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常用的交际英语口语 40句菁华

日期:2022-10-14 00:00:00

1、Me too. 我也是。

2、Time is money. 时间就是金钱。

3、It’s a long story. 说来话长。

4、She had a bad cold. 她患了重感冒。

5、It‘s against the law. 这是违法的。

6、Let bygones be bygones. 过去的,就让它过去吧。

7、I‘m fed up with my work! 我对工作烦死了!

8、It‘s no use complaining、发牢骚没什么用。

9、They praised him highly. 他们大大地表扬了他。

10、I do want to see him now. 我现在确实很想去见他。

11、Her tooth ached all night、她牙疼了一整夜。

12、I get hold of you at last. 我终于找到你了。

13、I would like to check out. 我想结帐。

14、They are paid by the hour. 他们按时取酬。

15、We are all busy with work. 我们都忙于工作。

16、Don‘t let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。

17、I‘ve got too much work to do. 我要做的工作太多了。

18、Aren‘t you concerned about it? 难道你不担心吗?

19、He was trained to be a lawyer. 他被培养成一名律师。

20、I was late for work yesterday, 我昨天上班迟到了。

21、She has been collecting stamps. 她一直收集邮票。

22、Patience is a mark of confidence、耐心是自信心的一种表现。

23、You may choose whatever you like. 你可以喜欢什么就选什么。

24、Linda speaks as if she were a boss. 琳达说话总好象她是老板。

25、What he likes best is making jokes. 他最喜欢开玩笑。

26、He has a nice sum of money put away. 他存了一大笔钱。

27、The editor over looked a print error. 这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。

28、We should save unnecessary expenses.我们应节省不必要的开支。

29、I‘ll furnish my house with furniture、我要为我的房子置办家具。

30、True and False have opposite meanings、真与假含义完全相反。

31、The doctor is taking my blood pressure.医生正给我量血压。

32、I haven‘t heard from her for a long time.我好久没有她的消息了。

33、There was a murder in London yesterday、昨天伦敦发生了一起谋杀案。

34、She is standing in the front of the bus.她站在公共汽车的前部。

35、The sight of the dead body scared him stiff.看到尸体把他吓僵了。

36、We need to cooperate perfectly to win the game.要想赢得比赛,我们需要密切配合。

37、Learn to say the fight thing at the fight time.学会在适当的时候说适当的话。

38、Old tunes are sweetest and old friends are surest.老调最甜美,老友最可靠。

39、He dreamed of traveling to remote South Sea Islands.他曾梦想到遥远的南海诸岛去旅游。

40、Many young girls dream of being a fashion model.许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。

常用的交际英语口语 40句菁华扩展阅读

常用的交际英语口语 40句菁华(扩展1)

——交际常用英语口语 40句菁华

1、Me too. 我也是。

2、My god! 天哪!

3、No way! 不行!

4、So long. 再见。

5、Good job! 做得好!

6、I see. 我明白了。

7、Forget it! 休想! (算了!)

8、Of course! 当然了!

9、Keep it up! 坚持下去!

10、Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能的!

11、Better luck next time.祝你下一次好运。

12、Can you give me some feedback?你能给我一些建议吗?

13、Could I have the bill,please?请把账单给我好吗?

14、Did you have a good day today?你今天过得好吗?

15、Do you have any hoadfdsies?你有什么爱好吗?

16、Do you mind my smoking?你介意我抽烟吗?

17、Do you often work out?你经常锻炼身体吗?

18、Don’t be so modest.别这么谦虚。

19、Don’t make any mistakes.别出差错。

20、Don’t take any chances.不要心存侥幸。

21、Don’t take it for granted.不要想当然。

22、Give me a call.给我打电话。

23、Give my best to your family.代表向你们全家问好。

24、Have you ever been to China?你去过*吗?

25、Have you finished yet?你做完了吗?

26、Have you heard from Mary?你收到玛丽的来信吗?

27、He is in conference.他正在开会。

28、Help yourself,please.请自己用。

29、I can’t tell.我说不准。

30、I didn’t mean to.我不是故意的。

31、I don’t know for sure.我不能肯定。

32、I enjoy your company.我喜欢有你做伴。

33、I feel terrible about it.太对不起了。

34、I’d like a refund.我想要退款。

35、I’ll do my best.我将会尽我最大努力。

36、I’ll get it.我去接电话。

37、I’ll take care of it.我来办这件事。

38、I’ll take your advice.我接受你的忠告。

39、I’m glad to hear that.听到这消息我很高兴。

40、I’m good at it.我做这个很在行。

常用的交际英语口语 40句菁华(扩展2)

——常用的交际英语口语 150句

1、I quit! 我不干了!

2、Not bad. 还不错。

3、Not yet. 还没。

4、Bless you! 祝福你!

5、Follow me. 跟我来。

6、Forget it! 休想! (算了!)

7、Of course! 当然了!

8、They hurt. (伤口)疼。

9、Watch out! 当心。

10、Be careful! 注意!

11、No problem! 没问题!

12、Time is up. 时间快到了。

13、Is it yours? 这是你的吗?

14、That‘s neat. 这很好。

15、Do l have to 非做不可吗?

16、He came by train. 他乘火车来。

17、Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!

18、Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。

19、I‘ll see to it 我会留意的。

20、I‘m in a hurry! 我在赶时间!

21、What about you? 你呢?

22、Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!

23、It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。

24、Long time no see! 好久不见!

25、We‘re all for it. 我们全都同意。

26、You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!

27、You have my word. 我保证。

28、I‘ll check it out. 我去查查看。

29、Make up your mind. 做个决定吧。

30、Yes,I suppose So. 是的,我也这么认为。

31、I have a good idea! 我有一个好主意。

32、It‘s going too far. 太离谱了。

33、Just read it for me. 就读给我听好了。

34、Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

35、Move out of my way! 让开!

36、Did you miss the bus? 你错过公共汽车了?

37、Love me,love my dog. (谚语)爱屋及乌。

38、You need to workout. 你需要去运动锻炼一下。

39、He has a large income、他有很高的收入。

40、I could hardly speak. 我简直说不出话来。

41、None of your business! 与你无关!

42、What a nice day it is! 今天天气真好!

43、A lovely day,isn‘t it? 好天气,是吗?

44、He is collecting money. 他在筹集资金。

45、What horrible weather! 这鬼天气!

46、Does she like ice-cream? 她喜欢吃冰淇淋吗?

47、First come first served. 先到先得。

48、He is acting an old man. 他正扮演一个老人。

49、I felt no regret for it. 对这件事我不觉得后悔。

50、I meet the boss himself. 我见到了老板本人。

51、He grasped both my hands、他紧握住我的双手。

52、He is physically mature. 他身体己发育成熟。

53、I suppose you dance much. 我想你常常跳舞吧。

54、I‘ll just play it by ear. 我到时随机应变。

55、You‘re really killing me! 真是笑死我了!

56、It‘s time you went to bed. 你早就该睡觉了。

57、Thank you for your advice. 谢谢你的建议。

58、Things are getting better. 情况正在好转。

59、A barking dog doesn‘t bite! 吠犬不咬人。

60、Be careful not to fall ill. 注意不要生病了。

61、Being a mother is not easy. 做一个母亲是不容易的。

62、Spring is a pretty season, 春天是一个好季节。

63、Don‘t let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。

64、It‘s very thoughtful of you. 你想得真周到。

65、This pen doesn‘t write well. 这钢笔不好写。

66、You really look sharp today. 你今天真漂亮。

67、He neither smokes nor drinks. 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。

68、He will do anything but work. 只要不是干活,他干什么都行。

69、I want to see the film again. 我真想再看一遍。

70、I‘ve got too much work to do. 我要做的工作太多了。

71、Plenty of sleep is healthful. 充足的睡眠有益于健康。

72、What do you desire me to do? 你想要我做什么?

73、You can either stay or leave. 你或者留下或者离开。

74、He is taller than I by ahead. 他比我高一头。

75、I‘ve got to start working out. 我必须开始做健身运动了。

76、John asked Grace to marry him, 约翰向格雷斯求婚。

77、They charged the fault on him. 他们把过失归咎于他。

78、A red tie will match that suit. 红领带会配那件衣服。

79、He is respectful to his elders. 他对长辈很恭敬。

80、He resolved to give up smoking. 他决心戒烟。

81、I‘m sorry to have bothered you. 对不起,打扰你了。

82、The sweater is of good quality、这件毛衣质地很好。

83、What ever I said,he‘d disagree. 不论我说什么他都不同意。

84、You should look at it yourself. 你应该亲自看看它。

85、I don‘t think much of the movie. 我认为那电影不怎么样。

86、It‘s time to tell her the truth. 是该告诉她真相的时候了。

87、You‘d better look before you leap. 你最好三思而后行。

88、Is there any sugar in the bottle? 瓶子里还有糖吗?

89、It‘s very kind of you to help me. 你帮助我真是太好了。

90、Patience is a mark of confidence、耐心是自信心的一种表现。

91、There is a bridge over the river、河上有一座桥。

92、We two finished a bottle of wine. 我俩喝完了一瓶酒。

93、You‘re suffering from an allergy? 你过敏吗?

94、Don‘t pull the chairs about,boys! 不要把椅子拖来拖去,孩子们!

95、Her handbag goes with her clothes、她的手袋和她的衣服很搭配。

96、There is a chair below the window. 窗户下面有一把椅子。

97、Are your grandparents still living? 你的祖父母还在么?

98、Can you recognize that woman,Mary? 你能认出那个女人是谁了吗,玛丽?

99、He suggests you leave here at once. 他建议你立刻离开这儿。

100、She became more and more beautiful. 她变得越来越漂亮了。

101、I‘d like to get this film developed. 我要冲洗这卷胶卷。

102、In a word,I am tired of everything. 总之,我对一切都很厌倦。

103、People enjoyed the stamps very much. 人们非常喜爱这些邮票。

104、The editor over looked a print error. 这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。

105、The teams are coming onto the field. 队员们都进场了。

106、I‘ll furnish my house with furniture、我要为我的房子置办家具。

107、Our school is in the east of Beijing、我们学校在北京的东部。

108、Don‘t be uneasy about the consequence.不必为后果忧虑不安。

109、Even a child can answer this question.即使小孩儿都能回答这个问题。

110、I have a lot in common with my sister、我和我姐姐有很多相同之处。

111、I haven‘t even touched your tooth yet、我还没有碰到你的牙齿呢。

112、To know everything is to know nothing、样样通,样样松。

113、True and False have opposite meanings、真与假含义完全相反。

114、Could I have those two tickets, please?这两张票给我行不行?

115、I have just heard from my sister, Mary.我刚收到我妹妹玛丽的一封信。

116、Please fetch a chair from another room.请到别的房间取一把椅子。

117、The machines will not operate properly.那些机器不能正常运转。

118、There is hope so long as he is with us、只要他在就有希望。

119、I could say nothing but that I was sorry.我除了说“对不起”之外,什么也说不出来。

120、I have to catch a plane、Could you hurry?我要赶飞机,你能快点吗?

121、The damage was caused by external forces、损害是由外力引起的。

122、The doctor advised me to give up smoking.医生建议我戒烟。

123、I cannot put up with my noisy roommates.我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了。

124、She is standing in the front of the bus.她站在公共汽车的前部。

125、Would you like to go to a party with me?你想不想和我一起去参加一个聚会?

126、All at once, a raadfdsit came out of a hole.突然,一只兔子从一个洞中跑了出来。

127、Ducks know how to swim when they are born.鸭子天生会游泳

128、He spent most of his life gathering money.他一生大部分时间用来积聚钱财。

129、I have had several conversations with him.我已经和他谈过几次了。

130、She guided the tourists around the castle.她引导旅游者参观了这座城堡。

131、The mother sat the child at a little table.母亲安排孩子坐到小桌旁。

132、They insisted on staying rather than going.他们坚持留下来,而不愿意走

133、Do you have any plans for the long weekend?你有办法打发这个漫长的周末吗?

134、My father is at home looking for the ticket.我爸爸正在家里找票呢!

135、Yes、I wouldn‘t go home early if I were you.是的,如果我是你,我不会早回家。

136、Your answer is satisfying、I feel satisfied.你的答案是令人满意的。我感到很满意。

137、Betty and Susan are talking on the telephone.贝蒂和苏珊正在通电话。

138、How do you like our English literature Prof.?你觉得我们的英国文学课的教授怎么样?

139、I feel I am the happiest person in the world.我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人了。

140、Let me tell you some details about clearance.让我告诉你一些通关的细节。

141、They stopped talking when their boss came in.当老板进来的时候;他们停止了交谈。

142、Will you connect this wire to the television ?你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

143、I‘m afraid I have some rather bad news for you.我恐怕有些很坏的消息要告诉你。

144、There are a lot of people in the swimming pool.游泳池里挤满了人。

145、I‘m thinking of hanging the lamp from the ceiling.我打算把灯吊在天花板上。

146、Old tunes are sweetest and old friends are surest.老调最甜美,老友最可靠。

147、She makes it clear that she doesn‘t like swimming.她明确地表示她不喜欢游泳。

常用的交际英语口语 40句菁华(扩展3)

——日常交际的英语口语 50句菁华

1、Hold on. 等一等。

2、Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!

3、I‘m single. 我是单身贵族。

4、I‘m in a hurry! 我在赶时间!

5、It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。

6、I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍(我没有听清)。

7、What day is today? 今天星期几?

8、It seems all right. 看来这没问题。

9、Love me,love my dog. (谚语)爱屋及乌。

10、You are just in time、你来得正是时候。

11、The road pides here、这条路在这里分岔。

12、I am so sorry about this、对此我非常抱歉(遗憾)。

13、I‘m not sure I can do it. 恐怕这事**不了。

14、That makes no difference. 没什么区别。

15、What shall we do tonight? 我们今天晚上去干点儿什么呢?

16、Don‘t let chances pass by. 不要让机遇从我们身边溜走。

17、He strolls about the town. 他在镇上四处遛达。

18、He walks with a quick pace. 他快步走路。

19、I‘m very glad to hear that. 很高兴听你这样说。

20、May I speak to Lora,please? 我能和劳拉说话吗?

21、This pen doesn‘t write well. 这钢笔不好写。

22、His father runs a restaurant. 他的父亲经营一家餐馆。

23、My watch is faster than yours. 我的表比你的表快。

24、New China was founded in l949. 1949 年新*成立。

25、They charged the fault on him. 他们把过失归咎于他。

26、A wet road is usually slippery. 潮湿的路往往是滑的。

27、Think carefully before you act. 三思而后行。

28、We are pided in our opinions. 我们意见分歧。

29、It‘s time to tell her the truth. 是该告诉她真相的时候了。

30、The nurse assisted the doctor in the operating room.护士在手术室协助医生动手术。

31、You know what I‘m talking about、我想你知道我在说什么。

32、He inspected the car for defects. 他详细检查车子有无效障。

33、You may choose whatever you like. 你可以喜欢什么就选什么。

34、He invited me to dinner yesterday. 他昨天请我吃晚饭了。

35、She spent a lot of money on books. 她花了很多钱来买书。

36、To be honest with you,I‘m twenty. 老实说,我20 岁。

37、I bought it the day it was released、它发行的当天我就买了。

38、People enjoyed the stamps very much. 人们非常喜爱这些邮票。

39、As you know, I am a very kind person、你知道,我是个很和善的人。

40、I can express myself in good English、我可以用很好的英语来表达自己的观点。

41、The weight is too much for my height、相对于我的身高来说,体重太重了!

42、I haven‘t even touched your tooth yet、我还没有碰到你的牙齿呢。

43、You may pick whichever one you like best.你可以挑你最喜欢的。

44、All at once, a raadfdsit came out of a hole.突然,一只兔子从一个洞中跑了出来。

45、He had to choose between death and dishonor.他不得不在死亡和耻辱之间选择。

46、Your answer is satisfying、I feel satisfied.你的答案是令人满意的。我感到很满意。

47、How do you like our English literature Prof.?你觉得我们的英国文学课的教授怎么样?

48、This is by far the largest cake in the world.这是目前世界上最大的蛋糕了。

49、I left at 6:00 so that I could catch the train.我六点钟出门,以便赶上火车。

50、As a matter of fact, he was pretending to be ill.实际上,他是在装病。

常用的交际英语口语 40句菁华(扩展4)

——日常交际英语口语 50句菁华

1、They were glad of the examination being over.

2、You‘ll save time not waiting for the elevator.

3、I left at 6:00 so that I could catch th train.

4、This cellar room is very damp in the rainy season.

5、So long. 再见。

6、This way。 这边请。

7、Feel better? 好点了吗?

8、He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。

9、No pain,no gain. 不劳无获。

10、This way.这边请。

11、The wall has ears. 隔墙有耳。

12、Don‘t give me that! 少来这套!

13、How are you recently? 最*怎么样?

14、None of your business! 与你无关!

15、What‘s wrong with you? 你哪里不对劲?

16、I am so sorry about this. 对此我非常抱歉(遗憾)。

17、That makes no difference. 没什么区别。

18、We all desire happiness. 我们都想要幸福。

19、I would like to check out. 我想结帐。

20、How about going to a movie? 去看场电影怎么样?

21、She is a good-looking girl. 她是一个漂亮女孩。

22、You really look sharp today. 你今天真漂亮。

23、He is the happiest man alive. 他是世界上最快乐的人。

24、He reminds me of his brother. 他使我想起了他的弟弟。

25、What ever I said,he‘d disagree. 不论我说什么他都不同意。

26、I lost the door key about here. 我在这附*掉了门钥匙。

27、Is there any sugar in the bottle? 瓶子里还有糖吗?

28、We reached London this afternoon. 我们是今天下午到达伦敦的。

29、Beyond all questions you are right. 毫无疑问,你是对的。

30、Don‘t pull the chairs about,boys! 不要把椅子拖来拖去,孩子们!

31、Money is no more than our servant. 金钱不过是我们的仆人。

32、There are mice in Mrs. Lee‘s kitchen! 李太太的厨房里有老鼠!

33、His cake is four times as big as mine. 他的蛋糕是我的四倍大。

34、The doctor advised me to give up smoking.医生建议我戒烟。

35、They covered 120 miles in a single night.他们仅一夜就走了120 英里路。

36、Try to look on the bright side of things.尽量从好的方面看。

37、Let‘s go out to have a dinner, shall we?咱们出去吃饭吧,好吗?

38、This question is too complicated for me.这个问题对我说来太复杂了。

39、He usually stays at home with his pet dog.他通常跟他的爱犬待在家里。

40、I‘d like to pick sea shells this afternoon.今天下午我想去捡贝壳。

41、We‘re planning a tour to Italy this summer.我们计划今年夏天到意大利去旅行。

42、There is an interesting film on Channel one.在一频道有一部有趣的电影。

43、We need more than listening. We need action!我们需要的不光是听得进意见,我们要的是行动。

44、We are all taking medicine against the disease.我们都服药治疗疾病。

45、I‘m thinking of hanging the lamp from the ceiling.我打算把灯吊在天花板上。

46、He dreamed of traveling to remote South Sea Islands.他曾梦想到遥远的南海诸岛去旅游。

47、They celebrated his birthday with a dance party.也们举办舞会来祝贺他的生日。

48、No matter what happened, he would not say a word.不管发生什么事,他也不会说一句话。

49、What I want to do is different from those of others.我想做的与别人不同。

50、Only by working hard can we succeed in doing everything.只有努力,才能成功

常用的交际英语口语 40句菁华(扩展5)

——常用英语口语 40句菁华

1、i"m home. 我回来了。

2、i love this game. 我钟爱这项运动。

3、it seems all right. 看来这没问题。

4、i"ll see you at six. 我六点钟见你。

5、this house is my own. 这所房子是我自己的。

6、No way! 不行!

7、Being a mother is not easy做一个母亲是不容易的。

8、She has been to school她上学去了。

9、I fear that he drinks too much我担心他喝的酒太多了。

10、I have the right to know我有权明白。

11、I would like to check out我想结帐。

12、My brother is see king a job我弟弟正在找工作。

13、We just caught the plane 我们刚好赶上了飞机。

14、What do you think? 你怎样认为?

15、Winter is a cold season冬天是一个,寒冷的季节。

16、You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!

17、I wish I knew my neighbor我很想认识我的邻居。

18、I have just finished the book我刚刚读完这本书。

19、May I use your pen? 我能够用你的笔吗?

20、All for one,one for all我为人人,人人为我。

21、Control yourself! 克制一下!

22、She mended the broken doll她修补了破了的洋娃娃。

23、Don't fall for it! 别上当!

24、It's only a party in honor of my birthday。这只是为了庆祝我的生日而举行的晚会。

25、We'll take our holiday sometime in August我们将在八月份的某个时候休假。

26、Good job! 做得好!

27、You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。

28、能帮我关掉闹钟吗?Would you turn off the alarm clock?(turn off的原意是“关”,多用于收音机、电视、照明等类的东西。虽然有许多东西无需用按钮开关,但一般也用turn off表示)

29、该吃早饭了。It's time to eat breakfast。

30、能给我你的电话号码吗?Could you give me your phone number?

31、I'm sorry to have bothered you对不起,打扰你了。

32、I'm single我是单身贵族。

33、I’ll kick you ass我将炒你鱿鱼。

34、December heartbeat黄昏恋。

35、That is unfair这不公*!

36、Sleeping on both ears睡的香。

37、Not so bad不错。

38、He pushes his luck他太贪心了。

39、There are lots of huge buildings in Beijing。在北京有许多高大的建筑物。

40、We enjoyed driving along the new expressway。我们喜欢沿着新建的高速公路开车。



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