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日期:2022-08-09 11:30:10


















  妈妈特别敬业,巨大的工作任务让她上班与休息时间总忙里忙外,即使带我一同出去,也不忘盘算着对方有什么可以挖掘的潜力,让我也深受其“害”,妈妈要拉贷记卡,要完成存款、贷款等任务,还 动员我在同学中间了解情况进行宣传。妈妈起早贪黑的,*期家中事根本顾不上。*时很少有时间管我,虽然我是自由了些,但我还是希望妈妈能多陪陪我。今年春节休息六天,我想对妈妈来说终于可 以放松一下了,可没多久就能接到这样的电话:“程颖,我要××!”妈妈二话不说放下手中的事,立马从硕大无朋的拎包里快速翻出单子,拿出随身必备的水笔,迅速地记着,还计划着节日期间对单 位进行实地调查,全然一个工作狂。唉,真让人扫兴。记得儿时我总能看见妈妈在练*计算器,娴熟的指法是我那时对妈妈的印象;童年我常能看见妈妈写着“本月总结”,一行行快速出现的字目是我 那时对妈妈的印象;现在的我总能看见妈妈拉任务时的景象,飞快的身影出去,疲惫的身躯回来是我这时对妈妈的印象……

  妈妈,你总是这么的忙,为此你常累得腰酸背痛,成了盲人按摩所的常客,还经常一次次地央求我给你捶背。你嫌我力气小,还让我整个人站在你腰上按摩。妈妈,你应该好好休息休息,把身体放在第 一位,工作可以改在明天做呀!你常说:不行啊,耽搁下来就要影响明天的工作了。唉,没见你这么傻的。

  从我出生到现在,这么多年,妈妈最应该感谢的是中行。这可不是在文章里插广告,的的确确是这样的。中行锻炼了我妈妈的勇气,要是不去拉任务,她肯定不敢跨出这一步。中行锻炼了我妈妈的能力 ,要是没有繁重的工作,她肯定没有现在积极。






  Mothers Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society.

  Its a day to show thanks to mothers. This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mothers Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the second Sunday of May each year.

  Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnation is regarded as the flower for mother.

  In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also known as Nepenthe.


  Tomorrow is mothers day. How do I make my mother happy? Why do you cook?

  Say, I checked the menu from the Internet, wow! It makes me dazzling, but... I wont do it...

  I was thinking about finding my sister (not my elder sister). I called her, but she said she had to do homework. I was thinking about what to do. My mother told me to go to dinner and eat to bed. When I got to bed, I couldnt sleep. Finally, I wanted to give my mother a gift. I usually noticed my mother. She liked a dress in the clothing store, but she didnt buy it for a long time. I asked her why she didnt buy it and our family was not short of money. She answered, "I saw a lot of poor mountain village kids on TV recently. I want to donate money to them.

  I want to buy my mothers clothes and make mom happy and happy, but because I spend money in a bad time, I have no money to save, I have to ask dad to ask him, and promise him that he will give me the money. I helped my mother buy a piece of clothes and see the cake shop, I think, and have the money anyway, buy it, buy money, buy money anyway, buy, buy, and buy anyway, buy, buy, and buy anyway, buy, buy, buy, buy money anyway, buy, buy, buy. Cake, just give your clothes to your mother.

  In the evening, I took the cake box apart and took the clothes to my mother. My mother was happy to shed tears. I saw my mother weeping and rushed down her mother. As a child, my mother coaxed me, singing a ballad, mother laughing...


  Mother's Day

  Mother's Day is a day to honour our mother for all she has done for us. On that day, I bought a bunch of roses for her and greeted her "Happy Mother's Day". I helped her do all the housework on that day. In the evening, the whole family went to a restaurant to enjoy Mother's Day.











































——母亲的付出作文 (菁华3篇)
























  My mother is really a good mother,and I love her so much.My mother is a teacher and she taughtme from my Grade 1 to Grade 3 in primary school. She is a good teacher with great patience.

  She is so kind to all students in her class that she is badly popular among her students. Except for knowledge, my mother teaches me how to be a good person and she regards it as the most important lesson to a person. In my opinion, she gets 100 points as a teacher as well as a mother.

  Last week, my elder sister gave birth to a baby girl. I was so happy for our family joining one more member. I helped my sister to look after the baby. She was so small but looked old, and I laughed. This girl cried now and then. I had no idea what to do. When she peed, I had to change her clothes. Raising a baby is not easy. My mother has two daughters. It must be really hard for her, especially me, I was so naughty when I was one year old. Being a mother is a big decision, asit means to sacrifice a lot. I am so thankful to my mother. She is a good mother.


  My mother is a teacher of primary school. She teaches in countryside, and there are only several teachers in her school. Therefore, except for math, she also teaches Chinese and music. My mother is a good teacher and she is popular among her students. She cares every student in her class, both in study and life. Her class seems to be relaxed and lively, but students can learn a lot from her. To some extend, she is strict to her students. When they make mistakes in study, she would point it out directly and tells the student correct it by himself or herself firstly.

  If they can’t, my mother helps them at last. Besides the study, my mother is a good teacher in life. She focuses on healthy growth of her students. So she always cares about their life. No matter what happens to them, she is ready to listen and help.


  My mother is only 1.54 meters tall, thin and small, and her waist is not as thick as my thigh. My mother's fate is not good, half of her life is bumpy, a lot of misfortunes, but she has not been crushed. She is still so strong, and never shows her inner pain in front of me and my father.


  In fact, I know that mother is really not easy. Since my father was laid off, my mother's cloth shop business has become the main source of life for the family of three. As a result, her mother takes her cloth shop business seriously.


  It's not hard to imagine how hard it is for a woman without much culture to stand up in today's business. Because my mother is short, thin and often bullied, my father and I are not at ease. Every day, my father goes to my mother's cloth shop to have a look. As for me, I go to help my mother collect the stall and push the car after school.


  My mother was busy when I went. I stood by and looked at my mother with pity. Suddenly, I felt that my mother was so great that she supported our whole family with her thin and weak body. My mother's back is a little hunched, and the green silk on her head is becoming less and less. Even her sharp eyes are less sharp, which adds a lot of sorrow. Looking at it, my nose is suddenly sour, and my eyes are moist.


  My mother finally got into a business deal, with a smile on her face. Looking at the mother's walking movements and listening to the mother's voice, I feel a sense of self satisfaction and happiness.


  It was very late, and mother looked at the black doors at both ends of the market. She was sure that no customers would come, so she planned to close the stall. I hurried to help my mother take off the ready-made clothes hanging on the shelf - I didn't expect it to be so heavy. I don't know how my mother closed the stall on her own. "Haiquan, just take those pants down. Let me have the complete set of clothes." Mother is afraid that I can't bear it. She always thinks about her son.


  We've finally got it together.


  On the way, I walk very fast. Inadvertently looking back, I saw that my mother had been left behind a large part. From a distance, my mother's body was so thin and thin, like a yellow grass on the road in the cold wind, but her basket was so big - my mother kept changing hands, so I would like to help her carry it. My mother understood my mind and didn't say anything more. She put the basket down. I noticed that my mother's hand was covered with frostbite, and it was swollen red and high, as if it would break at once just a little bit. Suddenly, my heart seemed to be blocked by something, very uncomfortable. There was a hot thing in my nose and eyes that could not help but flow out


  My mother's basket is really too heavy. It's less than two li away. My fingers are red.


  There are cloth in the basket. Every night, my mother makes clothes out of them and sells them in the market tomorrow. This is the only way for my family to earn money.


  "The new book bag you enrolled in has been taken for you, and the flower folding umbrella in your rain has been beaten for you. You love to eat three fresh dumplings, she gave you the package, you wronged tears, she has someone to wipe you. Ah, this man is mother, this man is mother... " I don't know where the familiar and affectionate song comes from. The lyrics are clear and the words are beating my heart heavily. Listen, my eyes are wet with tears again.


  Writing here, my mother's small and thin figure appeared in front of my eyes with a basket

  My mother is an ordinary teacher. She always puts her students before everything. She is nothing different from other people at the first sight. But later you will find that she is so responsible. In my mind, she is very great. On weekends, she always prepare the class at home.

  Sometimes she even ask the students to e to our house for remediation for free. All her students like her. Sometimes I almost envy her students. Luckily, my mother also very care about me. she puts all her time on our family and her students, leaving nothing for herself. She is so great, and I proud of her; and I love her.



  Mother's Day is a happy and unforgettable holiday. How I long for it to come!

  In order to make me grow up well, every weekend and summer vacation was running for my cram class, even today, I was still working for my study and life. As a result, the feet were all blister and even a thick cocoon.

  Today, mother's Day is coming. I decided to do something for my mother - I need to wash my feet for my mother, wash my mother's fatigue and wash away the dust from my mother's feet. First, I want to buy some carnations, and then cook a pot of water, until the water is boiled, smoke, and then pour it into the pot, then, put the petals in the pot, and let the water ripple the fragrance of carnations.

  All right, everything is ready now. I called my mother and let her put her feet into the rich and fragrant pot. I washed my feet with my own hands, and my hands would wash my mother's tiredness all day. No! It was so hard for years! I felt my mother growing the bottom of the cocoon. My heart was very uncomfortable. My mother loved my head. She was happy and said, "my son grows up, understands, mother is very relieved." And I told mom that I had to study hard and learn to do housework as well as help my mother share the burden of the family.

  Mother's day today, I and my mother have been very happy, mother's Day is built, it is the best festival in the world, it let the world mother have a day to accept blessing and return, even if only a word, even if only tiny things, but also let the mothers really warm!






  Today I'm very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park.

  It's a sunny day ,the bird is singing,I'm singing too.When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them.We play very happy.Then I have lunch with my friends.We both have a good time.what's a happy day Mothers Day.

  Mother's Day comes on the second Sunday in May each year. On that day this year, I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me. Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy.




  The long road, through countless spring, summer, autumn, winter, through countless life ups and downs。 Ushered in the "mother's Day" of XX。 On that day, I looked at my mother with love, she had two white hair on her head, and I hated time, because it was a million times to take her light。

  That day, my mother went to work。 I was alone at home, looking at the blue sky, what seemed to be remembered, oh! By the way, mother's day should give a gift of love to my dear mother。 Mother gave birth to my baby in pain。 It was mother raised me and educated me。 I fell into thought from time to time。 Do I send a crystal ball to my mother? No No, my mother often teaches me that what I have done is better than anything。 Then I send a letter written by myself。 OK, that's all。

  In my letter, I wrote, "I love you!" Mom! It is the truth that you teach me to be a human being, you make me exercise my independence from an early age。 So, I became a little girl in front of difficulties, not proud in front of success。 Every time someone else bullied me, you said, "child, don't be afraid!" It is impossible for us to have no trouble in life。 It is impossible for a person's life to be smooth sailing and safe。 "You are in my eyes a broad heart and everything can be allowed。 It is really bigger than the sea and taller than the sky。"

  I only wrote these, you may feel very little, but for me, Thanksgiving does not need much, the important thing is a sincere heart。 An infinite love!





  Her hair was bright, her eyes were clear and her eyes were clear, and her nose was more attractive than her. This is my mother. She not only has unique beauty, but also has a heart that loves me.

  When I was a child, I was often sick because of poor nutrition. Remember when he was seven years old of a winter, it was snowing heavily, I got sick, a fever to 39 degrees, while I was still in grandmother home, grandmother is broken immediately give me to take medicine, can burn is not to go back. So grandma called the mother, mother immediately brave the snow to catch up, mother came after that he kept busy, night passed my fever is gone, look at mom her eyes no longer strong, but a dim colorless. I asked my mother if she had anything to do, and my mother shook her head and gave me the temperature. As a result, grandma said that the mother had a fever that day.

  I was lost...

  This is the mother who is selfless to me, caring for me and caring for me.





  On a sunny morning, I will prepare a delicious breakfast for my mother and celbrate Mother's Day!


  I'll bake the sliced bread in the toaster first, and then it will be delicious. Put the bread on a nice little plate and it's done.

  The most difficult thing to do is to fry eggs. You have to open the oil pan and knock eggs. When I knock the eggs, I still make a mess. If the first one isn't finished, I won't talk about the second one. When I knock it out, I still have egg white all over the table. It's so disgusting that I have to wash my hands. Beat the third egg again, under the guidance of my grandfather, I successfully beat the egg! Then I pour a little oil into the pan, heat the pan, beat the egg and pour it into the pan, turn it over a few times and it will be cooked.

  Make a cup of coffee for my mother. With the help of my grandfather, I will have a good breakfast for my mother.、






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