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大学英语写给父母的一封信 (菁华5篇)

日期:2022-10-03 00:00:00


Dear Mom,

  Thank you for bringing me to this world! During the 20 years,you have done a lot for me,but suddenly I find that I have never stopped and said to you how much I feel the need to thank you!Now, Mothers Day is on the way,I wish to express my thanks to you.

  First of all ,thank you for giving me my life!If You have not had me, I wont be able to see the beautiful world! You let me know how precious life is!You give the chance for me to know the people who love me and loved by me! Thank you, Mom!You are the best person in the world!I want to say,I love you!

  Secondly,thank you for bringing me up!With your great care,I grow healthly and strong!When I was ill,you always took time off from work to look after me!How worried you were!I know,thats your love for me!But when you were ill,I find that I never looked after you!When I think about this,I feel very ashamed!Sorry,mom,I should take care of you like a son shoule be doing!Besides,mum,do you know that you are such a terrific cook!I enjoy the years of eating your good cooking,the equal of which I had not found ever. Mom,I want to say,I love you!

  Lastly,thank you for teaching me how to be a human!I learned to tell the truth,to share,and to be forgiving and considerate of others.So I have a lot of friends and have a happy life!Thank you,mom!I love you!



Dear parents,

  How do you do!

  Day after day, year after year, since the childhood, you to my healthy growth, put up, hard-working work, struggle, save me from a baby of culture has become a peoples teacher. You have given me flesh and blood, raised me and taught me to know myself and to know myself

  In the world. Let me be the one who is useful to the world and to mankind. As I grew up, I wrote down a little bit of happiness in my life, felt your endless love, and felt that you had sacrificed for my silence. The old man who is always angry at himself is actually very much in love with himself. Hidden beneath his heavy camouflage was deep love. Love makes my world warm, and life without love is like the leaves of winter. Life has no love, even the most lovely smile is barely... Especially your unselfish love makes my life full of sunshine, smile and charming drunkenly! Dad, mom, I always have a word to say to you: "dad, mom, you worked hard!" The love you give me is the most selfless, you do not ask for return, you only hope to see my healthy and happy growth. I thank you for your long-term care and care for me.

  Dad, you are a mountain, and your love is great, solid and wide. You have taught me to be strong, to remember tolerance, to learn self-control. Everyone grows up without the nurturing and education of mom and dad, but on the road of my life, the first teacher of the first enlightenment is you. Long life road, you like my partner, let my path not lonely; You are like a lamp that never goes out, to illuminate the path of life for me, to let me see the way forward; You are like a mentor to give me directions.

  Mother you are sea, your love is warm and selfless, simple and exquisite. You have taught me how to appreciate life, appreciate life, and how to treat everyone and everything in the world with love. The son is growing up day by day, slowly understand your good intentions. In the past, you have been nagging at me, I have turned a blind eye, turned a deaf ear, and now know that it is the most beautiful language in the world. Before, I couldnt understand why you always let me get up when I was wrestling,

  Now I know not to help me to be strong; Before, I complained that you did not give me the taste of the sea, the silk satin, now that you give me the selfless love, only your love is the greatest wealth in the world. Your love, like a cup of tea, keeps the bitterness in the heart and gives out the fragrance. Dear mom and dad, thank you for your hard work.

  Mom and dad, you work for me day and night, I really appreciate you. You are like my friends, when I am in a bad mood to accompany me, to relieve my grief; When I learn to be discouraged you prop me up with love. You are selfless and meticulous care for me, so that I can grow healthily and healthily. You always remind me to learn to face life with a thankful heart, to live a life, to be tolerant, to abandon evil thoughts. To discover the good things in life, and to be grateful for every good thing. In this way, the frustration in life can be treated with open mind and open mind. Your love is the light in my darkness, always shining with me! Your love is a safe haven, always accepting me, accepting me and encouraging me. My parents love is the gas station in my life, so I have the courage to accept the challenge!

  Dear father and mother, you have been working hard. Thank you for using your wings to protect me from the wind and rain. Thank you for swallowing my grievances, embracing my mistakes and being my strong backing. Thank you for giving me so much. I have decided to use my understanding to give you little white hair in the days to come, and bring you joy with my filial piety. Father, mother, I love you! "Who says inch grass heart, reported three chunhui", let your son to repay that with a grateful sincere heart to repay that forever also repay inexhaustible blessing!

  I wish you good health and good work!


Dear father and mother,

  You are good! I have never written a letter to you. Today, your sons have expressed my deep gratitude to you.

  Thank you for giving me life, I have the opportunity to pursue happiness, to feel happiness, and to realize the value of life.

  Thank you for raising me to grow up, to be my lifes first teacher, to teach me how to live, how to be grateful.

  I was born in a very ordinary family, but I think -- the happiest family! Family condition is not very good, but your hard work can let me feel you is very simple, honest man. Every thing in the home, are you hands earned, in the face of family everything, I was a meet. I feel happy to have such family. Mom and dad, I want to say: you has always been my role model, you are the best!"

  Thank you, father! You in order to support the family, wanzhou, work pressure big, but you also worried about me day and night. Every time you are at home, every night to call me, told me to concentrate on learning, dont play too much; Tell me to pay attention to my body. Its too late to write my homework. Tell me to tuck me in while I sleep. Every time I come back, I see you bring me a local specialty or something interesting, and I go back to the distance to hold you in my face, then you gently prick my little face with a beard.

  Father, in your unspoken deeds, there is a deep fathers love.

  Thank your mother, because father is working, you are both father and mother, take care of how many spring and autumn.

  Remember once, I got sick, you took me to hospital, the hospital, her face is sweat. Put me in place, ran ran down on for me to find a doctor, temperature, for me to take medicine, drink water. When the doctor says, I need to be hospitalized, your heart is like holding up a ten million jins of heavy stones. From the day I was in hospital, you were even more busy: send me food, tell stories, go for a walk to relieve me... You are afraid that I am afraid of the dark in the hospital, and you will sleep next to me at night.

  Although I am good, but you have become old. I really want to run to you and say: "my parents, your hard work!

  Father and mother, thank you for your love for me over the years! I will try to live up to your expectations.

  I wish:



Dear father and mother,

  Hi, how are you doing? How are you all doing? Grandpa, grandmas body, all right? Do they often come? Anyway, hows everything at home?

  Time flies, it has been more than a month since the beginning of time. Over the past two years or so. I have achieved better results under my efforts. During my freshman year, I participated in many activities organized by the school. Class cadre work is active, but I also didnt give up learning, after a year of learning, I in two professional is the fifth, 80, won the second-class scholarship and outstanding student title. At the same time, I was also confirmed by the instructor. During the second academic year, I strengthened my study, and the result was the first in 40 majors, the second best in the two majors, and the lowest score in the single family was 80. Now, I am in my junior year, only a little over a year from graduation. Among the other graduates double selected will, for our vehicle engineering, has certain advantages, but it is only relative, only some of the major, relative to the university if compared with some other good university, we also have no what advantages, and the treatment is not very good. So I decided to take the exam.

  All my achievements are inseparable from my own efforts. But without your cultivation, without your encouragement, there would be no today. So I solemnly say to you today -- my biological parents say: you have worked hard, and I thank you heartily.

  From the day when I was born, I did not know how much blood sweat and tears you had poured into my body. Listen to grandma, I was not good as a child, I have a cold, cough, I will catch, injection, medicine is not good, can form pneumonia. Many times, I have a bad cold, fever, because the village has no hospitals and clinics, you carry me to dozens of miles on foot township, township hospital to see a doctor, and sometimes even at night. It wasnt until my fourth grade in primary school that my body became very good that you didnt worry about my body.

  When I was fourteen, I went to middle school and left home. For the first time to leave home, for me, I felt homesick at first, but over time, the feeling has faded away. But as parents you have been thinking about their son. There is a good saying: the mother is worried, the mother is not worried. Until now, even though Ive been away from home for more than a decade now, youre still not comfortable with me. Over the years, every time I come home, you always treat me like a guest, so that I can eat well and not let me work, but you dont eat and keep busy.

  Over the years, you have been busy, industrious, and thrifty for my studies. Not to mention, over the years, as far as I know, youve barely had a new dress. Under your influence, I also learned to save. Although you are very hard, but you do not have a complaint, you always encourage me to continue to study.


My dear mom and dad:

  How do you do!

  Today is Thanksgiving Day, my daughter wants to speak with you today in my heart of gratitude. Mom and dad, I love you very much. Because you gave me a deep love, you are so love me: do you often take me to play outside; I check my homework for you always, is always so happy; Mom, youre far, afraid tired, you reflect his love. Mom, I must give you a picture to show my love to you.

  I wish mom and dad: health! A happy holiday!





大学英语写给父母的一封信 (菁华5篇)扩展阅读

大学英语写给父母的一封信 (菁华5篇)(扩展1)



Dear mom and Dad


  Remember the day when I was sick and had a fever? In the evening, my father drove to the peoples hospital. It was one oclock in the morning, and my mother was crying. Dad was very anxious and he went around. When the needle was ed, my mother began to cry again. Do you know my parents? I am happy to have you. There is a secret no one knows, only I know: when you are angry and hit me, although it is painful, it is also love. When you cover the quilt for me, Im afraid Ill catch cold. When you Neither father nor mother knows. Ill tell you in a whisper

  I wish you a happy holiday, I will always shout to the distance, mom and Dad, I love you!

  Best regards!

  Daughter: lele

  May 11


Dear Mom and Dad,

  Although we can keep in virtual touch every day by means of MSN or e-mails, I still feel it not enough to let you know how much I love you and how much Ive appreciated the things youve done for me. I find that it will never be too much to say Thank You to you, my beloved parents.

  First, I want to thank you for making all your efforts to bring me up. I was told that you were short of money when I was born and it became even more difficult for a young couple to raise a child without any help from elder generation. So I appreciate your careful nursing very much for giving me a good health and the feeling of being loved.

  Second, I want to thank you for your good education on me. There is an old saying goes like this Parents are the first teacher to their children. Yes, you are the typical ones. You were so strict with me that I told my kindergarten teacher of my wonder about whether I was the child of yours, not the one picked up from street. Touching on this soft spot dee* in my heart, vivid memories came flooding back. I wont forget the scene of my first and also the last lie found out by you. I couldnt stop trembling all over. I was ashamed to cry when you beat me. I thought I deserved this punishment and told myself to keep away from telling lies from then on.

  I wont forget how much youve impressed on me to love books and reading. Even in the most difficult time, you still spared me some money for the books I was fond of. My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing articles myself. So many times, I have felt a sense of content when I saw your smiling faces on reading my articles, good or bad. In fact, this graduated into one of my habits of sharing everything I achieved with you and feeling content with your smiles Im so foolish to try to write all the things youve done in my favor. If it is possible, this letter must be endless.

  So, the most important thing that I want to say Thank you for is your great admiration on my own freedom. You never forced me to do anything I was not interested in, even you had already known that I would regret not doing it. You never forbade me to do anything I was truly interested in and supported me financially and mentally. You told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation. You also told me to consider everything carefully before getting start. Oh, wherever I go, I can see your eager eyes ; whenever I am, I can touch your genuine hearts. Youve been loving me heart and soul, how can I repay your marvelous love to me?

  I really feel that my pen fails me when I am writing this thank you letter. Luckily, May holiday is coming. It will give me the most excellent opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you----coming home and share more time together with you.

  Wang Minyuan


Dear parents,

  How do you do!

  Day after day, year after year, since the childhood, you to my healthy growth, put up, hard-working work, struggle, save me from a baby of culture has become a peoples teacher. You have given me flesh and blood, raised me and taught me to know myself and to know myself

  In the world. Let me be the one who is useful to the world and to mankind. As I grew up, I wrote down a little bit of happiness in my life, felt your endless love, and felt that you had sacrificed for my silence. The old man who is always angry at himself is actually very much in love with himself. Hidden beneath his heavy camouflage was deep love. Love makes my world warm, and life without love is like the leaves of winter. Life has no love, even the most lovely smile is barely... Especially your unselfish love makes my life full of sunshine, smile and charming drunkenly! Dad, mom, I always have a word to say to you: "dad, mom, you worked hard!" The love you give me is the most selfless, you do not ask for return, you only hope to see my healthy and happy growth. I thank you for your long-term care and care for me.

  Dad, you are a mountain, and your love is great, solid and wide. You have taught me to be strong, to remember tolerance, to learn self-control. Everyone grows up without the nurturing and education of mom and dad, but on the road of my life, the first teacher of the first enlightenment is you. Long life road, you like my partner, let my path not lonely; You are like a lamp that never goes out, to illuminate the path of life for me, to let me see the way forward; You are like a mentor to give me directions.

  Mother you are sea, your love is warm and selfless, simple and exquisite. You have taught me how to appreciate life, appreciate life, and how to treat everyone and everything in the world with love. The son is growing up day by day, slowly understand your good intentions. In the past, you have been nagging at me, I have turned a blind eye, turned a deaf ear, and now know that it is the most beautiful language in the world. Before, I couldnt understand why you always let me get up when I was wrestling,

  Now I know not to help me to be strong; Before, I complained that you did not give me the taste of the sea, the silk satin, now that you give me the selfless love, only your love is the greatest wealth in the world. Your love, like a cup of tea, keeps the bitterness in the heart and gives out the fragrance. Dear mom and dad, thank you for your hard work.

  Mom and dad, you work for me day and night, I really appreciate you. You are like my friends, when I am in a bad mood to accompany me, to relieve my grief; When I learn to be discouraged you prop me up with love. You are selfless and meticulous care for me, so that I can grow healthily and healthily. You always remind me to learn to face life with a thankful heart, to live a life, to be tolerant, to abandon evil thoughts. To discover the good things in life, and to be grateful for every good thing. In this way, the frustration in life can be treated with open mind and open mind. Your love is the light in my darkness, always shining with me! Your love is a safe haven, always accepting me, accepting me and encouraging me. My parents love is the gas station in my life, so I have the courage to accept the challenge!

  Dear father and mother, you have been working hard. Thank you for using your wings to protect me from the wind and rain. Thank you for swallowing my grievances, embracing my mistakes and being my strong backing. Thank you for giving me so much. I have decided to use my understanding to give you little white hair in the days to come, and bring you joy with my filial piety. Father, mother, I love you! "Who says inch grass heart, reported three chunhui", let your son to repay that with a grateful sincere heart to repay that forever also repay inexhaustible blessing!

  I wish you good health and good work!


Dear father and mother,

  Hi, how are you doing? How are you all doing? Grandpa, grandmas body, all right? Do they often come? Anyway, hows everything at home?

  Time flies, it has been more than a month since the beginning of time. Over the past two years or so. I have achieved better results under my efforts. During my freshman year, I participated in many activities organized by the school. Class cadre work is active, but I also didnt give up learning, after a year of learning, I in two professional is the fifth, 80, won the second-class scholarship and outstanding student title. At the same time, I was also confirmed by the instructor. During the second academic year, I strengthened my study, and the result was the first in 40 majors, the second best in the two majors, and the lowest score in the single family was 80. Now, I am in my junior year, only a little over a year from graduation. Among the other graduates double selected will, for our vehicle engineering, has certain advantages, but it is only relative, only some of the major, relative to the university if compared with some other good university, we also have no what advantages, and the treatment is not very good. So I decided to take the exam.

  All my achievements are inseparable from my own efforts. But without your cultivation, without your encouragement, there would be no today. So I solemnly say to you today -- my biological parents say: you have worked hard, and I thank you heartily.

  From the day when I was born, I did not know how much blood sweat and tears you had poured into my body. Listen to grandma, I was not good as a child, I have a cold, cough, I will catch, injection, medicine is not good, can form pneumonia. Many times, I have a bad cold, fever, because the village has no hospitals and clinics, you carry me to dozens of miles on foot township, township hospital to see a doctor, and sometimes even at night. It wasnt until my fourth grade in primary school that my body became very good that you didnt worry about my body.

  When I was fourteen, I went to middle school and left home. For the first time to leave home, for me, I felt homesick at first, but over time, the feeling has faded away. But as parents you have been thinking about their son. There is a good saying: the mother is worried, the mother is not worried. Until now, even though Ive been away from home for more than a decade now, youre still not comfortable with me. Over the years, every time I come home, you always treat me like a guest, so that I can eat well and not let me work, but you dont eat and keep busy.

  Over the years, you have been busy, industrious, and thrifty for my studies. Not to mention, over the years, as far as I know, youve barely had a new dress. Under your influence, I also learned to save. Although you are very hard, but you do not have a complaint, you always encourage me to continue to study.


Dear parents,

  How do you do!

  I havent written a single word for you for a long time. Although its a cliche, Id like to say thanks. You have been around me since I was a child. I have never been absent. You have not only taught me the basics of life, but also taught me how to be a man, to tell me what is right and what is love. Father loves mountains, mother loves like water, your mountain and water accompany me to grow up, take me to appreciate the mountain, the water is soft and beautiful. You are my sun and the moon. Without you, I would not have been. Thank you. Although I dont have a poetic verse like a poet; Although, I am not as graceful as a writer; But I am your daughter, my most sincere words, condensed into two words: thank you!!


  Mom, Ill write you a letter on Thanksgiving Day to tell you how I feel about you. I dont know when.

  I appreciate your kindness to me. Without you, how can I feel the beauty of the world, how can I feel happiness and sorrow? From small to big, I am healthy and healthy growing up in your care. Every day when I come home from school, I can eat the delicious food you make and feel the warmth of the home, even though I was very picky then. Now, however, you are all out on the road, and I alone face the cold walls every day, and the empty houses and the warmth of home. I was fussy about the food I didnt like.

  When you are young, you will tell me stories in your sleep and tell me the philosophy, such as "cao chong," "the elephant," and so on. Im not tired of it, and Ill ask some ridiculous questions, even though I dont understand it. Since primary school, I am the problem student in the teachers eyes, you are often called to the school to listen to the teacher to reflect my situation. Every time you have a parent meeting, you are reluctant to listen to the teachers reflection on my problem. At that time, honestly, you were not very good at my education way, and would just blindly beat me with a stick. On the contrary, I often break my heart, and now I think I was so unsensible. You told me that when you were young, education was wrong, and I had only a deep regret. Its all about people.

  You and father in society struggle for many years and it is not easily say heart I hear already, you will also often said to me when you are young dont understand, that this home away many crooked road, let me dont repeat in the future. I think my mind is more mature among my peers, and every time I talk to you, you tell me not to argue with people and take a step back from the sky. We should study hard at school, or the teacher should call us again. Today, however. I can proudly say to you: mom, your son grew up, is no longer that three days two head get you into trouble is not sensible child, you also need not always about me, I what all understand, I will take good care of myself. Its you, dont be too provincial, its the flower. My father and I have the most clothes in the wardrobe, so you should add. I dont want to pursue anything now, I hope you can be safe in your hometown, not too hard. There is still a long way to go. Take care of yourself. Remember, there is a sensible son who is thinking of you. You dont have to worry about me anymore, your son I grew up, I know.

大学英语写给父母的一封信 (菁华5篇)(扩展2)























































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大学英语写给父母的一封信 (菁华5篇)(扩展3)

























大学英语写给父母的一封信 (菁华5篇)(扩展4)

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