well; and also I’ve known the value of independence, there’s no one can accompany and help me forever, so being independent can make me live better and feed myself just on my own; last but not the least, I’ve also been reminded with the preciousness of true love which makes people truly happy from the bottom from the hearts.

  Reading Little Women can be an enjoyable thing, to seek the peace in the blatant, and to seek an aim in the hesitation. We can learn so much from this book. Over a century passing by, the glory of this book doesn’t vanish, instead it becomes more excellent, and it connects people generation by generation.

名著读后感英文版 (菁华5篇)(扩展4)


  Today, I finished reading the book "the old man and the sea".This book mainly tells about an old man fishing at sea, but he did not catch a fish for times.

  In fact, after I read this book, I did not fully understand the meaning of the book, so I asked my mother, and my mother told me again, so I understood some.

  The old man didnt get anything for 84 days, but he didnt give up.He kept cheering himself on.Finally, he decided to go to the deep sea to catch a big fish, so he set out.In the end, although he caught a big fish, he was eaten up by the big shark when he went back, leaving only a huge fish bone.He was very sad.

  After reading this book, I feel a little sad.I feel sorry for the old man.

  the Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a GREat part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers.

  Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.My first impression of this story was from screen.It's long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I don't remember which movie edition I had seen. But I was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume.

  I was very favor of a section of music in its balls. It's pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the he-ro-in-e,though I didn't think she's beautiful. But she's smart. However, I didn't pay much attention to the plot. I thought it's so long that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I haven't read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice. In fact, I didn't understand the story at that time. I didn't know why it called Pride and Prejudice. Of course someone was pride, but I didn't find where' s the prejudice. I thought it's normal, the way people treated each other in that. I considered prejudice would be very disgusting. But to the movie everthing was OK in my minds, except its length. Now, I think I have understood more about it. I'm a prejudiced person so I can't find where's wrong.

  I merely like to do the things I like. Everytime I meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.


  伊丽莎白为自己家人的行为给自己带来的影响万分懊恼,达西也因此劝宾利先生离开 简,后来自己也是在理智与情感较量之后万分矛盾地向伊丽莎白吐露心事。所以说什么是爱情?那种纯粹的感情,爱的不顾一切,单纯的洁白如雪的爱情是不是真如镜中花水中月,是不是只不过是人们心中的美好幻想和追求罢了,而现实生活中人们总是寻找二者之间的最佳*衡点。



  the old man and the sea is one of hemingway's most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation.it played a great part in his winning the pulizer prize in 1953 and the 1954 novel prize for literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world.hemingway is also one of my favorite writers.besides the old man and the sea, i have read some of his other works, such as the sun also rises, a farewell to arms and the snow of kilimanijaro.but the old man and the sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.

  i first read this book when i was in my fifteens.and now i remember it just as well as if i had read it yesterday.

  pride and prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.

  my first impression of this story was from screen.

  it's long long ago, maybe before i can read English books.i don't remember which movie edition i had seen.but i was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume.i was very favor of a section of music in its balls.it's pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird.regarding to the characters, i liked elizabeth, the ***e,though i didn't think she's beautiful.but she's smart.however, i didn't pay much attention to the plot.i thought it's so long that it made me impatient and bored.by now, i haven't read the whole story in English or its chinese version, either.i owe it to my prejudice.

  After a week's insistence, I finally finished reading "the old man and the sea" this foreign name.The book left a deep impression on me, I can't forget it.This novel mainly wrote one old man fishing in the sea alone.He caught a big fish, the fish head and upper body tied to the edge of the boat.But he met the shark, the old man pulled out all the stops and shark struggle, sharks eat fish can eat to all live to 800 pounds.

  Look at the book, my heart can't be calm once in a long time, the common and respectable old man made me dee*** understood: "perchance life should not be any difficulties, should do their best efforts and hardships do indomitable struggle of life.

  Santiago ALGOL grandpa's stubborn spirit really makes me admire.Whenever I read about grandpa during a fierce battle with the sharks, I feel I do not know want nervous or worry about grandpa, grandpa, however, is always the spirit of optimism to face some great difficulties.See here, I couldn't help thinking of yourself, when I met with some difficulties, I always feel very frustrated, feel very tired, really want to escape from reality.Look at somebody else's Santiago ALGOL grandpa, undeterred by whether encounter any difficulty, but bravely to face!

  So it should be human, not a death mask, to have confidence in myself.Even if we encounter difficulties, should not let it to beat, should bravely to destroy it.

  I believe that with my efforts, I will become like Santiago ALGOL grandpa so brave, so brave to fight.






  The old man and the sea creates a classic image of a tough guy. Santiago, an old fisherman in Cuba, went out to sea alone and caught a huge Marlin after 84 days of nothing. This is a big fish two feet longer than his boat that the old man has never seen or heard of. The fish is strong and dragging

  Why didnt Hemingway let the old man win in the end? In the words of the old man in the novel, "a man is not born to be defeated", "a man can be destroyed, but he cant be defeated." This is the philosophy of the old man and the sea. Theres no denying that as long as its human, its flawed. When a person admits this defect and tries to overcome it instead of succumbing to it, whether he can finally overcome his own defect, he is a winner, because he has overcome his own compromise on the defect, he is the winner of his own courage and confidence. The old fisherman is the winner who dares to challenge his own defects and courage and confidence. From the perspective of worldly view of victory, the old fisherman is not the final winner, because although he defeated the great Marlin at first, the great Marlin was finally eaten by the sharks. He just returned to the shore with the white bone shelf of the great marlin, that is to say, the sharks are the winners. However, in the eyes of idealists, the old fisherman is the winner, because he has never been to the sea, not to the great marlin, not to the shark compromise and surrender. As music master Beethoven said, "I can be destroyed, but I cant be conquered.".

  Human nature is strong, and human beings have their own limits, but it is precisely because people like the old fishermen challenge the limits again and again, and surpass them that the limits are expanded again and again, placing greater challenges in front of human beings. In this sense, such heroes as the old fisherman Santiago, whether they challenge the limit of success or failure, are worthy of our eternal respect.

  Because what he brings us is the most noble confidence of human beings!

名著读后感英文版 (菁华5篇)(扩展5)


  the novel describes is nearly 60 year, when the fisherman fishing, senior alone in a big fish, actually not pull. senior fisherman socialization, after a fish that this is a big marlin, beyond your fishing several folding, though clearly hard to win, but don't give up. later in the big marlin wound bring some of the fish suspicious of sharks smell groups, but the old man still snatch food hope not give up, and finally emphasizes surround close, returned to the big fish, let the other fisherman fishing is admired.

  when i read the "senior fisherman thought: here's coast is really too close, maybe there will be a bigger fish in further..." i appreciate this senior fishermen, because now he has cast in some fish, but he still was not solved, the present situation, but very close to goals. look, we often encounter a slightly is difficult, we are complaining nonstop. in the future, we will be the motherland, so it should be the old ideas, will be more lofty aspiration, for a better, more goals.

  when i read "the big marlin began to rapidly around the young fishing boats, cable suspension of mast twisting, old man exalted to the right hand of gangcha, leapt high flash, and the maximum throw it to heart, wail over fish, it is the life of the static static float on water......" i also like the stone falls in together. i appreciate the old man do not fear, unremitting spirit power, although know this game is very strong, but he isn't popular flinches slightly, but more intractable. just because of this spirit, to finish the senior fishermen life and death of the competition. we must also learn advanced fisherman's spiritual life, do not fear the difficulty, the only thing that can succeed.

  reading the big fish smells blood is the crowd, sharks swam grab food, the old man left, he can just twitching, with a stick with your right hand, mouth are permitted use of weapons to attack and defend the expelled the sharks. but the big fish eat meat has a most, but also his left hand charmingly criticized the work time is actually "time, i also subject to old optimism. in our life, some losses are inevitable, we should take an optimistic attitude toward to compute.

  finally, through a youth novel looked for 18 feet of senior fishermen, describe the marlins up the fish hugeness, explained the senior fisherman is not difficult, more common.

  the novel extol spirit senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous to fight, we will not like him, who can't satisfy the present situation, should actively, do anything is relentless, difficulty, may be welcome difficult never stop halfway. only in this way can we achieve greater success and victory.

  It's long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I don't remember which movie edition I had seen. But I was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume. I was very favor of a section of music in its balls. It's

  pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the ***e,though I didn't think she's beautiful. But she's smart. However, I didn't pay much attention to the plot. I thought it's so long that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I haven't read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice.

  In fact, I didn't understand the story at that time. I didn't know why it called Pride and Prejudice. Of course someone was pride, but I didn't find where' s the prejudice. I thought it's normal, the way people treated each other in that. I considered prejudice would be very disgusting.

  I have read many books, which I learned a lot of knowledge, let me know a lot of truth in life, including a book, let me experience a deep, it is a famous writer Ernest Hemingway wrote, "Hits."

  "Hits" This book talked about such a story, old fisherman Santiago de Cuba consecutive 84 days did not catch the fish, was another loser as a fisherman, but he was persistent, and finally caught a big marlin large Marlins his boat dragged on for three days at sea, exhausted, was tied to the boat he was killed on one side, and then Return Journey repeatedly been shark attacks, he has exhausted all means to counterattack. Back to Hong Kong only the head and a fish tail spine. Although the fish have bitten gone, but what can not destroy the will of his bravery. This book reveals to us a truth: people are not born to fail, and a person can be destroyed, but can not be defeated.

  Before I do anything as long as there is one point does not work well, they will retreat, and sometimes even say a few words dejected to say. In learning, I have a few tests as long as there is not very good there will be no confidence that their getting good grades. "Hits", the hero fighting with the shark, shark harpoon was taken away, he put the knife blade tied to tie chaos. Knife broke, he used truncheons. Batons have lost, and he used the rudder to e to play. This book reveals the truth, not to explain a man no matter what my greatest fear is the lack of confidence. Confidence is like a motor car, is a human motivation. If you do one thing with the confidence, you mean half the battle. The hero in this book are full of confidence and perseverance, not exactly what I indispensable?

  Since reading this book, I know that his lack of learning is no longer due to a loss of confidence in the two do not go well, but more poorly in an exam, the more to be a good test. In the final exam the day, the morning two homework results, I do not have a certain class of students is good, but I admit defeat, but confidence that the determination to fight a turnaround. Language examinations in the afternoon, I have done every Road topics are especially careful. Sure enough, I was class of the first language examinations, total score, I am also a first.

  In the future, I do not care what difficulties we encountered, we must face with confidence, persist in the end, and never retreat. I want to thank the book, for which I have learned so much, thank it for me to understand so many reasons, for it let me know his own shortings and correct their shortings in time, so I became a socially useful people.

  "Hits", the lonely old fisherman Santiago has been not only be tough guy, his spiritual values embodied in the body is entirely the spirit of the ancient Greek tragedy, a modern echo. In the "Hits", the Hemingway finally for his beloved tough guy to find the soul, this soul is everlasting eternal values of mankind. Thus, in the "Hits", the tough-guy character of Santiago's fortitude has bee the novel's surface. By Santiago tough-guy character to praise the eternal values of mankind, became the real theme of the novel. "Hits" and demonstrated what eternal value?

  The first is people's self-confidence. Santiago consecutive 84 days at sea, and did not catch a fish. However, the "pair of eyes, ah, like water, like blue, is happy, not depressed." Originally to follow Santiago on fishing expeditions children, spoke of his father called him to the other boat and said, : "He did not much self-confidence." "Yes." the old man said, "But we have, you say is not it?"

  Santiago in self-confidence is absolute self-confidence, is not to environmental change and changes in self-confidence, it does not pare with others, self-confidence. In Santiago's philosophy of existence, even when confronted with a pole of the unlucky people can only self-confidence.

  People alive, the only way to determine the necessity, that is, to death. In addition, there is no bound to what can rely on. Since the person is alive by chance, then the courage to support human life, the only confident. If we lose self-confidence, in the continuing unlucky so many days after the Santiago there is the courage and perseverance on fishing expeditions do? Therefore, people live to be confident, not self-confidence is for human consumption can not afford luxury. It is precisely because Santiago had an absolute self-confidence, he was called away to the children to express a plete tolerance and understanding. Here, Hemingway has demonstrated the link between self-confidence and tolerance. "Hits" in the main space, describing the lonely old fisherman Santiago, in the open sea and in large marlin and a variety of sharks entangled, fought for three days and three nights experience. By Hemingway fullest description, we felt the Santiago desperate struggle with the fate of the heroic and noble. Last drag home for the elderly only a 18 feet-long fish skeleton, the only plete skeleton is the head and beautiful fish tail.

  From the physical point of view, elderly people fought for three days and three nights a result of failure; but the human spirit, from the person's self-confidence self-esteem, courage and destiny from the human to make every effort to struggle for victory Santiago .

  After all, the true victory can only be a triumph of the spirit. No matter who made much material success, they can not win our respect and thanks. Only the spirit and the spirit of victory, it moves us, that we have to follow the elderly and children, for his tragic tears.

  Some time ago read "the old man and the sea", "the old man and the sea" is Hemingway written in Cuba in 1951, a medium-length novel, was published in 1952. The old man and the sea is one of Hemingway's most famous works, he tells the story of an old man fishing on the sea all the year round. Once he caught a big fish, but he had met on the way back to groups of sharks, the old man work hard and struggle, but failed in the end, the shark ate all of the meat, the old man dragged a pair of big fish skeleton back.

  Novels of all time is very compact, before and after only four days: the day before at sea, the old man returned from the sea, with reference to play around the characters one by one, the relationship between the group and the old man, a love he, with his children learn fishing manolin; A pair of very selfish parents; A group of respected him, but always can't understand his fishing; A concerned about his hotel owners. The old man lived in such a character groups, by contrast, he had a significantly different with others, he is very optimistic, open-minded, is an experienced, the industrious and brave and confident, adventurous, dee*** loves the life of a simple Cuban fisherman. At the same time, also can produce the hub-and-spoke structure clue clear, central focus highlight, the effect of the story is concise and lively.

  The old man said: "a man is not born to defeat, you can destroy it, but can't beat him." Such never-say-die spirit inspires us, we should not learn this spirit?




  Santiago, an old man about sixty years old, fished alone with nothing caught in eighty four days. No one would like to talk to him for his extremely bad luck except a boy who always came to help after the day and finally left to another boat under the pressure of his parents. Ignoring the contempt from the younger fishermen and sympathy from the older, on the morning of the 85th day, the old man started his fishing with determination and rowed his old boat very far in the sea where he believed there would be big fish. Fortunately the old man met with a big fish as he had wished and finally defeated the big Marlin with two days and nights struggle after overcoming great difficulties. But more unfortunately there were many sharks coming after his boat attracted by the smell of the blood of the big Marlin. After death-and-life struggle, when he finally got rid of the sharks coming after the boat, the big Marlin was bare skeleton.

  The Old Man and the Sea tells a frustrated experience of the old man who fishes alone in the sea in plain languages. Through the simple lines, a “tough guy” image is shaped and heroism is praised. The whole story starts with a peaceful beginning which is some trivial of life and talking with the boy, and suddenly turns to its climax which is the dangerous fighting with the big fish and sharks alone in the sea, and ends with the old man’s return with the bare skeleton of the big Marlin. Though the boy only appears at the beginning and the ending in the novel, he plays an indispensible role, it is his inspiring and supporting that helps the old man to be “graceful under heavy pressure”.

  In the book, the old man prepared his fishing properly and preciously than any other fishermen so that “Then when luck comes you are ready” as the old man thought to himself. In reality, some of us keep complaining that they are born in wrong time or good luck never knocks their doors. In fact, good luck sometimes just comes when they are not ready. Taking Newton for example, if he had not acquired a lot, millions of apples could never make him discovery the gravity. So if we just keep studying as much as we can, good luck will finally find us and a bright future is ahead of us. The old man never gives up hope. When all of people think he is doomed, he still strongly believes that he will get a big fish. And he does. So never giving up hope is very important to us. This reminded me of the sentence in Churchill’s speech “Never give up, never, never, never…”. “But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated” has always been inspiring me when I counter with some setbacks in my life. Setbacks are inevitable in pursuit of our goals, but we should never be frustrated and should be “graceful under heavy pressure” like the old man. It is his relentless pursuit that contributes to the victory.



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