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学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)

日期:2022-11-09 00:00:00


  Tolerance is like water, tolerant poem, tolerance is gold, jade is tolerance; tolerance is a remarkable tolerance, a broad mind, is to accommodate people of things and acceptance; tolerance is a kind of self-cultivation, is a virtue. Tolerance is a kind of moving!

  Tolerance is like a calm and gentle water. When you have faults, for others, it can be a sea of broad mind to accommodate you. Whether you are a vessel, or grass, it can in their own gentle, selfless carrying you, holds you, it won’t brood on to you won’t hostile, only silently will carry you forward to the distance.

  Tolerance is like a poem of great beauty. When you offend others, it won’t cast you has sharp irony, hurtful indifference and anger, but to give you a meaningful enjoyable poem". It will be the United States, with its underlying philosophy, to opens your heart, unlock your heart and awaken your conscience, to eliminate barriers to each other. It will be your own tolerance and love to warm your heart, so that you secretly admire, heart moved.

  Tolerance is like precious gold jade. It is so precious that it will be loved by everyone. If there is a gap on being friends, no matter which one, if you are willing to be tolerant of the "jade" and "gold" to each other, he will feel the warm heart, he will not only let go, be thankful, he will come up with your own heart, my beloved baby back to you. Either side’s displeasure or resentment will turn into a cloud of smoke and wind.

  Tolerance makes friendship closer, family affection deeper and society more harmonious. Tolerance, lubrication of each other’s relationship, to eliminate the gap between each other, cleared each other’s concerns, and enhance mutual understanding. So the most noble and good way is tolerance! (Article Reading Network: )

  Tolerance is: to reason, to reckless, to generosity, to narrow, to self-restraint, ignorance.

  A little more tolerant of others, their own way will be a little wider; less tolerant of others, their own posterior approach will be narrower; can not tolerate others, they may not have a posterior approach. Tolerance is because of love; tolerance is because of understanding; tolerance is because of good. Tolerance is not a deal, tolerance is not sweet, but for the sake of friendly, false display of affection, otherworldly.

  Tolerance is not unprincipled weakness. Tolerance should be strict with oneself, broad-minded toward others. Tolerance is not worth forgiving person, is not tolerant of palliative; tolerance, tolerance is indulgent; smart one who is clever.

  Easier said than done on human tolerance,? Some people say, "a great man has two hearts, one heart bleeds, another heart is forgiving."". Forgive others, you need to wronged yourself. Everyone knows, in forgiving others, at the same time, his heart is what kind of grievance? You are open-minded, you have to haggle out of the quagmire, your generosity generous again! You know, if you want to forgive others, you must first learn to put down. If really put down, want to open, not only will make yourself better, but also make others relaxed. Only tolerance, friendship can last forever; only tolerance, love can be happy; only tolerance, people and talents can be harmonious.

  Man is not a saint, but he has many faults, so life needs mercy. Must not because of brood on life, even words hurt.

  It is not difficult to forgive once, but it is difficult to keep a forgiving heart all one’s life.


  One foot trampled on the violet, but it left the fragrance on the heel of the man, which is called tolerance.

  Life is like the sea, tolerance for boating, rafting in the sea, to know the breadth of the sea; life is like a mountain, tolerance for the path, climbing along the path, to know the height of the mountain; life is like a song, tolerance is a song, and song, to know the beauty of the song. Since I remember, I have known a word: the sky is wider than the sea, and the heart is wider than the sky. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. “Heart to heart” is a way to cultivate one‘s mind.

  Once, I lied to my friend in good faith, but it was just a white lie, but I didn’t know that my friend was furious with me. I was wronged in my heart! But I had to think about it for a while. In fact, it hurt my friend to do so, so I tried to bear the anger, and finally, we said good.

  Imagine -- at that time, if I was also furious with him, the consequences would be unimaginable, both sides would lose, and a precious friendship would be lost. In fact, most of the time, the cause of misunderstanding is not to achieve “heart to heart”, not to think about each other‘s feelings, intolerable each other, resulting in an ugly ending.

  When dealing with others, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with his companions. Some of the injuries are unintentional and some are intentional. However, you should be magnanimous and be able to prop up the boat in the prime minister’s belly. In ancient times, a well-off man loved flowers and grass, and still loved orchids. He planted many orchids in the temple on weekdays and loved them more than before.One day, Gao Jie had to leave the temple for two days because he wanted to go out. Before he left, he specially told his disciples to feed and make flowers and plants well without any mistakes. But unexpectedly, it rained cats and dogs that night, and the wind was strong. All the flowers and plants in the hospital died because they didn‘t move into the house. The disciples gathered at the door, waiting for the master to come back and accept the scolding. After returning to the temple, the monk was heartbroken to see the flowers and plants he had cultivated carefully for many years destroyed, but he did not blame his disciples,Just calmly say, “I didn’t plant orchids to get angry.”

  What is it to suppress the anger in his heart, what is it to stop him from getting angry, and what is it to let him face the immediate scene calmly? It is tolerance, which is great tolerance! Learn tolerance, learn to understand others, relax your heart, keep yourself in a good state of mind, and set up a gorgeous sail in life.


  There is such a fable in the "Li Wengong Collection" of Tang Dynasty: Two people passed by the National Malaysia and the horse, and the horse biting the neck of the national horse, making it bleeding, but the national horse is still driving . The horse returned to the home but shaking, the grass is not stained, waiting for the country horse to comfort - close, the horses are recovering, the horses are restored. At first glance, it is very unfortunately anger, and more invalid and weakness of the horse. But I saw the last change of the horse, but I can't help but cheer in the darkness of the country, cheering for the Tolerance spirit of the country, the harmony and cheers brought by tolerance. Tolerance is a silent education. Tolerant eventually will eventually hurt your human feelings or reluctant to go to the Sailing of the Moral Tribunal, accept your conscience: Junma is shaking by the Tolerance of Guoma, but self-blaming .

  This silent education will eventually make the conscience of harmful injuries are being called justice, and they will go to our integrity. The story of "" is dee* enlightened. If the prime minister is also a small belly, with Lian Po, you must count, if you have it, I am afraid that Zhao Guo has already been buried by Qin Qin. It is precisely because the prime minister is the broad mind of the country, it is called the education of honest, and he will make him sin. Lian intersession, so that strong Qin has a soldier and does not dare to raise the troops. Tolerance has produced unexpected huge role. The tolerance result is that a person gets wider on the road of life. "Only width you can get people" is a famous saying, and it will step by step, and even gradually move. The National Malaysia is tolerate, and the second horse has passed back and moves together. Xiang Yu, who is "Li Pulling Mountain", is lacking tolerance, first, the Qi Qi, Han Ping, and Han Xin, who is good at using soldiers, and finally even the closest "Yather" Van Zeng has been forced, only four sides of Chu song, Wujiang self-cultivation The ending. It can be seen that only the truly tolerance will not be used in all directions, caught in the dilemma. Here, we must learn the practice of the National Malaysia: its tolerance makes the horse, and then use tolerance to comfort the horses, make it a helpless. So in a sense, tolerant others, it is also tolerant, give some space, you will get a blue sky. Let us have this blue sky, with tolerance! The story of the National Malaysia and the horse, should be a mirror in real life, reflect on themselves, understand others. In the increasing development of the market economy, the relationship between people and people will be increasingly nervous, and when there is a "no father and son on the business field"? Once some people have money, status, reputation and other conflicts, some people will discard the tolerance, pick up the knife that "eye is also eye-catching, with tooth", to the opponent. In fact, these people do not know how to be tolerant. Tolerant, it is Gray Vulillan, which makes people to succeed; it is Jun Yan Jinsong, which makes people get more and more conducive. Of course, the tolerance is not a principle tolerance, not to see the accessibility of the object.

  The tolerant object must be "horses" rather than "inferior horses", it is some conscience, and it will change the people who have changed, and the evil gangsters, the wicked people who are illegal and chaotic will never be tolerant. The ancient language said: It is a big, which can be high. Let us have toleranceThe soul.After many years, you will find that on the road of life, you have left a intoxicated magnificent scenery.

学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——宽容待人作文 (菁华3篇)















学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)


  学会宽容待人作文 1






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  学会宽容待人作文 9


  美国前总统林肯待人就十分宽容。 在一次演说时,一个参议员故意羞辱他:“林肯先生,在你开始演讲之前,我希望你记住自己是个鞋匠的儿子。”对此,林肯却微笑应对:“谢谢你这个时候还能记起我的父亲,他已经过世了。 我一定记住你的忠告,我知道我做总统无法像我父亲做鞋匠做得那样好。”

  即使对自己的政敌,林肯也能做到宽容以待。 有人不满地对他说:“你为什么试图和他们成为朋友呢?你应该想办法打击他们,消灭他们才对。”林肯温婉地说:“我难道不是在消灭政敌吗?当我们成为朋友时,政敌也就不存在了。”


  生活中,我们也需要林肯这样的处世智慧。 既要宽容别人,也要宽容自己。 宽容别人,是一种境界,一种美德;宽容自己,是一种涵养,一种智慧。 失意时,多一份宽容,少一份苛求,送自己一束鲜花,你就能很快走出困境;失败时,多一份宽容,少一份懊恼,送自己一些鼓励,你就会变得更有勇气。


  首先,要乐观。 一个悲观的人,很容易想到事物不好的一面,使自己越发不满或失落。 如果能往好的方面想,兴许会觉得另有一番趣味了。

  其次,要学会换位思考。 凡事多站在对方的角度想一想,你会发现大家都是普通人,都很不容易,吃一点亏又有什么关系呢?

  最后,要学会感恩。 与人发生矛盾的时候,要想想他对你的友好和帮助,自然就不生气了。 这一点,我深有感受。 一次,班主任误会是我弄坏了教室里的设备,狠狠地训了我一顿。 我又气又急,和他顶了几句就跑出了教室。 过了几天,我发现老师看我时有愧疚的神色,我的心被触动了:虽然老师误会了我,但他也不是故意的啊!作为学生,应该理解老师的忙中出错。 那天晚自*后,我向老师说出心中的委屈,老师也承认了他的不对……


  学会宽容待人作文 10







学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)


  学会宽容待人英语作文 1

  What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us forgive reciprocally each other’s folly. That is the first law of nature.

  When you cut your finger, the life can tolerate you, it can start the patch work immediately, and lets the new cell rejoin one by one in the wounded place; if you have eaten rotten food by mistake, the life can tolerate you, lets you put out food to protect you; if your hand burnt, it can reduce the edema, and increase blood current capacity in other to let along new foods come into the skin, organization and new cell.

  The tolerance is the key to obtain safety and health. If you want the health and happiness, you must tolerate everybody who hurts you. If you can’t first tolerate the others, you can’t truly tolerate yourself. Refusing to tolerate the others means arrogance and ignorance.

  No matter what we do, we are always involved with other people, whether we ant to be or not. What we do even alone is affected by other people. From the day we are born, other people touch our lives in almost everything we do.

  It’s not just other people who affect us. We affect them as well. Think of that shoes in sports. You may by shoes because you have sports so often. You may buy a back pack to carry clothes and other year. By buying these things, you and other sportsmen help to boost business. You help make jobs for shoes makers, salespeople, and many others. And, if you speak loudly, you may spoil someone else’s peace and quiet. If you leave litter, you will spoil the natural beauty of the area.

  It is true that we all depend on other people and that we all want to be happy and get on with one another in harmony. Never the less, things are not always what we wish them to be. We might have some friction with a member of the family or a quarrel with someone in the neighbourhood. We might get cross with classmates or teachers. We might break relations with our close or distant relatives or break ties with our close friends.

  If one of these does happen, please remember to keep calm and not to fly into a range at little things. You should not hurt other people’s feeling in an attempt to abate your own anger, otherwise, you will aggravate the friction and do harm to your future relationship with the person you are in trouble with, thus, putting yourself in a spot. If you happen to have friction with someone around you, try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him in a peaceful mood. This does not infer that you are going to eat dirt, unless your “opponent” is really hostile.

  In face of unhappy meets, you don’t have to be misanthropic or to drive yourself to despair. You should be, on the contrary, kind and confident, for there’s always a profusion of chances for you to be better understood and to improve your relationship with other people. If, on the other hand, you become revengeful and adopt a tit-for-tat policy, or use ungenerous remarks to plan a counterattack, you will find yourself in more trouble, because evils come back.

  Of course, nobody fancies eating dirt. But revenge does not contribute to a balanced mind. What you say or do should always be rational, otherwise, you could bite your tongue off later on. If goes without saying that you will have no worries if you are easy-going and become contumacious, you are bound to suffer heavy losses or at least make yourself unpopular, which will again bring you a lot of stress.

  Successful people seldom contradict others unless in a life-or-death struggle. They know how to swim with the tide and tailor their words to the tastes of other fellows. They will say things in season and do things in moderation. They are extraordinary at adapting themselves to the surroundings and good at pleasing the ears of other people. However, some people are short-sighted and are too unwilling to please others. In the end, they will only succeed in separating themselves and making themselves unpopular. This is certainly not what they wish. So, if you want to live a happy life, try to be nice, try to be humane, try to be tolerant and easy-going. You can’t find love and understanding before you love and understand others.

  学会宽容待人英语作文 2

  Everyone cannot completely leave the society, existed separately. Our students are no exception.

  Although the environment in which students have contacted, our students are relatively small, but in this space of learning and life, it is also necessary to know how to get along with people, and have a tolerant mentality with people. Do people to be tolerant, but also learn tolerance. Tolerance is a kind of cultivation, a quality, a virtue.

  Catholic is not timid, but a large scale of Haina Baichuan. There is a minister of the Warring States Period, and because of the way to protect the driving, the official position has risen, caught the generals of the general, and there is a relationship with the priest.

  But the prime minister is in the face of unreasonable troubles, just laughing, there is a story of "negative thorns." Lian Po is very embarrassing for the prime minister, and it is dee*** embarrassed.

  From these two people, they will serve Zhao Guo. Therefore, learn to be tolerant, people have benefited from people. In the history, those who are good at jealousy are in history, and they encounter a little dissatisfaction, and these people have to learn better, and it is also difficult to be large. Zhou Yu is a superior military home to be able to make outstanding, smartly, and manage the huge Dongwu Water.

  However, when he learned that Zhuge Liang's gods were calculated, although they were not as good, but they were unwilling to defeat, so the hearts of the whole day, how to win Zhuge Liang, issued a "child, why,","and finally Hey, what is it? If Zhou Yu can be a lot like it, I think, his ending will definitely not be this! In our young people's daily learning life, it is inevitable to rub with others.

  When others accidentally stepped on you, you should sway your hands, say it doesn't matter; when others have broken your things, apologize to you, you also You should be able to take a smile. ...... Life is so short in this short, why should we waste every day in these unnecessary friction?

  The world is so broad, more broadly than the heavens and the earth should be the people 's width! Learn to get tolerance! Make people's tolerance, with people's good, let us grow up healthily, our lives will become more harmonious!

  学会宽容待人英语作文 3

  what is tolerance? it is the consequence of humanity. we are all formed of frailty and error; let us forgive reciprocally each other’s folly. that is the first law of nature.

  when you cut your finger, the life can tolerate you, it can start the patch work immediately, and lets the new cell rejoin one by one in the wounded place; if you have eaten rotten food by mistake, the life can tolerate you, lets you put out food to protect you; if your hand burnt, it can reduce the edema, and increase blood current capacity in other to let along new foods come into the skin, organization and new cell.the tolerance is the key to obtain safety and health. if you want the health and happiness, you must tolerate everybody who hurts you. if you can’t first tolerate the others, you can’t truly tolerate yourself. refusing to tolerate the others means arrogance and ignorance.

  no matter what we do, we are always involved with other people, whether we ant to be or not. what we do even alone is affected by other people. from the day we are born, other people touch our lives in almost everything we do.it’s not just other people who affect us. we affect them as well. think of that shoes in sports. you may by shoes because you have sports so often. you may buy a back pack to carry clothes and other year. by buying these things, you and other sportsmen help to boost business. you help make jobs for shoes makers, salespeople, and many others. and, if you speak loudly, you may spoil someone else’s peace and quiet. if you leave litter, you will spoil the natural beauty of the area.

  it is true that we all depend on other people and that we all want to be happy and get on with one another in harmony. never the less, things are not always what we wish them to be. we might have some friction with a member of the family or a quarrel with someone in the neighbourhood. we might get cross with classmates or teachers. we might break relations with our close or distant relatives or break ties with our close friends.

  学会宽容待人英语作文 4

  One foot trampled on the violet, but it left the fragrance on the heel of the man, which is called tolerance.

  Life is like the sea, tolerance for boating, rafting in the sea, to know the breadth of the sea; life is like a mountain, tolerance for the path, climbing along the path, to know the height of the mountain; life is like a song, tolerance is a song, and song, to know the beauty of the song. Since I remember, I have known a word: the sky is wider than the sea, and the heart is wider than the sky. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. “Heart to heart” is a way to cultivate one‘s mind.

  Once, I lied to my friend in good faith, but it was just a white lie, but I didn’t know that my friend was furious with me. I was wronged in my heart! But I had to think about it for a while. In fact, it hurt my friend to do so, so I tried to bear the anger, and finally, we said good.

  Imagine -- at that time, if I was also furious with him, the consequences would be unimaginable, both sides would lose, and a precious friendship would be lost. In fact, most of the time, the cause of misunderstanding is not to achieve “heart to heart”, not to think about each other‘s feelings, intolerable each other, resulting in an ugly ending.

  When dealing with others, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with his companions. Some of the injuries are unintentional and some are intentional. However, you should be magnanimous and be able to prop up the boat in the prime minister’s belly. In ancient times, a well-off man loved flowers and grass, and still loved orchids. He planted many orchids in the temple on weekdays and loved them more than before.One day, Gao Jie had to leave the temple for two days because he wanted to go out. Before he left, he specially told his disciples to feed and make flowers and plants well without any mistakes. But unexpectedly, it rained cats and dogs that night, and the wind was strong. All the flowers and plants in the hospital died because they didn‘t move into the house. The disciples gathered at the door, waiting for the master to come back and accept the scolding. After returning to the temple, the monk was heartbroken to see the flowers and plants he had cultivated carefully for many years destroyed, but he did not blame his disciples,Just calmly say, “I didn’t plant orchids to get angry.”

  What is it to suppress the anger in his heart, what is it to stop him from getting angry, and what is it to let him face the immediate scene calmly? It is tolerance, which is great tolerance! Learn tolerance, learn to understand others, relax your heart, keep yourself in a good state of mind, and set up a gorgeous sail in life.

  学会宽容待人英语作文 5

  When I am making mistakes, my parents will never be angry with me. I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me. I learn many things from my parents, they show me how to be a tolerant person. They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will educate me in the gentle way. Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids, they will be very angry and said the hurting words, making the children feel sad. Being tolerant to other people’s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem. People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way.

学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)






















学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)

——学会宽容的作文 (菁华5篇)

























学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)

——学会宽容记叙文 (菁华3篇)


























学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)

——学会宽容的文章 (菁华3篇)


























学会宽容待人英语作文 (菁华3篇)(扩展8)

——怎样看待人工智能英语作文 (菁华3篇)

  In recent years, AI(artificial intelligence) is ubiquitous, maybe you didn't notice it at all, but recently, Google's AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion. It must cause your attention, meanwhile, the machine's sweeping victories have once again made AI a hot topic. The impact of artificial intelligence on our life is mainly reflected in following aspects.

  First, the impact of AI on natural science. In many subjects which need com*rs, AI has an important position, conversely, AI is helpful to the formation of our own intelligence.Second, the impact of AI on economy. AI into various fields to generate huge benefit, but it also causes the question of employment. As AI replaced the human in many ways, it leads to a huge change in a social framework.The last one is the impact of AI on society, AI provided a new model to our life, because many developers use AI to develop more interesting games, it makes our life colorful.

  AI is a double-edged sword, because some people expect AI to benefit mankind in more fields, and some others fear that AI will eventually get out of control. But in my view, if we can use it very well, it will bring more conveniences to our life, not to lose control. Not only so but also can develop technology.

  Artificial intelligence (ai) approach, someone worries about unemployment, some people in the future, someone in exploring business opportunities, also some people on the go. Before discussing these, maybe we should consider the outcome of human beings.

  One might think about this topic too exaggeration,The first recall what has happened in the history of mankind incredible things.

  Incredible things, the need to please a few through to decide. We please 1 was born in the 0 people born in the year of the (han dynasty) through 1600 A.D. (Ming dynasty), although spans 1600 years, but the man may be on the lives of people around you won't feel too exaggerated, just changed a few dynasty, still facing the loess back and busy day. But if please 1 1600 British people through to 1850 in the UK, see the huge steel monsters on the water ran, this person may directly be frighten urine, this is never imagined that 250 years ago.

  If again please 1 1850 through to 1980, I heard that a bomb can flatten a city, this person may be directly scared silly, 130 years ago the Nobel wasn't invented dynamite.

  Then please 1 in 1980 people now? This person will be cry?

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, internet and electronic commerce have been very popular in our daily lives. For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical equipment, on some famous website, likeTaobao, EBay and Alibaba, through many courier companies. As we all known, online shopping has many advantages. Firstly, online shopping is more convenient than traditional means. We can find a shop with so many goods that we may favor, while all these just need clicking our mouse and typing-in the key word of what we want to find. And it also saves our a great some of time. Secondly, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. Online shopping can provide massinformation about products which can be suit for customer's needs, tastes, and preferences. Thirdly, as without traditional warehouses and retail shops, online shopping has can make us gain lower costs and prices. However, in spite of its advantages, we can't turn a blind eye to its disadvantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first disadvantage.

  Customers always buy fake commodities which are not described as online shops. In addition, it's troublesome and annoying for us to make a change when they are not satisfied with what we bought online. The second disadvantage is security issues. When we shop online, we need pay for the commodities by electronic payments, but hackers can invade our com*rs and steal our information, this is not safe for online shopping.



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