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如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)

日期:2022-11-09 00:00:00







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如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——历年英语四级考试作文 (菁华3篇)


  When we talk about whether college students are diligent or not,we will be most surprised to find that the present situation is so complicated.

  On the one hand,many students do not cherish their time on campus:

  Some indulge themselves in video games or Internet chat,and some go shopping or dancing frequently.

  On the other hand,many others seize every minute to turn their dreams into reality:

  Some study in library every day including weekends,some conduct experiments until midnight,some collect data for research papers and others take part in all kinds of examinations.

  Two reasons,in my eyes,can account for this phenomenon.In the first place,the general environment in university is a decisive factor—if most students are fighting

  for their future,the others will be affected.In the second place,the general social atmosphere also plays an important role—if the reality can always testify to the proverb“Diligence is the mother of success”,


  Many people describe their college years as the best time of their lives. However, not every student achieves the same level of success. This raise the question: What is the most essential quality needed to succeed in one’s higher education?

  Personally, of all attributes that can contribute to a successful college career, the most important one is effective time management. To begin with, students who know how to manage their time effectively will be able to ensure strong academic performance. While getting high grades in by no means the only aspect of success for undergraduates, students who fail in most or all of their courses could hardly be considered successful. In addition, time-management consciousness can enable students to become more socially successful. University is not just an academic experience, but also a social one. Students who fail to budget their time and, in turn, fall behind in their studies, will have fewer opportunities to hang out with friends and classmates.

  For the above reasons, I believe that time management is the most important quality for a college students.


  Nowadays, it is difficult for us to consider how our lives would be like without television. Although television addict some adolescents to situation comedies; although televisions put glasses on millions of students’ noses; although television reduce communications between families and friends, I still think the advantages television brings to us is far more than the harm it does to us.

  To us individuals, when we finish a whole day’s work and feel exhausted both physically and mentally, we may turn on televisions and have a good relaxation; when we want to get information on sports、entertainment or large events in the world, we turn on televisions and get it from all kinds of TV programs; even when we want to learn English、etiquette or custom of foreign countries, we can turn on the television and get what we need from them, always. As to the corporate world, television is also of great use. By advertising their products or service on television, corporations can improve their sale and make more benefit.

  In a word, I think television is a great invention which is of great significance to the evolution of human society.

如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)


  大学英语四级如何防止作弊 1

  It never be explained why so many students on campus cheat in their examinations nowadays, regardless of the danger that teachers find their secret, as it did in the case of the boy student in the cartoon/photo above. What is conveyed in the drawing is most thought-provoking and should arouse our social concern.

  The implied meaning of the picture is worth discussing. Firstly, the youngs always become quite illogical when they try to descide what can be done and what can not be done. In the light of this statement, some students are often willing to sacrifice their credibility for the privillage of getting more points and being regarded as outstanding students. Furthermore, some one is afired that he can‘t pass the final exams leading to his degree, in the fruit of being absorbed into computer games or disappointment in love.

  Consequently, only by cheating can they graduate and get the degree on time. Although many reasons share the problem of this drawing, one of them can be singled out for recognition: the conditions of our sociaty. Such is human nature, that we can‘t avoid being influenced by environment. In short, the root of cheating in examinations and credibilililess on campus is combinition of many factors.

  There is no blinding at the fact that, in dealing with a challenge on such scale, some strong, effective and necessary counter-measures should be put on our agenda. To the begin with, a widespread education campaign should be launched to make students realize the importance of credibility. What‘s more, the government departments at different levels and related orgnizations should make joint efforts and coordination of programs to creat a more credit environment for us. Only by this package deal, can build up a harmonious and healthy sociaty.

  大学英语四级如何防止作弊 2

  As we know, the aim of exam is to test our knowledge and allow teachers to know what should be done next. But some students like cheating in exams, which will lead to many results.

  Cheating in exams has many negative effects. First, it provides false information for teachers because teachers can’t possibly get a clear idea of the students’ performance and can’t prepare exactly what the students need next. Second, cheaters can get what they need without making great efforts, which is unfair to other honest students. Third, if cheating isn’t stopped, it will become a bad example to other students, that is, success can be achieved by means of cheating.

  I hold the view that “no pain, no gain” As far as I am concerned, any kind of cheating should be prevented, so I didn’t and won’t cheat in exams.

  大学英语四级如何防止作弊 3

  Examination is the most basic method to evaluate students in the school.Some students,however,become more inclined to cheat in tests.We will hear about that some students are strongly punished because of cheating,but someone wants to try still.

  The reasons of cheating are various.As a student,be confronted with so many difficult course,it is hard for us to acquire all of them.Many a student failed to manage it.Some of them want to get more score in exam,and others just want to pass it.Some students believe that they could get away with it.

  A few students can cause a chain reaction.If they get benefit from cheating without any cost,the others probably have more tendency to try it too.It is unfair to all of the students who don’t do,also breaks the trust between the students and school.

  In my view,cheating can be controlled by our effort.Firstly,we can build up a more strict system in order to prevent cheating.Secondly,school should promote the correct attitude to lead the students to abandon such unwise behavior.Finally,the school can reduce difficulty of exam and give students more free time to prepare the tests.

  I believe that every student has the same oppotunity to change the future.Do not let it break our personality.

  大学英语四级如何防止作弊 4

  it never be eplained why so many students on campus cheat in their eaminations nowadays, regardless of the danger that teachers find their secret, as it did in the case of the boy student in the cartoon/photo above. what is conveyed in the drawing is most thought-provoking and should arouse our social concern.

  the implied meaning of the picture is worth discussing. firstly, the youngs always become quite illogical when they try to descide what can be done and what can not be done. in the light of this statement, some students are often willing to sacrifice their credibility for the privillage of getting more points and being regarded as outstanding students. furthermore, some one is afired that he cant pass the final eams leading to his degree, in the fruit of being absorbed into computer games or disappointment in love.

  consequently, only by cheating can they graduate and get the degree on time. although many reasons share the problem of this drawing, one of them can be singled out for recognition: the conditions of our sociaty. such is human nature, that we cant avoid being influenced by environment. in short, the root of cheating in eaminations and credibilililess on campus is combinition of many factors.

  there is no blinding at the fact that, in dealing with a challenge on such scale, some strong, effective and necessary counter-measures should be put on our agenda. to the begin with, a widespread education campaign should be launched to make students realize the importance of credibility. whats more, the government departments at different levels and related orgnizations should make joint efforts and coordination of programs to creat a more credit environment for us. only by this package deal, can build up a harmonious and healthy sociaty.

  大学英语四级如何防止作弊 5

  How to avoid cheating on campus nowadays, there are more and more cheaters cheating students on campus, which has aroused the attention of the society. In order to protect ourselves better, we should take some measures to avoid cheating. On the one hand, we can allow the following suggestions: we should strengthen our awareness of prevention, which is very important to all people, and we will be alert when someone has an evil plot; on the other hand, we should avoid showing off our wealth in front of strangers, whether consciously or unconsciously, because cheaters also cheat those rich people and like it Show off.

  If we want to avoid cheating, we should protect ourselves.

  In this section, you can write a composition about how to deal with cheating in a few minutes. You should at least write an article in Chinese according to the outline given below. Many students tend to cheat in exams.

  Some students will copy the answers in their books. Some people will talk to each other and share the correct answers. In addition, some even write information on their skin There are several reasons for cheating on the skin.

  Some students want to get high marks without any effort. Second, some people are under great pressure. They are afraid of failing the exam.

  Once they are found cheating, the teacher should punish them severely and explain the harm. There are at least two ways to eliminate cheating. On the one hand, we should explain the harm of cheating to students, on the other hand, we should take measures Take strict measures to prevent cheating, so as to achieve fair competition in the examination, so that students can pay attention to learning rather than cheating on pets.

如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)


  英语四级考试词汇 1

  1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更

  2. burst vi. n. 突然发生,爆裂

  3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)

  4. blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉

  5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽

  6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的

  7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃

  8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出

  9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略

  11. tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的

  12. trace vt. 追踪,找到 n. 痕迹,踪迹

  13. torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨

  14. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛

  15. wax n. 蜡

  16. weave v. 织,编

  17. preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持

  11. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂

  12. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

  13. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会

  14. battery n. 电池(组)

  15. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏

  16. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物

  17. career n. 生涯,职业

  18. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管

  19. vertical a. 垂直的

  20. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激

  21. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊

  22. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度

  23. exterior n. 外部,外表 a. 外部的,外表的

  24. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的

  25. petrol n. 汽油

  26. petroleum n. 石油

  27. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁

  28. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽

  29. decent a. 像样的,体面的'

  30. route n. 路;路线;航线

  31. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏 n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟

  32. sake n. 缘故,理由

  33. satellite n. 卫星

  34. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度

  35. temple n. 庙宇

  36. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,

  37. tend vi.易于,趋向

  38. tendency n.趋向,趋势

  39. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的 n. 极端

  40. undergo v. 经历,遭受

  41. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的

  42. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳

  43. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应

  44. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉

  45. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的

  46. trap n. 陷阱,圈套 v. 设陷阱捕捉

  47. vacant a. 空的,未占用的

  48. vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器

  49. oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的

  50. optics n. (单、复数同形)光学

  英语四级考试词汇 2













































































  英语四级考试词汇 3

  neglect vt 忽视,忽略 n 疏忽,忽视

  考:neglect of duty玩忽职守

  oppress vt 压迫, 压制

  派:oppressed a 压抑的,受压迫的;

  oppression n 压迫

  admire vt 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕

  派:admirable a令人羡慕;

  admiration n 赞赏,钦佩

  restrain vt 阻止,控制;抑制,遏止

  考:restrain sb fromdoing sth


  relieve vt 使轻松, 使宽慰; 缓解, 减轻

  例:relieve pain缓解疼痛;


  complain vt 抱怨,诉苦

  考:complain about(of) sb /sth 抱怨…

  派:complaint n 埋怨

  overcome vt 战胜,克服

  例:overcome difficulties克服困难

  annoy vt 使烦恼, 使恼怒

  派:annoying a 令人恼人的;

  annoyance n 烦恼;

  annoyed a 颇为生气的

  despair vi 绝望; n 绝望

  考:despair of绝望; sb be in despair


  frustrate vt 使沮丧, 使灰心

  派:frustration n 挫折; frustrating a


  embarrass vt 使窘迫,使尴尬

  派:embarrassed a (某人)尴尬的;

  embarrassment n 沮丧;

  embarrassing a(某事)令人尴尬的

  envy vt 嫉妒,羡慕n 羡慕,嫉妒

  英语四级考试词汇 4

  1. radiation

  Experts know that portable devices emit radiation, which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication.(1999.6)

  【全真测试】A. 阳光 B. 放射线 C. 激光

  【译 文】专家了解到这种可便携的装置会辐射射线,这种射线会影响飞行器用来导航和和联络的波长。

  【四级词义】n. 放射线,放射物,辐射

  【猜 一 猜】① radical ② radiance ③ radiant

  【Key】① adj. 放射的,辐射的 ② n. 发光,光辉 ③ adj. 发热的

  2. racial

  The racial discrimination issue was a political hot potato in the United States in the past.

  【全真测试】A. 种族的 B. 饮食的 C. 卫生的

  【译 文】过去,在美国种族歧视问题在政治上是个烫手的山芋。

  【四级词义】adj. 人种的,种族的

  【巧 记】race(种族;人种)rac + ial(形容词后缀)

  【真题例句】racial pride 种族优越感

  3. range

  Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease,reveal that the presence of social support helps people fend off(挡开)illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.(2000.6)

  【全真测试】A. 顺序 B. 范围 C. 内容

  【译 文】研究涉及一系列的疾病,从沮丧到心脏病,结果显示社会的支持将有效地阻止疾病,而没有这种支持将很容易造成疾病。

  【四级词义】n. 幅度,范围

  【巧 记】跑(ran)的时候要在(ge)的范围内

  【词性变化】v.(在某范围内)变动 ages that ranged from two to five. 两岁至五岁年龄段


  4. wonder

  Most episodes of absent-mindedness—forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just entered a room—are caused by a simple lack of attention.

  【全真测试】A. 理解 B. 想知道 C. 感兴趣

  【译 文】大多数失忆的情况,如忘记了你丢了什么东西或想知道为什么你进入一个房间等是由于简单的缺乏注意力。

  【四级词义】v. 想知道,对……感到疑惑

  【词性变化】n. 惊奇,奇迹

  【例 句】the seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇观

  5. isolate

  Several villages have been isolated by the floods.

  【全真测试】A. 使受灾 B. 使隔离 C. 使毁灭

  【译 文】洪水使好几座村庄与外界隔绝了。

  【四级词义】vt. 使隔离,使孤立

  【巧 记】是(is)因为(o)这个人来晚(late)了,就使隔离,孤立他。

  【猜 一 猜】① isolation ② isolationist ③ isolative

  【Key】① n. 隔绝,孤立,隔离,绝缘,离析 ② n. 孤立主义者 ③ adj. 好孤立的,成为孤立的

  6. issue

  “The basic issue,” he says, “is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how complex and skilled a task driving is.”(2003.9)

  【全真测试】A. 问题 B. 要求 C. 原则

  【译 文】他说:“最基本的问题是,那些负责发驾驶执照的**没有意识到驾驶的复杂程序和所需的技术。”

  【四级词义】n. 问题,争论点

  【巧 记】is(是)+sue(控告)这一期的发行是(is)控告(sue)的争论点。

  【词性变化】vt.(issuing, issued)(常与to连用)发给

  【词义扩展】n. 出版,发行 an issue of a newspaper 一种报纸的发行

  7. hollow

  Their plea of national poverty rings a little hollow.

  【全真测试】A. 堵塞的 B. 空的 C. 坚硬的

  【译 文】他们关于国家贫困的托辞听上去有些空洞。

  【四级词义】adj. 空的,中空的

  【词性变化】n. 洞,坑

  【巧 记】f跟着(follow),空的h(hollow)

  8. adequate

  Without adequate markets to absorb materials collected for recycling.(2000.12)

  【全真测试】A. 健全的 B. 足够的 C. 成熟的

  【译 文】没有足够的市场去吸收从再循环中生产的材料。

  【四级词义】adj. 适当地;足够的

  9. hook

  He hung his coat on the hook behind the door.

  【全真测试】A. 钉子 B. 钩 C. 门闩

  【译 文】他把外套挂在门后的挂钩上。

  【四级词义】n. 钩

  【词性变化】vt. 钩住,沉迷,上瘾

  This is a novel that hooked me on the very first page. 从第一页起就牢牢吸引我的小说。

  10. adhere

  She adhered to her plan to leave early.

  【全真测试】A. 陈述 B. 坚持 C. 考虑

  【译 文】她坚持自己的计划要早点动身。

  【四级词义】vi. 坚持,粘附,附着;遵守

  【巧 记】ad(到)+here(这里)=到这里粘附,坚持。

  【常用词组】adhere to坚持;坚信;忠于

  英语四级考试词汇 5

  1. radiation

  Experts know that portable devices emit radiation, which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication.(1999.6)

  【全真测试】A. 阳光 B. 放射线 C. 激光

  【译 文】专家了解到这种可便携的装置会辐射射线,这种射线会影响飞行器用来导航和和联络的波长。

  【四级词义】n. 放射线,放射物,辐射

  【猜 一 猜】① radical ② radiance ③ radiant

  【Key】① adj. 放射的,辐射的 ② n. 发光,光辉 ③ adj. 发热的

  2. racial

  The racial discrimination issue was a political hot potato in the United States in the past.

  【全真测试】A. 种族的 B. 饮食的 C. 卫生的

  【译 文】过去,在美国种族歧视问题在政治上是个烫手的山芋。

  【四级词义】adj. 人种的,种族的

  【巧 记】race(种族;人种)rac + ial(形容词后缀)

  【真题例句】racial pride 种族优越感

  3. range

  Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease,reveal that the presence of social support helps people fend off(挡开)illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.(2000.6)

  【全真测试】A. 顺序 B. 范围 C. 内容

  【译 文】研究涉及一系列的疾病,从沮丧到心脏病,结果显示社会的支持将有效地阻止疾病,而没有这种支持将很容易造成疾病。

  【四级词义】n. 幅度,范围

  【巧 记】跑(ran)的时候要在(ge)的范围内

  【词性变化】v.(在某范围内)变动 ages that ranged from two to five. 两岁至五岁年龄段


  4. wonder

  Most episodes of absent-mindedness—forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just entered a room—are caused by a simple lack of attention.

  【全真测试】A. 理解 B. 想知道 C. 感兴趣

  【译 文】大多数失忆的情况,如忘记了你丢了什么东西或想知道为什么你进入一个房间等是由于简单的缺乏注意力。

  【四级词义】v. 想知道,对……感到疑惑

  【词性变化】n. 惊奇,奇迹

  【例 句】the seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇观

  5. isolate

  Several villages have been isolated by the floods.

  【全真测试】A. 使受灾 B. 使隔离 C. 使毁灭

  【译 文】洪水使好几座村庄与外界隔绝了。

  【四级词义】vt. 使隔离,使孤立

  【巧 记】是(is)因为(o)这个人来晚(late)了,就使隔离,孤立他。

  【猜 一 猜】① isolation ② isolationist ③ isolative

  【Key】① n. 隔绝,孤立,隔离,绝缘,离析 ② n. 孤立主义者 ③ adj. 好孤立的`,成为孤立的

  6. issue

  “The basic issue,” he says, “is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how complex and skilled a task driving is.”(2003.9)

  【全真测试】A. 问题 B. 要求 C. 原则

  【译 文】他说:“最基本的问题是,那些负责发驾驶执照的**没有意识到驾驶的复杂程序和所需的技术。”

  【四级词义】n. 问题,争论点

  【巧 记】is(是)+sue(控告)这一期的发行是(is)控告(sue)的争论点。

  【词性变化】vt.(issuing, issued)(常与to连用)发给

  【词义扩展】n. 出版,发行 an issue of a newspaper 一种报纸的发行

  7. hollow

  Their plea of national poverty rings a little hollow.

  【全真测试】A. 堵塞的 B. 空的 C. 坚硬的

  【译 文】他们关于国家贫困的托辞听上去有些空洞。

  【四级词义】adj. 空的,中空的

  【词性变化】n. 洞,坑

  【巧 记】f跟着(follow),空的h(hollow)

  8. adequate

  Without adequate markets to absorb materials collected for recycling.(2000.12)

  【全真测试】A. 健全的 B. 足够的 C. 成熟的

  【译 文】没有足够的市场去吸收从再循环中生产的材料。

  【四级词义】adj. 适当地;足够的

  9. hook

  He hung his coat on the hook behind the door.

  【全真测试】A. 钉子 B. 钩 C. 门闩

  【译 文】他把外套挂在门后的挂钩上。

  【四级词义】n. 钩

  【词性变化】vt. 钩住,沉迷,上瘾

  This is a novel that hooked me on the very first page. 从第一页起就牢牢吸引我的小说。

  10. adhere

  She adhered to her plan to leave early.

  【全真测试】A. 陈述 B. 坚持 C. 考虑

  【译 文】她坚持自己的计划要早点动身。

  【四级词义】vi. 坚持,粘附,附着;遵守

  【巧 记】ad(到)+here(这里)=到这里粘附,坚持。

  【常用词组】adhere to坚持;坚信;忠于

如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)


  A host of people expecially teachers think it is necessary to hold spoken English test. They regard if someone want to master English well, he had to say English fluently. Firstly, through such a test, which can motivate students plunge into learning spoken English. Secondly, China is a competing society. Pehaps you will beat your rival obtaining your job which you are satisfied with by saying fluent English. Lastly, China is expericining reform and opening-up. Many foreigners come into China. If you want to communicate with them,you had to grasp spoken English well. All these points are indispensable to holding spoken English test.

  Some people ,however, take a different attitude. Spoken English test is regarded as being unnecessary. For one thing, they think China has not a good language circumstance to practice spoken English. For another, In daily life, most of us have a touch with Chinese. It is unnecessary for us to communicate with each other in using English.

  As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of holding spoken English test, which will benifit students forever. If you can say English fluently,you will pround of yourself. So I decide to study spoken English hard and grasp every opportunities to practice my spoken English.

  To swim the English Channel takes at least nine hours. Its hard work and it makes you short of breath. To fly over the channel takes only twenty minutes as long as youre not held up at the airport, but its an expensive way to travel. You can travel by hovercraft if you dont mind the noise and that takes forty minutes. Otherwise, you can go by boat, if you remember sea-sickness pills. All these means of transport have their problems, and the weary traveler often dreams of being able to drive to France in his own car. Not possible, you say. Well, wait a minute people are once again considering the idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge. This time , the great London Council is looking into the possibility of building a channel link straight to London. A bridge would cost far more a tunnel, but you would be able to go by rail or by car on a bridge, whereas a tunnel would provide a rail link only.

  Why is this idea being discussed again? Is Britain realizing the need for links with Europe as a result of joining EEC? Well, perhaps. The main reason , though, is that a tunnel or bridge would reach the twenty square kilometers of Londons discussed stimulate trade and revitalise the port, and would ,make London a main trading center in Europe. With a link over the channel, you could buy your fish and chips in England and be able to eat them in France while they are still warm!

  On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude, one of the countless traditional virtues of this ancient land with a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years. These young *s were not and are not aware of the huge importance of expressing gratitude to those who once helped them, from teachers to parents and so forth.

  Personally, I deem that the root cause of students without a graceful heart is that they receive an education not valuing the moral sphere. I strongly believe that joint efforts from folks across society are the final remedy for this social headache. As young university students of the new era, we should make our own contributions to this cause. Imagine a world without the sense of gratitude. This kind of world is doomed to failure. Sim* put, we should join our hands to heighten our awareness of fostering a graceful heart. Only in this way can we build our society into a harmonious one. My fellow students, I beg you to act from now on.

如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)

——英语四级作文 (菁华6篇)

  In recent years, accompanied by the widespread expansion of network, Internet fraud has become an increasingly serious problem. As far as I am concerned, the following reasons could account for this problem.

  In the first place, quite a lot of lazy people are seeking wealth but do not want to do anything with their own hands, so they are trying all kinds of ways to defraud money and property on the Internet. Another reason is that those who are likely to be deceived are anxious to get things on the cheap. That makes the frauds possible.

  To avoid being deceived by the frauds, we should not be greedy for small advantages. At the same time, do not click unknown links. As long as we keep ourselves alert, frauds will have no chance.


  Internet fraud网络诈骗

  defraud money and property诈取财产

  on the Internet在网络上

  on the cheap便宜地

  deceived欺骗,蒙骗( deceive的过去式和过去分词 )

  frauds骗子; 欺诈( fraud的名词复数 ); 伪劣品; 冒牌货


























  Mike is bad at English. Yesterday, he had an English test. He failed again. He dared not tell his mother the low marks. On his way home, it rained heavily. So he got a good idea. Why not take the paper as an umbrella? He just put the paper on his head and began to run home. When he arrived home, the paper was all wet and almost torn to pieces by the rain. When his mother asked about the marks, Mike showed the paper to his mother with an embarrassed smile.


  This cartoon is silly, and yet compelling: a large customer holds a hopelessly small piece of cloth as the tailor carefully measures. Such an image suggests that one needs to consider practical reality in the pursuance of goals. Merely acting on one's desires, while ignoring the facts at hand, cannot lead to success.

  The fact that currently there are more graduates than jobs reminds us of the importance of rational thinking. Every year approximately 3 million students graduate from universities and begin looking for work. Many of them fail to find suitable employmentbecause there are sim* not enough opportunities to accommodate such great numbers of graduates. In addition, however, one might also cite flawed individual assessment as a reason.

  In order to create a realistic target for one's future, one must make rational decisions and prepare accordingly. A student who aims to be a surgeon, for example, must take care to acquire opportunities to do clinical practice and gain sufficient knowledge. In other words, customers would do well to take accurate measurements before purchasing their fabric. A small piece of cloth cannot adequately clothe a large person.





如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)

——大学英语四级 (菁华5篇)
























  虽说13年的四六级成绩刚公布不久,但现在距离6月14日四级考试只剩大约70天时间了。四月初是时候拉开备考的大幕了。70天的时间不长不短,你有足够的时间和精力利用这段时间战胜英语四级 特别提示:大三的考生,一定要彻底投入全新备考,因为大四面对论文和工作,是没有精力备考的,赶紧抓住今年的宝贵机会吧。














  1. 完成一套,对答案,一段时间后再做下一套;

  2. 把阅读和听力选择题作为重点,一般不写作文,不做听写;

  3. 只有一本真题集。


  1. 买两套真题,按照约4天一套题目的速度练*;

  2. 按照考试时间,完成所有题目(包括作文和听写,写不下去也要撑30分钟);

  3. 确认答案,估计分数,标记在题目之前,作为记录;

  4. 分析所有错题和不确定的题目(此环节可能需要看真题解析或询问高手或者老师),并且总结记录出现在准确选项,你选错的选项,答案对应原文等位置的生词;

  5. 尝试翻译所有题目的准确答案项以及对应原文;

  6. 听力至少再听两遍;

  7. 努力记住第四步记录的单词或短语。

  如此说来,完成一套真题的时间,至少在四个小时以上,1-4 步和5-7步可以在两至三日内分别完成。特别提醒,作文最好找老或高手批改,否则自己写下去几乎没有提高。




  这两个月是备考的黄金期,放弃了这一段时间,就等于放弃了所有过级可能性。听课,接受引导式学*,是保证部分倍感自控无望的同学学*进度的最好方式。清明和五一长假的肆意玩耍经常会使得之前学*成果瞬间灰飞烟灭。还是那句话,坚持,就几乎等于胜利。 六月上旬:冲刺备考





  当然,继续背那些重复出现却总是记混的单词也是好的选择。 如果完成了上述一切,恭喜你,你将极有可能在14年6月14日的考试中获得满意成绩,并且形成一套不仅仅局限于英语学*的良好学*方法。拥有坚持的*惯和正确的方法,一切关于是否取消考试的传言,不过是朵朵浮云。各位加油。









如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)

——英语四级考试中的高频词汇 40句菁华

1、adapt vi. 适应 【考】adapt to…适应

2、automatically ad. 自动地

3、brilliant a.光辉的、辉煌的 【派】brilliance n.

4、comprehensive a. 综合的 【考】综合性大学

5、conscious a. 有意识的 【考】be conscious of sth. 对 …有意识

6、conserve vt.保存、节省 【考】conserve energy 保护能源

7、distribute vt.分配、分发 【考】distribution n.分配、分发

8、enhance vt.加强

9、excessive a.过度的

10、injure vt. 受伤 【派】injured a.受伤的; injury n. 受伤 55 inquire vi. 询问

11、instinct n.本能、直觉 【考】human instinct 人类本能

12、integrate vt. 使结合、使一体化 【派】integral a.一体的;integration n.一体 【考】as an integral whole 作为一个整体global

13、negative a.消极的

14、notify vt.通知、告诉 【派】notification n.

15、originate vt.由…产生 【考】originate from 由…产生 68 overcome vt.战胜, 克服 【例】overcome difficulties 克服困难

16、prompt vt.刺激、推动 【考】prompt sb. to do sth.

17、pursue vt. 追求 【派】pursuit n. 追求 【考】pursue one's dream

18、qualify vt. (使)胜任,(使)具有资格 【考】qualify for sth.

19、resume n.简历

20、submit vt. 提交 【考】submit sth. to sb. 把…提交给某人

21、tropical a.热带的

22、vanish vi. 消失 98 victim n. 受害者

23、as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论

24、on one's own account

25、(=by oneself) 依靠自己

26、be acquainted with (=to have knowledge of) 了解;(=to have met socially) 熟悉

27、adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编,改写(以适应新的需要)

28、in addition (=besides) 此外,又,加之

29、above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是,最重要的

30、after all 毕竟,到底;(not) at all 一点也不;

31、amount to (=to be equal to) 总计,等于

32、arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…

33、make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…

34、attend to (=give one's attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=waitupon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料

35、in the back of 在…后部(里面);on the back of 在…后部(外面);be on one's back(=be illin bed) 卧病不起

36、on the basis of 根据…,在…基础上

37、believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰

38、benefit (from) 受益,得到好处

39、blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上

40、in no case 在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展8)


  I always thought that learning was a boring thing, but I fell in love with it and fell in love with the busy, fulfilling and happy campus life.

  Early in the morning, accompanied by cool breeze, as the people of the land and the water come to the teacher, put down the schoolbag, open the book, begin the campus life of the day.

  In the early reading class, everyone will read the text aloud, with the sounds of the birds, especially beautiful and neat. Although some of the students didn't read aloud, all the students read aloud under the management of the class. It was an indispensable part of the morning campus.

  Students' favorite class is gym class. In gym class, you can run freely, enjoy the sun and sweat.

  The fourth class of the morning class is over, everyone is in everybody! Classmates excitedly ran out of the classroom to take lunch box, all smiling, when you fight me also forget a joke, but the classmates friendship is still strong, some students even a four lunch box, lunch box cover your nose. The people happily share lunch, together chat and joke, the teacher is suddenly lively!

  Eat rice, it began studying an afternoon of tension, swim in the ocean of knowledge, in a good atmosphere of learning, everyone is spirit, who also don't fall.

  China is the biggest family with 56 ethnic groups. Among them, the HanChinese is the largest and the most highly developed group. The Han Chinese canbe found in many parts of China. They mainly live in the north plain region, themiddle and the lower reaches of Yangze River and Pearl River Deltas. The other55 groups are the minority ethnic groups. They are distributed in themountainous areas of southwest and northwest of China.

  Being too far away from big cities, the minority ethnic groups are poor ineconomy and there people are not well-educated. They have very fewunderstandings of science and technology. So they must develop theireconomy.

  To help the people of the minority ethnic groups live better, thegovernment should take some effective measures. For one thing, more and moreknowledgeable undergraduates should be encouraged to those poor areas to helpthe people there to get rid of their poverty. For another, the advanced scienceand technology must be introduced into the minority ethnic groups to improvetheir living conditions. More importantly, people of the minority ethnic groupsshould be given equal opportunities to study and work. Only so will China bemore prosperous in the future.

  On summer holiday my parents took me to beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

  We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to beijing and have a look.

  The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tian Tan, North Lake and Xiang hill. I now know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

  Later, I went back with my parents by train. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.

  I like this trip!

  Respect,is face with a sincere smile,Respect,is published in others different opinions when listening,Respect for others,is the effort applaud.Respect looks like just dedication to the people around.

  Respect is a great wisdom,because she knows so compassion.Respect others and has similarities between hard,meet the companion of excitement caper enough to cover "respect" that level slightly light.The difficulty is respect for others and yourself the differences.You think that smoking is harmful to health and environmental pollution but he regard it as a swap,he said the life should be proactive fresh strong but you just plain blue sky.another 1 comfortable life,thank vou everyone endless and same difference,respect is keep policy.it millions of his own life creed and from the objective perspective to appreciate the eyes to see each other,not demanding the same,but face are motiva ted.

  So,respect other people's respect myself.

  Nowadays, China‘s cities are getting increasingly crowded. The rapid increase in population is being made worse by the steady influx of people from the rural areas seeking employment. As a result, heavy traffic is a big headache, with all the roads packed with cars, bicycles and pedestrians.

  In my opinion, there are two ways to solve the problem. One is to build more and wider roads to make the public highways less crowded and speed up the flow of traffic. The other is to expand the number of public bus routes, so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel by car or bicycle.

  However, each of these solutions brings problems with it. The former may occupy too much land that could be used for farms or houses; the latter may cause inconvenience for long periods in bus lines. I think the best answer to the problem of heavy traffic is a combination of the two: build more roads in places where land is less useful, and at the same time increase the number of public bus routes.

如何准备英语四级考试 (菁华3篇)(扩展9)





  Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  Where does this conversation most likely occur?

  Where are the two speakers?





  【例7】A) At a clinic. B) In a supermarket.

  C) At a restaurant. D) In an ice cream shop.

  W: I’ll have the steak, French fries, and lets see, chocolate ice cream for dissert.

  M: Oh, oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead?

  Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?






  What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?



  Who is the man/the woman?






  短文部分包括短文理解及单词和词组听写。短文理解有3篇,采用多项选择题的形式进行考核。四级每篇长度为220-250词,六级为 240-270词。每篇短文朗读一遍,提3-4个问题,每个问题后留有13-15秒的答题时间,共10题。单词及词组听写采用1篇短文,四级的长度为 220-250词,六级为240-270词。要求考生在听懂短文的基础上用所听到的原文填写空缺的单词或词组,共10题。短文播放三遍。


  听力对话和篇章, 心理状态是基础,

  中间间隔是保障, 提前预测是关键,

  发卷即可看选项, 尤其关注短对话,

  场景特征需牢记, 后者说话显重要,

  长对话题听发展, 起承转合是关键,

  篇章听力难度高, 只听大意可通过,

  抓住选项关键词, 全神贯注做笔记,

  复合听写考什么, 速记能力和拼写,

  *时需要常练*, 所有技巧靠基础。


















  1 . 弦外之音—“言外之意”题型

  2 . 妙语连珠—观点态度题型

  3 . 虚虚实实—虚拟语气题型

  4 . 咬文嚼字—理解归纳题型

  5 . 多姿多彩—生活场景题型

  6 . 怪声怪气—语气态度题型




  例:M: I need to find a dentist; you said you know Dr. Smith well, do you recommend her?

  W: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most was the magazines in her waiting room.

  Q: What does the woman im***?

  A) Dr. Smith’s waiting room isn’t tidy.

  B) Dr. Smith enjoys reading magazines.

  C) Dr. Smith has left a good impression on her.

  D) Dr. Smith may not be a good choice.

  言外之意:女的丝毫不提史密斯的医术如何,只说了一些无关紧 要的'琐事,无非是暗示她的医术很烂,故不愿意向男的推荐。



  表示建议:Why not...?

  Why don’t you...?

  Wouldn’t...?How about...?


  Should...he/she/we/they...be doing...?


  例:W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.

  M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad.

  Q: What does the man im***?

  A) The Edwards are quite well-off.

  B) The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.

  C) It’ll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.

  D) It’s too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.



  A) He doesn’t want Jenny to get into trouble.

  B) He doesn’t agree with the woman’s remark.

  C) He thinks Jenny’s workload too heavy at college.

  D) He believes most college students are running wild.

  分析:从男性说话中的actually一词可以听出他并不同意女性刚刚说的内容,他有自己的想法,类似的词语还有in fact,这也提醒我们,抓住短对话中的小词去揣摩说话人的态度也是非常关键的。


  这属于一种隐性考法,用虚拟语气表达一种抱怨、后悔等情绪,主要体现虚拟语气的关键词有:if, if only, I only wish..., couldn’t have done something...without...等。

  例:M: I wonder if you find my experience relevant to the job.

  W: Yes, certainly, but if only you had sent in your application letter a week earlier.

  Q: What does the woman im***?

  A) The man is not suitable for the position.

  B) The job has been given to someone else.

  C) She had received only one application letter.

  D) The application arrived a week earlier than expected.



  例:M: Excuse me, Madam? Is the air-conditioning on? This room is getting as hot as a furnace.

  W: Sorry, sir, a new epidemic (流行病) called SARS is threatening us right now. As a preventative measure (预防措施), we are told to let in fresh air by opening the windows and not to use air-conditioners.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims.

  B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.

  C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.

  D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town.



  1 . 学生学*生活场景

  2 . 健康生活场景

  3 . 交通活动场景

  学生学*生活场景 考查内容




  在Section A中,有关于时间,数量推算之类的题目。做这类题目时,考生要记下有关数字,并作简单计算。否则,等听完之后,脑中暂歇的信息一经消退,你就可能无法得到正确答案,亦或出现混乱而出错。例如:

  W: I only have ten dollars, is it enough for three tickets?

  M: Well, you can buy three $2 tickets and three $3 tickets, whichever you like.

  W: I'll like the cheaper seats, please.

  Q: How much money will the woman have after she buys the tickets?


  在section B中,一短文被连续地读出来,这时记录关键信息就显得尤为重要。只有你准确地记下了有关信息,才能顺利地完成后面的题目。怎样记?记什么?我们说速记,简记;记要点,记关键词。简单到什么程度,只要是自己能看懂,能为做题服务就足够了,记的要点包括中心思想、主要人物、主要情节,有关的地点、时间、数字(要准确)等。



  a) 题目所涉及到的主要人物,地点等,如是场景类考题,应迅速联想起与该场景有关的词汇,全神贯注地倾听相关信息。(要准确)等。

  b) 一般四个选择项的设计都会和录音内容或多或少地有点关系,以使能够造成干扰。这时,你就要比较它们之间的联系点,大胆地进行猜想,事先得到一个印象,再与听力材料结合,就会迅速找出答案。这一技巧是建立在考生有较强的阅读能力的基础上。当考生具有这一能力时,通过在播放录音前的短暂时间里对问题所设的选择项的涉及内容快速地通览一下,掌握其大意。这样,你就会有针对性,目的性地去注意听力材料中提供的信息。从而迅速地找出有效词句来,作出正确判断。例如:


  A) The doctor is busy tomorrow.

  B) The doctor won't see her tomorrow.

  C) The doctor is busy all day today.

  D) The doctor will see her today.


  W: When can the doctor see me?

  M: He won't be free until tomorrow.

  Q: What does the man mean?







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