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日期:2022-09-28 00:00:00


  Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your closet friend about it now. My Dream I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I dont have to worry about the old age during which I even cant take care of myself.

  I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.


  What will our world be like in x yearsI can't imagine. It must change a lot. If I meet myself who es from the future, I will ask her whether my dream es true or not.

  My dream is to bee an excellent interpreter. When I was in Grade 1, I began to study English. At that time, I was so excited for learning a new language. Because of English, I know that America is a beautiful and polite country. From then on, I hope I can speak English very well and have chance travel to America some day.

  Nowadays, English is widely spoken throughout the world. What's more, plenty of people have realized its importance. In order to make my dream e true, I try my best and work much harder. I start to watch America drama to practice my English. And I also read some English books now. I talk with others to practice my oral English as possible as I can. But the path to the success isn't smooth. Sometimes I want to give up. But it's my dream, I can't give up easily. Shelley said” if winter es, can spring be far behind”

  On the other hand, with the development of China, more and more people are interested in our culture. Some enjoy Beijing Opera, some study Chinese Kongfu, some even learn to speak Chinese, etc. As a Chinese, of course I will help them to know more about Chinese culture. I want to be an envoy of cultural exchange between China and America. So if I am an interpreter, I will introduce China to the world. I believe if I work hard enough, my dream will e true.


  Everyone has his own ideal, I also have their own ideal, this ideal, like a destination, waiting for you to; This ideal, is a peak, waiting for you to climb.

  Since the childhd I had many ideal, or naive or funny, more whimsical unrealistic, but every ideal is I at the beginning, the bottom of my heart the most sincere act, has been accompanied by I walk long or short for a long time. Now think of, also have a beautiful memory. Medicine with its own unique charm to attract me, it has a unique significance: the patient back from the disease, back from death. Ideal became doctors had never wavered in my heart, because I believe it won"t leave me, painstakingly pursue it will let me bathed in the sunlight. Whenever see dad open prescriptions, whenever see out of dad"s clinic in the healing of patients, time always remind me: my ideal is far from me, there will be many obstacles on the road, step on the gas! Through these tough! Toward my ideal!

  Ideal is a big dipper in the sky, to trek directions; Ideal is the beacon, light homing shore road! Ideal is fire, lit my ideal male-male fire!





  Everyone has a dream. Some people want to be astronauts like Yang Liwei, go into space, travel freely and explore the mysteries of space; Some people want to become skilled doctors, overcome difficult and miscellaneous diseases in medicine, and let more people get rid of the pain of disease

  My dream is to become an excellent engineer, design a high-tech house and let people feel the convenience brought by high technology. Now, let me show you the house I designed:

  There are three identification systems at the door of the house, and the anti-theft function is particularly strong: the first is eye iris identification, the second is voice identification, and the third is fingerprint identification. The three identification system can only be opened through the back door. The owner of the house can safely go away without worrying about the theft of things at home.

  When the house is dirty, just press the blue button and a robot will appear in the room to help you clean all the rooms. If you are hungry, just press the purple button, and a table of delicious food will be presented in front of you for you to eat.

  Don't panic when the house is on fire. Just press the red button and the top of the house will spray water automatically. This kind of water is very magical. It can only put out fire. When it meets other things, it will instantly decompose into air and will not damage anything in the house.

  Although this is only a dream, I believe that as long as I study hard, this dream will come true.


  Many years ago, I saw the movie Harry Porter and I was so impressed by it. The magical world was so wonderful that I wanted to live there. My thoughts were so active that I always dreamed about myself walking in the magical world and taking the risk.

  So I decided to write down the things I dreamed about and then made these become a book.

  This is my little dream, when the book is finished, I want to read them to my friends and my brother. Now I have written down a few pages, I continue to write every day.

  I get great motivation to finish my little dream. I imagine how happy I will be when I finish the book, so I keep writing it when I have the thoughts. I am so proud of myself for I never giving up to finish my dream.


  I have a dream.I want to be a actor(actress女演员)when I grow up.Why am I want to be a actor?Because in the future,the actor maybe is a popular job.And I think this job is very good for me.It can make me become braver.But if you want to be a actor ,you must very hard.Because this job is defficult too.Now ,I must had in my study,so that I can finish my dream---I want to be a actor!















































——我的梦想初三英语作文 (菁华5篇)


  Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your closet friend about it now. My Dream I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I dont have to worry about the old age during which I even cant take care of myself.

  I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.


  What will our world be like in 20 years.I can’t imagine. It must change a lot. If I meet myself who comes from the future, I will ask her whether my dream comes true or not.

  My dream is to become an excellent interpreter. When I was in Grade 1, I began to study English. At that time, I was so excited for learning a new language. Because of English, I know that America is a beautiful and polite country. From then on, I hope I can speak English very well and have chance travel to America some day.

  Nowadays, English is widely spoken throughout the world. What’s more, plenty of people have realized its importance. In order to make my dream come true, I try my best and work much harder. I start to watch America drama to practice my English. And I also read some English books now. I talk with others to practice my oral English as possible as I can. But the path to the success isn’t smooth. Sometimes I want to give up. But it’s my dream, I can’t give up easily. Shelley said” if winter comes, can spring be far behind”

  On the other hand, with the development of China, more and more people are interested in our culture. Some enjoy Beijing Opera, some study Chinese Kongfu, some even learn to speak Chinese, etc. As a Chinese, of course I will help them to know more about Chinese culture. I want to be an envoy of cultural exchange between China and America. So if I am an interpreter, I will introduce China to the world. I believe if I work hard enough, my dream will come true.


  Yesterday, we had a discussion. The topic is. What is my dream? Every one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to bee a doctor.

  My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly iii. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. Then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. They took me there. I was saved.

  A good doctor can save people' s lives. From then on I decided to bee a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will e true.


  I enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation(准备).

  But life in the university is not as satisfactory(满意) as what I had expected.

  I become lazy and dont want to study.I become silcent.

  I become puzzled.

  I dont know what I can do in the future.

  Then I become unhappy.

  Four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime.

  Now it has passed a half.

  In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life.

  I dont want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style.

  So I think carefully.

  I have been a young volunteer(志愿者) for five years.Its very happy and significant.

  Then I have a dream.I want to join the University Student Volunteers Go West Programe.

  I think I can be a teacher in the west.I want to try my best to help them and help me.

  I want to see the world cearly.

  Now I cant reach its demand and its very diffcult,but I will work hard in the next two years.

  There is an old sayingwhere there is a will,there is a way.(有志者事竟成)I think my dream can come ture.Now in the university I mature,and in the university I prepare for the real world.

  At last,I want to say to everybodyHlod fast to your dreams,no matter how big or small they are.The path to dreams may not be smooth(*滑) and wide,even some sacrifices(牺牲) are needed.But hold on to the end,you can find there is no geater happiness than making your dream come ture


  Many years ago, I saw the movie Harry Porter and I was so impressed by it. The magical world was so wonderful that I wanted to live there. My thoughts were so active that I always dreamed about myself walking in the magical world and taking the risk.

  So I decided to write down the things I dreamed about and then made these become a book.

  This is my little dream, when the book is finished, I want to read them to my friends and my brother. Now I have written down a few pages, I continue to write every day.

  I get great motivation to finish my little dream. I imagine how happy I will be when I finish the book, so I keep writing it when I have the thoughts. I am so proud of myself for I never giving up to finish my dream.



  My sister got married two years ago and now her daughter is one year old. Last week, my sister was busy and she asked me to take care of her child for half a day. I said yes without hesitation, because I thought it would be very easy, but later it turned out to be wrong. My niece was moving all the time. As she was too young to walk, so she crawled everywhere, then I needed to focus my attention all the time. Once she was out of my sight, then something bad would happen. Though I sat at the table, I could do nothing, it was so tired. When my sister was back, I felt relieved, raising a child is never a easy work.




  My school life is a little boring.

  Everyday we have nine lessons at school. We have to do endless homework at night and have lessons at weekends. I do not have enough time to have a rest and relax myself. In my opinion, we should have fewer lessons and more activities. We should do sports at least two hours a day. And teachers should pay less attention to students` marks and encourage every student to work hard. That`s my ideal school life.

  How to deal with pressure? As a student of Grade 9, if you can not deal with pressure well, you may have many problems.

  How can we deal with pressure? My first suggestion is doing something you want to do, such as listening to music, reading some stories, and doing some sports etc.

  My best way to deal with pressure is to go traveling can not only help us get knowledge, but also help us keep healthy, and make us less narrow-minded. We can climb the mountains because the air is so fresh that we can take a deep breath. We can learn a lot about Chinese culture and spirit by traveling.

  I think communicating with your parents and teachers is another good way to deal with pressure. If you need something to help, tell your friends. They may offer you useful solutions to your problems so that you will be out of trouble.  Do not be nervous, just relax yourself.

  Recently I spent over three hours looking, reading and enjoying the exhibits at the National Palace Museum located in the suburbs. Many local and foreign visitors go there daily to take pictures outside and spend endlehours inside. No cameras are allowed inside, but you can buy you can buy colored slides of the exhibits in the gift shop downstairs. There is a very large collection of beautiful jades. Also, there is an ancient bronze vessel exhibit. Some of the exhibits are changed regularly for special collections such as porcelain and silk paintings. My attention was mainly in the room with the wall-size slide show describing some archeological discoveries from pre-history tine. Also, the oracle bones exhibit was very good; there seemed to be an endleamount of rare, beautiful, interesting, and fascinating things.

  Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. It seems that the world becomes smaller nowadays. You could be found wherever you are so long as you take the mobile phone with you. Some people wonsider the mobile phone necessary and useful to them, while others may dislike it.

  People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenient, for you can connect others easily and quickly. You don’ t have to wait for an important call at home all day long. The youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music and even take photos by using the mobile phone. People find it advanced for its attractive functions. In some countries, it even stands for a person’ s status.

  However, some people don’ t like it. Imagine that you go to spend your holiday with your family after days of busy and tiresome work. When you lay on the beach comfortably, your phone rings. Then you have to go back to your office only to find an unimportant customer waiting for you. At that moment, you may even want to throw your phone away, for you just want to relax and get rid of your work.

  However, whether you like the mobile phone or not, it has alresdy affected our lives and played an important role in the history of human beings.



  As a small girl, many teachers have asked me what do I want to be in the future, and my answer is always to be a teacher. It is my dream and I study so hard to realize it. Being a teacher can pass the knowledge to others and guide them to the right way.

  Thinking about the great contribution I make, everything is worth.



  In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least.

  My dream is to become a successful stateman, helping those people who need help with their rights. Of course, to be a good stateman is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied. Thats my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. China is a developing country which needs good stateman,especially in the countryside and distant villages.

  Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.




  "University" a beautiful word which makes me have much imagination. As the name "ivory tower" given by people its a good place to live and study. In the ivory tower romantic love just like cherry blossom smiles happily in the campus.


  Many girls have the sweet dream that one day there is a boy who stands below the windows loud annoucing "I love you" holding a bound of flowers in his hands. But the most important things is that I can receive the advanced education systematically listen to the senior professors experience attend many dourses of lectures. To my pleasant I can be free to spend a whole day in the library and read every book that Id like which makes me find the knowledge is vast considerably. All these let me climb up in the field of science. At the same time the people from many parts of motherland get together. Its a big furnace involved dialects and cluture. Its interesting.


  I can find a part time job to experience the life which is a good way of contacting society. In short therere many things waiting for me to learn and this is why I come here to be a university student.


  I am good at writing and I am interested in travelling around the world,So I want to become a reporter in the future.

  As a reporter, I can communicate with many different kinds of people. I can show the real world to readers.

  As a metter of fact, to be a good reporter is not easy.

  It is a challenge for me.

  Now I must study hard and lay a solid foundation. Also I must build up my body.





  I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor.

  Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.

  May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.




  i have a dream:i want to be a lawyer 。the reason i want to be a lawyer r is i think this profession is very important and meaningful。 if i am a lawyer,i will can contribute to maintaining the fairness and justice of society in the form of law:on one hand,i can take advantage of my expertise help mediate peoples conflicts and dis*s,so that they can live in harmony。

  on the other hand,i can defend legitimate rights and interest

  s for innocent,avoiding them suffering from some unnecessary injury。

  in addition,i can often contact with somebody who need legal aid,try my best to teaching them some basic legal knowledge,therefore they can obey the law and ap* the law。






  Everyone has a dream.

  Now I want to say something about my dream.What is my dream?I often ask myself.In my mind,everyone shall have his own dream.I think that having a dream means that we have an idea,and then we will do all the things to achieve the target.As long as we have a goal to be realized,we won’t be blind at least.

  My dream is to become a successful stateman,helping those people who need help with their rights.Of course,to be a good stateman is very difficult,but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied.That's my dream.I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country.China is a developing country which needs good stateman,especially in the countryside and distant villages.

  Now I’m a junior student on Grade One,My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study,I’ll still try my best to be the study winner.Now everything I do is close to my dream.I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful,and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.

  I know that fantasy is something hard to realize,but dream can.I’ll work hard for my dreams,I’ll never give up.

  Everyone may have his own dream. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful, and someone may want to have power. But I’m different from them. My dream is special. I want to have a pair of wings. Because I want to fly in the sky,I like the feeling of freedom.

  If I have a pair of wings,I’m sure it will be very wonderful. I can fly below the blue sky with the birds. I can enjoy the music of birds’. I can fly across the cloud and the small wind will blow past my face. The feeling must be the same as that my mother caresses me.

  I can fly over the sea, below the rainbow, through the forest I can see all the wonderful view. But I know that it will never be uteri have another instead. I want to have a fly of my own. The plane must be very small and light. It has to carry only one person. It can fly by wind or sunshine. It can fly for a very long time. And the important thing is that it must be very save.

  I’m sure I can have this plane some day. And I can have fly to everywhere I want.

  I always thought about what I was going to be when I grew up when I was a little girl. Finally, I decide to be an actress because of Jackie Chen. I am one of his fans. I admire his devotions and achievements. I also want to be a useful and helpful actress. And I’m going to England. I heard England is very interesting. But how am I going to do it? First, I’m going to study English hard because it’s very important. Then I am going to find a part-time job and save some money. Next, I’m going to take acting lessons at an art school in England. Then I will act in some plays to be famous. If I could be famous, I would return to my country and buy a big house for my parents. Next, I will travel all over the world and help people who need help. Then I will retire to a beautiful countryside when I am old. I believe I can do it.

  Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of being famous. Some people dream of going abroad and so on. I have a dream,too.

  When I was in school my teacher asked me what I want to be in the future I had no idea at the time because I didn’t think about the question before now I have my dream I have figured out what I want to be in the future I want to be a teacher. This is my future ideal career being a teacher not only fulfills myself I also can implant my knowledge to my students. When I look at my teachers I adore them so much they learn so much knowledge they can help us learn better whenever we have questions they can answer us immediately. I want to be one of them when I grow up so I must study hard now.

  All along, I have a dream, to be a life-saving doctor.

  Since I was born, I have been weak and sickly. I have to rely on drugs to maintain my health since childhood. And I have become a medicine bottle". All along, I want a healthy life, but can not always get rid of those bottles. If I can become a doctor, I can think of a way to cure your disease, so mom and dad won't worry about me, and I can also come on drugs comfortable, healthy life.

  If I become a doctor, I must help more people out of the disease, I know I have limited ability, but I will do my best to let as many people out of pain. I will try to study new drugs and heart treatment, and strive to become a good doctor!

  But now I'm still a student. I must take you to study and eventually become a qualified doctor!

























































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